Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Innate Human Propensities

Because we live in a duality we have concepts such as lack, pain, failure, etc. which allow us to explore the presence and the absence of something, someone, love, health, feelings, etc. in various contexts.  I suppose that’s why we keep coming back and reincarnating.

I love the way Seth so elegantly states the grace of our existence … even for things that we think are failures.  

Our quest for the meaning of life reminds me of "The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” wherein a race of beings built a huge computer called “Deep Thought” to find the meaning of life.  After a billion or so years of computation it came back with the answer “42”.  Clearly that answer wasn’t satisfactory so an even more vast, living computer was built.  It was called Earth … and here we are seeking the meaning of life!

“If the simplest particle is so endowed with impetus, with hidden ideals that seek fulfillment, then what about the human being?  You have the propensity to search for meaning, for love, for cooperative ventures.  You have the propensity to form dazzling mental and psychological creations, such as your arts and sciences and religions and civilizations.  Whatever errors that you have made, or gross distortions, even those exist because of your need to find meaning [in] your private existence and [in] life itself.”

(The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events, Session 866)

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