Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Social Darwinism

A very insightful and commentary from Seth!

“The “laws” of supply and demand are misconceptions based upon a quite uncomplimentary belief in man’s basic greedy nature.  In the past you treated the land in your country as if your species, being the “fittest”, had the right to survive at the expense of all other species, and at the expense of the land itself.  The ideal of the country was and is an excellent one: the right of each individual to pursue an equitable, worthy existence, with dignity.  The means, however, have helped erode that ideal, and the public interpretation of Darwin’s principles was, quite unfortunately, transferred to the economic area, and to the image of man as a political animal.

“Religion and science alike denied other species any real consciousness.  When man spoke of the sacredness of life – in his more expansive moods – he referred to human life alone.  You are not in competition with other species, nor are you in any natural competition with yourselves.  Nor is the natural world in any way the result of competitiveness among species.  If that were the case, you would have no world at all.”

(The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events, Session 868)

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