Sunday, November 17, 2019

Particles Consciously Interact With Us

One of the most perplexing results of quantum mechanics is to understand the double slit experiment.  I think it was Nobel laureate Richard Feynman who said nobody understands it.  In the experiment, "particles" are shot one at a time through a diffraction grating and appear to respond as if they were waves instead of particles (hence the wave-particle duality idea).  This happens even if we wait a long time between sending particles.  The astounding thing is that if we devise a cunning way to observe which slit a particle passes through ... it behaves as if it's a particle.

The problem with physics is that it does not recognize that consciousness is fundamental.  Rather, it is materialistic and based upon measurable results that are obtained in our 3D, linear time illusion we call reality.

Ramtha's comment below provides the obvious interpretation of the double slit experiment results!

“When you are endeavoring to understand the nature of a fermion or boson, those were names associated with the scientists who discovered them.  They are being called by the name of their discoverer, but in reality, those particles are alive.  Not only are they alive but they have multiple, unlimited ability to be in any state that is equal to the mind of God, and we now know how extensive the mind of God is.  Furthermore, while you were studying them, you were interacting with them.  Do you think you were talking about them behind their backs?”
(Ramtha:  Parallel Lifetimes, Fluctuations in the Quantum Field)

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