Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Always under construction

If I had to pick an icon for my life it would be the old internet web site under construction icon!  The important point in this Seth quote is to celebrate your successes and to do something about the things that aren’t to your satisfaction.  It’s like driving your car:  you need to recognize the situation, acknowledge that you can do something about it, and if you’re not in a “happy place” don’t get lost in self chastisement but, instead, do something about it!

This reminds me of the following techniques from Lazaris for improving our ability to consciously manifest by processing our raw materials and sharpening our tools (aka consciously driving the “vehicle of life"):

Processing The Raw Materials Of Manifestation

Processing our raw materials involves examining and clarifying our raw materials:  our thoughts, feelings, attitudes, beliefs, choices and decisions.  The key to this activity is to recognize that our “Now” moments of personal reality are an accurate representation of our raw materials.  An effective way to do this in “Now” time is the following four step technique:

1.Recognize the situation and what it is showing you about your raw materials of manifestation.
2.Acknowledge that this moment reflects your own attitudes, beliefs, thoughts, feelings, choices and decisions;  and, as such, you have the power to change it.
3.If there is something about the “Now” moment that you don’t like, forgive yourself in order to create the space for change.  If your “Now” moment pleases you, feel the joy (this attracts more of the same).
4.If required, change the raw material (e.g. the belief) that is causing difficulty, otherwise, feel the gratitude for a loving, joyful universe.

Sharpening The Tools Of Manifestation

Desire, imagination and expectancy are the tools we use to manifest our “Now” moments.  Due to the Law of Attraction, the universe (the Be-Er) always gives us what we want, but it may not be what we ask for.  This is because, we often have a misalignment between our wanting and asking.  For example, we may ask to win a lottery;  however, if what we really want is to show that we aren’t deserving, aren’t worthy, or to prove to ourselves that metaphysics doesn’t work;  then we’ll never win the lottery since the universe responds to our intent.  Abraham (channeled by Esther Hicks) goes further stating that, for example, “Expectation is a focus with a vibration that permits the receiving of what you’re focused upon - and, you expect things, both wanted and unwanted” (Excerpted from the workshop in Tampa, FL on Saturday, January 8th, 2005 #68).

Therefore, prior to consciously using the tools to manifest something in your reality, it is useful to answer the following seven questions before proceeding:

• 1.What do I want?
• 2.Why do I want it?
• 3.Why don’t I want it?  Up to now, this has been more powerful than the desire to have whatever it is.
• 4.What does my past say about this?
• 5.What do my fears say about this?
• 6.What do I really desire?
• 7.What do I honestly expect?

There are also meditative techniques, affirmations and other techniques that can be used to consciously change our raw materials and to hone our manifestation tools. 

“In those areas of life where you are satisfied, give yourselves credit, and in those areas where you are not, remind yourselves that you are involved in a learning process; you are daring enough to accept the responsibility for your actions.”

(The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events, Session 830)

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