Thursday, June 16, 2016

Session 723

Unknown Reality, Session 723

Your world view is your personalized interpretation of the physical universe.

Your home station does not simply present programming for you to view.  Instead you help create the program, of course, even while you are part of it.  On any given afternoon certain elements of experience will be “given”, roughly sketched in.  There are certain cues to set the stage: It may be a snowy, humid, or dry and sunny day, for instance; the location may be city or town.  Yet within that loose framework you create the program of the day according to your world view.

If that view is expansive, then you have far greater leeway in creating your experience.  You can add greater depth, so to speak, to the characterization.  You can, in other words, take advantage of the unknown reality by letting it add to your home station.

In the dream state you range beyond your waking world view.  You are able to bring into focus other interests and activities.  These can remain in the background during waking life – or you can decide to enlarge your world view by taking advantage of your dreaming activities.  Many of the exercises given here are geared in that direction.

You are not alone in physical reality, so obviously your picture of the world is also affected by the world views of others, and you play a part in their experiences.  There is a constant give-and-take.  The same give-and-take occurs in the dream state, however.  You affect your world through your dreams, then, as much as you do through your waking activities.  In terms of time, lapses had to occur as various species physically matured and developed.  They did so in response to inner impetus.  The many languages that are now know originated in what you can call, from your point of view, non-waking reality.  Words, again, are related to the neurological structure, and languages follow that pattern.  In the dream state many kinds of communication occur, and there are inner translations.  Two people with different languages can speak together quite clearly in certain drams, and understand each other perfectly.  They may each translate the communication into their familiar language.

Underneath this, however, there are basic inner sounds upon which all language is based, in which certain images give forth their own sound, and the two together portray clear, precise meaning.  A long time ago I said that language would be impossible were it not for its basis in telepathic communication – and that communication is built up of microscopic images and sounds.  These are translated into different languages.

Consciously, then your world view is affected by the language of your culture or country.  Certain sounds, inflections, and expressions, taken together, have a more or less precise meaning.  The meaning is usually quite specific, and often directional.  Words in a language function not only be defining what a specific object is, for example, but also by defining what it is not.

To some extent in the dream state, you are freed of such cultural leanings.  In the most efficient of dreams experience is actually more direct, in that it is less limited by language concepts.  Waking, you generally become familiar with your thoughts through words that are mental, automatically translating your thoughts into language.  Your thoughts therefore fall, or flow, into prefabricated forms.  In the dream state, however, thoughts are often experienced directly: “You live” them out.  You become what they are.  They are projected instantly and in such a fashion.  They escape the limitations that you often place upon them.  That is why it is frequently difficult to remember your dreams in a verbal fashion, or squeeze them back into the expression of usual language.  Your language often purposely inhibits meaning.

To some extent language does make the unknown known and recognizable.  It sets up signposts that each person in a culture recognizes.  To do this, however, it latches upon certain significances and ignores others.  You might know the word for “rock” for instance.  Knowing the word might actually prevent you from seeing any specific rock clearly as it is, or recognizing how it is different from all other rocks.

The play of sunlight or shadow upon any given rock may utterly escape you.  You will simply pass it by under the category of “rock”.  In the dream state you might find yourself sleeping on a sun-warmed rock, or climbing on icy ones. You might feel yourself encased in a rock, with your consciousness dispersed.  You might have any number of different experiences involving rocks, all quite liberating.  After such an experience you might look at rocks in an entirely different fashion, and see them in ways that escape your language.  Rocks give forth sound that you do not hear, for example, yet your language automatically limits your perception of what any rock is.  To some extent words come between you and your direct expression.  They should and can express that experience instead.


Part of the unknown reality, then, is hidden beneath language and the enforced pattern of accustomed words – so, for an exercise, look about your environment.  Make up new, different “words” for the objects that you see about you.  Pick up any object, for example.  Hold it for a few seconds, feel its texture, look at its color, and spontaneously give it a new name by uttering the sounds that come into your mind.  See how the sounds bring out certain aspects of the object that you may not have noticed before.

The new word will fit as much as the old one.  It may, in fact, fit better.  Do this with many objects, following the same procedure.  You can instead say the name of any object backwards.  In such ways you break up to some extent the automatic patterning of familiar phrases, so that you can perceive the individuality that is within each object.

To get in direct contact with your own feelings as they are, again make up your own spontaneous sounds sometimes.  Your emotions often cannot be expressed clearly in terms of language, and such unpatterning can allow them to flow freely.

The freshness of dream experience lies in its direct nature.  Your cultural world view does not have any clear understanding of the nature of dreams, so that their direct, clear expression is not recalled often in the morning.  At night you tune in to dreaming reality simply by closing out so-called waking reality, but the same kind of dream experience continues beneath your focus in waking life.  Dreaming, you are still aware of your daily experience, but it is seemingly peripheral.  Waking, your dream experience is peripheral also, but you are less aware of that condition.  Both together represent the dimensions of your consciousness, and they exist simultaneously.  You can and often do work out in dreams the challenges of daily life.  In waking life, you are also working out challenges set for yourselves in the dream state.  Obviously, then, your consciousness is equipped to function in the known and unknown realities, and the divisions that you have set up are quite arbitrary.

