Sunday, May 6, 2018

Actor analogy for reincarnation

Shakespeare was more insightful than he knew when he likened the world to a stage.  Seth takes that analogy one step further in this quote to give insight to reincarnational experience.  Unlike Shakespearean actors, we make it up as we go along ... even though the "play" of this life will have underlying themes (or focuses).  Too often we forget that we are writing the script as the play of this life unfolds.  Have fun!

“Perhaps an analogy will help.  An actor throwing himself or herself into a role, even momentarily lost in the part, is still alive and functioning as himself or herself in a context that is larger than the play.  The character in the play is seemingly alive (creatively) for the play’s duration, perception being limited to that framework, yet to play that role the actor draws upon the experience of his own life.  He brings to bear his own understanding, compassion, artistry, and if he is a good actor, or if she is, then when the play is over the actor is a better person for having played the role.
“Now in the greater framework of reincarnational existences you choose your roles, or your lives, but the lines that you speak, the situations that you meet, are not predetermined.  “You” live or exist in a larger framework of activity even while you live your life, and there is a rambunctious interplay between the yous in time and the you outside of time.”
(Dreams, “Evolution” and Value FulfillmentSession 907)

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