Saturday, May 26, 2018

Frank Channeling Ed - Relationships

I particularly like the tapestry metaphor as an extension of the strands metaphor that Rita uses.

Lazaris refers to manifestation as a tapestry, but that is a different context.

The Seth material expands Ed and Frank's tapestry to include future lifetimes (implicit in their remarks) but also the interaction of the countless probable pasts and futures.

No wonder we constrained things to 3D, ever-moving time slices in this Earth plane ... we needed a major simplification of the vast complexity of reality in order to get a glimpse of one aspect of what we're all doing spontaneously in the spacious present.


From DeMarco, Frank. Rita's World Vol 2: A View from the Non-Physical (Kindle Location 2049). Rainbow Ridge Books. Kindle Edition".

(Q) [Here, Frank is channeling Ed Carter, deceased, on what would have been his 100th birthday]

(Ed) Your father died at age 70.  You were not yet 40.  But next year you will have caught up with him.  Does it not change the possibilities inherent in the relationship? Similarly, you are catching up with me. Every year you live adds possibilities of new relationship between us.  Not that I am changing, necessarily, but that you change, necessarily.

Nor is that the end of it. Your friend David and you were connected by strands of yours and strands of his that had interacted long before, in a different kind of relationship, in which he was the elder instructor and you were the prized pupil.  That relationship played out in your present life - it colored your interaction without either of you knowing it - and it was reciprocally affected by your new interaction - and is stillbeing affected, and changed, as you continue to live your life and bring a changed perspective to it.

(Q)  This, regardless of whether he and I are in contact?

(Ed) Regardless whether you are awareof such contact.  It continues all the time.  Life is far more complex than you suspect even yet.

(Q) It's a lot to try to grasp.

(Ed) I know, and it will repay thought.  So, let me put it this way.  Everybody on earth at any time is a window into the world for those who are no longer active.  But just because we are no longer active - by which I mean, no longer moving through the years being carried by bodies - that doesn't mean we are not actively participating in many relationships.

(Q) Your strands all continue to interact.

(Ed) Not all at any one time necessarily.  Those with connections to those people presently embodied.  Not necessarily all, but, as you can imagine, quite a lot.

(Q) It makes my head spin. I have gotten used to the idea of us all remaining alive and available for interaction.  It hadn't occurred to me that of course this means that all the strands in all the people who ever lived are available for continual interaction with everybody they connect to.  There's no end to it.  It is all one vast interconnected tapestry, and it changes all the time.

(Ed) That's right.  But look at how many things you had to learn before you were ready for another turn of the kaleidoscope.

(Q) Wow.  And I thought I was merely saying hello to an old friend on his non-quite birthday.

(Ed) By now you must be used to being surprised by the difference between intent and what happens. That amounts to the difference between conscious awareness and all the rest of you.

(Q) So - well, enough for one day, I suppose.  I was going to ask about your relations with your daughter but I get the sense that some things are too private for public display.

(Ed) Not the way that sounds.  It isn't a cause for secrecy, and it isn't even that she would necessarily object to being mentioned here.  But that is between her and her mother and me, and this is going far and wide to people who didn't know and won't know any of us, and there's no point.  We've already said the essence of it, which is that continuing to live changes your relationship with those who have gone before you by adding layers of experience on the one side and therefore adding to your contribution to the relationship.  And perhaps we should have mentioned that in any interaction, all ages of both sides may come into play, not merely the age that you happen to be observing from.  Right now, you are in 2015.  That isn't any more or less important than when you were in 2014 or 2000.  Like those earlier dates, you will pass it, and it will be one more reference point, no more, no less.

(Q) My goodness. Well, Ed, see if I ever drop by again! A lot to chew on, and thank you.

(Ed) You're welcome and didn't I tell you I had a feeling it would be worthwhile for us to do Lifeline together?

(Q) You certainly did, and if you had not paid my way I couldn't have done it, and wouldn't have met Rich and Joyce or gone down this particular path in this particular way.

(Ed) Give my regards to Richard as well.  Although he isn't likely to realize it, I've been interacting with him over the years too, as our strands have held us in connection from other times.

(Q)  I sure wish I were a better thinker or had different training.  There is so much here to be deduced and elaborated!

(Ed) You bring it across; others can systematically make sense of it.

(Q) "Whoever isn't skinning can hold a leg", as Mr. Lincoln said.

(Ed) There's enough work for everybody, and it is rewarding work.

(Q) I am loathe to let you go, but my hour is up and anyway I don't know where I'd go next.

(Ed) If I'mnot going anywhere, why should yougo somewhere?  There's always time; it's just that every time is a different distinct opportunity.  I'll use your sign-off line: Be well.

(Q) And you.  And Happy Birthday, tomorrow, and maybe we'll talk some more another time.  Till then.

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