Friday, October 31, 2014

Inverted Time (continued)

Session 226

I would like to give you some more material this evening concerning our inverted time system, for when you understand how it operates then you can begin to take advantage of it more readily.

When the inverted time system is understood for what it is, then the individual is in contact simultaneously with the experience gained in the so-called past, and is also able to take advantage of events which have not yet occurred within your present. This does not mean that he will be consciously aware of future events, for if you remember these events can be changed by him at any lime. He is constantly making his own experience. He is constantly forming the events of the past, even as he forms the events of the present and future.

In many respects the individual is not at the mercy of past events, for he changes them constantly. He is not therefore at the mercy of future events, for he changes these also, not only before but also after their occurrence. I regret that our friend Philip does not have the preliminary background to follow this discussion with clarity.

Now. So-called hunches indeed are often caused by an inner recognition that a given event might occur. As you know, there is no cause and effect as you understand it. Nevertheless there are probabilities. Now basically it is not true to say that an individual’s decisions must be based upon concrete events within his own past, nor that he is largely imprisoned by his past, nor that his future actions are predetermined by his past experience. For as you now understand the past is as real as the future, no more and no less. The past exists as far as the individual is concerned as a pattern of electromagnetic currents within the brain, and these connections constantly change.

The individual can change past action within however the limitations earlier mentioned in our last session. Therefore his future actions are not dependent upon a concrete and unchanging past, for such a past never existed.

I would like these points made most clearly. Now. An event foreseen through precognition or clairvoyance, a future event, may or may not actually occur within time as you know it. For you are seeing into probabilities, and the probable event may or may not occur, within your time system.

Such an event will however occur within another time system, for all probabilities become actual, although you may not perceive them. Our friend Dunne was quite correct here.

… Now. These probabilities, these events that may or may not occur, are extremely interesting. Let us consider our self one and time one. As a rule our self two can indeed view what may happen in self one's future. However, our self two views probabilities, and some of these probabilities will indeed occur to self one. Some will not, and this is where, again, our friends Priestley and Dunne fall short.

Priestley was right also to some extent here. These probabilities do occur somewhere, but they will occur to a self that Priestley nor Dunne ever imagined—a self who exists simultaneously with any given individual, and who is a part of him; but a self that he will never know while he is within your particular system.

Someday we shall explain this in mathematical terms. However for now we shall try plain English. Every thought is composed of its own energy, and it has an effect within energy. We are not speaking here now of your tired old cause and effect theory however. Every action changes every other action. Any probability is a reality whether or not it occurs within your own system, and I shall add to that early mention.

Reality within some systems other than you own, is experienced not as a series of moments, but as experience into all the probabilities of action that exist within any given instant. A continuity therefore is in terms of the self rather than in terms of a series of moments. Instead there is a series of selves with the inner ego operating consciously to give continuity.

In such a system therefore your ideas of present, past and future would not exist. Nor would your idea of one and only one event at a time be understood. Now this dimension exists in a reality which Priesdey nor Dunne even began to examine.

The whole psychological formation of the perceiver is entirely different, and there is no one event out of all probable events, but there is experience of all the mathematically probable events that could happen to any given individual, within any given amount of time as you know it.

The psychological composition of the perceiving participator is therefore entirely alien to your own. In such a system however, as in your own, the perceiver is also a participator and a creator, but he does not work with your conception of time, but with probabilities. In your terms then, he would seem to delve into each moment in all of its probabilities, so that in your time on the one hand many centuries would have passed, and on the other hand only an instant.

The time system is entirely different here. The value fulfillment is quite as valid however within both systems, and in a very loose fashion this probability system could be compared to Dunne's time three.

(Seth said a little on the above ideas when he began to give us the material on the electrical field and on moment points, several months ago. This was some time before Jane began reading Dunne and Priestley.)

There would be many respects however where they would not agree, and I mention this similarity only to make my idea somewhat more clear to you.

... I am anxious however to tie in this material on the system of probabilities with dreams, for at times there can be a connection; and something indeed that our friends Priestley and Dunne did not consider—for their self three can indeed wander outside of the dimensions which they assigned to him.

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