You may understand that many of your dreams have a symbolic meaning.  It may escape you, however, that the objects with which you surround yourself in physical life also have symbolic meanings – only these are three-dimensional.  You may spend time trying to understand the nature of dreams and their implications, without ever realizing that your physical life is to some extent a three-dimensional dream.  It will faithfully mirror your dream images at any given time.

Your physical life and your dreaming life are so intimately connected that it can be misleading to say what I am about to say: that waking experience springs from the unknown dream reality.  On the one hand the statement is indeed true.  On the other hand, the intricate inner workings make it impossible to separate one from the other.  “Reality” operates basically, however, in a way that is perceived more clearly in the dream state.  Freedom from time and place, the wider kind of communication, the great mobility of consciousness – all of these experiences under dreaming conditions are characteristic of the basic nature of reality – whereas your waking experience provides limitations that are indicators of certain conditions only.

To some extent the greater expression of consciousness can be experienced under usual waking conditions, but only when a personality is flexible enough and secure enough to alter the focus of consciousness.  This way, other unperceived data become available.  The unknown reality is not beyond your experience, therefore.  Any of your scientific or religious disciplines could benefit from a study of the dreaming consciousness, for there the basic nature of reality exists as clearly as you can perceive it.  The inner condition of dreaming is valid.  You find yourselves in other times and places because basically neither time nor space exists as you suppose.

There are no basic dangers involved in alterations of consciousness without drugs, but artificial dangers can occur because of your cultural beliefs.  These result because such individuals find themselves with no acceptable framework in which to correlate or understand their experience.  They try to fall back upon religious or scientific or pseudoscientific explanations

In a way, the one-line kind of consciousness that you have developed can be correlated with your use of any one language.  Experience is programmed, highly specialized, and attains a seemingly tight organization because it limits so much of reality.  In those terms, if you are bilingual you are somewhat better off, for your thoughts have a choice of two paths.  Biologically, you are physically capable of speaking any language now in use on the face of the earth.  You would consider it an achievement if you learned to speak many languages.  You would not find it frightening or unnatural, though you would take it for granted that some training was involved.  In the same way, your one-line kind of consciousness is but one of many “languages”.  The others are as native, as natural, as biologically feasible.

Ruburt has been involved with what he calls the Sumari language.  This is an expression of the consciousness at a different focus.  It is the native expression of a kind of experience that happens just outside of your official one-line focus of consciousness.  First of all, it breaks up verbal patterning.  It is composed, however, of sounds and syllables Ruburt has heard before, made up of jumbled Romance languages.  These are “foreign” as far as he is concerned.  At the same time those sounds are, in your terms, filled with the implications of antiquity, and bring up connotations of the species’ and of the psyche’s past.

They alter the usual physical response to meaningful sound.  You may not realize it, but your language actually structures your visual perception of objects.  Sumari breaks down the usual patterning, therefore, but it also releases the nervous system from its structured response to any particular stimulus.  The sounds, however, while spontaneous, are not unstructured.  They will present a sound equivalent of the emotion or object perceived, an equivalent that is very direct and immediate, and that bears legitimate correspondence with the object or emotion.

The fresh expression sets up a new kind of relationship between the so-called perceiver and the perceived.  The Sumari then becomes a bridge between two different kinds of consciousness; and returning to his usual state, Ruburt can translate from the Sumari to English.

The English itself, however, then becomes charged, freshened with new concepts, carrying within a strangeness that itself alters the relationship of the words.  This is a dream or trance language.  It is as native to its level of consciousness as English is to your own – or Indian, or Chinese, or whatever.  The various focuses of consciousness will have their own “languages”.  Ruburt has discovered that beneath the Sumari there are deeper meanings.  He has become aware of what he calls long and short sounds.  Some come so quickly that he cannot keep track, or speak them quickly enough.  Others are so slow that he feels a sentence would take a week to utter.  These are the signatures of different focuses of consciousness as they are transposed in your space-time system.

Languages express certain kinds of reality, usually by organizing experience verbally and mentally.  In your case, again, a certain neurological prejudice occurs.  If you experienced greater instances of out-of-body consciousness, for example, then your verbal expressions of space and time would automatically expand.  Again automatically, you would also become aware of other neurological patterns than those you use.  These, activated, would then be picked up by your scientific instruments, and therefore change your ideas in such fields.

Many people find themselves singing “gibberish” when they are alone, and trying to free themselves from language structuring.  Children often play by constructing their own languages; and speaking with tongues is a beautiful example of the attempt to express a reality that escapes the tyranny of overly structured words.

Music is a language.  Painting is a language.  The senses have a language of their own – one that seeps into structured words but dimly.

Other focuses of consciousness besides your own have different concepts of time, and are actually more biologically correct, in that they have greater knowledge of both cellular and spiritual realities.  There is nothing “wrong” with your present habitual kind of consciousness, any more than there is anything wrong with speaking only one language.  There is within you, however, the impetus to explore, to expand, to create, and that will automatically lead you to explore inner lands of consciousness; as, in your terms, it has led you to explore the other countries of the physical world.

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