Sunday, January 3, 2016

Session 638

Personal Reality, Session 638

I can see that my analogy comparing the soul to an organ within a multidimensional psychic structure of the entity is confusing you.  We will clear it up by comparing the same properties, changing the word “soul” to read “oversoul”.

As mentioned, and simply following the analogy, each self has its own soul within the oversoul, and the oversoul is itself a part of the entity’s multidimensional structure.

The earlier statement makes perfect sense to me, for each self would call that portion of its greater reality within the whole unit its own soul.

All of this material, I understand, is complicated.  It is also difficult to explain.  It becomes highly pertinent, however, in many instances of your lives, and affects your daily being and experience.  I gave the information [in this chapter] purposely when I did, knowing that our visitor from the psychiatric clinic would be here.

I want to discuss the state of grace in some detail and in different ways throughout this book.  The young man who came here describes in some detail the way in which LSD is used in therapy work with patients.  The psychologists hoped to bring about a cure for various emotional difficulties, to literally introduce a “state of grace”.

The material that I have just given you is necessary for any understanding of the ways in which massive doses of LSD can affect the individual.  Here we are dealing with an artificial and forced method of, hopefully, bringing about physical, psychic and spiritual illumination.  Such enlightenment is supposed to lead to better health, self-knowledge, and provide an inner state of peace.  Through such therapy, conscience is to be encountered and conquered once and for all.

It is believed that the self must shed its ego and die symbolically in order that the inner self can be free.

A discussion involving LSD, conscience, the “death and birth of the self”, mental health and spiritual illumination, may not seem applicable to those of you who have not taken drugs.  But all of you do hope for illumination, greater vitality and understanding in one way or another, and wonder what methods might help you achieve these ends.  Much of this book will be devoted to various techniques that will help you change your own reality for the better.

The next chapter will, actually, deal with a further discussion of some subjects that have been mentioned in this one:  How aware can you be, as an individual, of your own greater reality?  Can you use such knowledge beneficially to improve your daily life?  If you are in serious difficulty can LSD, with therapy, help you?  Can a chemical open up the doorways to the soul?

Part Two:  Your Body As Your Own Unique Living Sculpture.  Your Life As Your Most Intimate Work Of Art, And The Nature of Creativity As It Applies To Your Personal Experience

Chapter 10: The Nature Of Spontaneous Illumination, And The Nature of Enforced Illumination.  The Soul In Chemical Clothes.

The young man, an assistant to a famous doctor, wrote and requested a session.  He came here a few evenings ago and then attended Ruburt’s class the next night.  I spoke to him on both occasions.

He had been working with the drugs in a therapeutic framework for some time.  Before this he had wandered through India, finally following a guru.  He left the guru to follow the doctor.  Like many young men all through the ages he was on his individual journey, looking for truth, overturning all stones in an effort to find those methods that help him discover – in capitals – THE WAY.

Meditation had brought him some enlightenment yet the guru [in India] told him that he must follow blindly in obedience.  The doctor offered greater freedom and the hope that perhaps chemically the doors to truth, within his own soul at least, could be opened.  So our searcher returned to this country and became a part of a large organization.

He saw the sick, unhappy and neurotic brought to this new temple of truth in which chemicals take the place, say, of communion bread.  He felt that some good had been done, yet he also feared that some unnecessary and dangerous tampering might also be accomplished.

He himself took drugs under controlled conditions several times, first small doses and then larger ones.  He encountered some particularly frightening material.  The doctor suggested that he face himself by taking another massive does, and though he did not want to, he acquiesced.

The experience was so shattering that he pleaded for a counter drug, knowing as he did so that this was against all the rules.  The drug was refused him in any case.  He said that he was glad that he was forced to see the thing through, yet grave doubts brought him here, and will finally lead him into other areas away from such therapy.

Many have come to me, or written after “bad trips”; the young especially, always great searchers after truth, and very tempted to look to the chemical, LSD now, as the latest method of finding it.  I am not speaking of marijuana at all, which is a different thing altogether and is a natural product of the earth.  I am talking about a chemical that is a result of your technological knowledge.

When you are fairly happy and content in your daily life, you can be said to be in a state of grace.  On those occasions when you feel at one with the universe, or come upon an exceptional experience in which you seem to go beyond yourself, you can be said to be in a state of illumination, and this has many degrees and levels.  In any such state your physical health benefits, generally speaking, though there may be some beliefs blocking in that direction.

These natural states activate within your cells “past” memory having to do with joyful cellular response, brought about by particular events in your lifetime whether you are aware of them or not.

These personal kind of cellular memory in turn triggers other layers within the cells to varying degrees.  Again, each atom and molecule contains within it “memory” of its “previous” experiences.  According to the state of illumination or grace, those mass memories may be activated that do not necessarily involve your personal experience – though your own involvement and the events of your life may appear within them in an entirely different framework than the one with which you are familiar.

Any event of your life is written in the memory of the universe, for example, as you think of it.  So in a state of illumination private cellular memory may be animated, and beyond this, a deeper level of knowing in with you own birth and death may or may not be explained.

Naturally, left alone, you will at various times spontaneously experience such states of grace or illumination, though you may not use those terms.  You will feel at peace with yourself and your world, or you will surpass yourself, suddenly feeling a part of events and phenomena usually considered not yourself.  But to one extent or another such experiences are natural and a part of your heritage.

Your conscious mind, again, is a part of your inner self, and ever-changing.  In terms of species consciousness it is a development of great significance.  It draws strength from such sources of vitality and rejuvenation.  They come naturally up to consciousness.  Psychologists usually see people who are already in difficulty.  The happy man has no need for such a visit.  Few studies have been done to discover why the happy man is happy, yet his answers would be highly pertinent.

In therapy using massive doses of LSD, a condition of chemically enforced insanity takes place.  By insanity, I mean a situation in which the conscious mind is forced into a state of powerlessness.  There is a literal assault made not only upon the psyche, but upon the organizational framework that makes it possible for you to exist rationally in the world that you know.  The ego, of course, cannot be annihilated in physical life.  Kill one and another will, and must, emerge from the inner self which is its source.

Under such enforced conditions, you are literally facing egotistical consciousness with its own death in an encounter that need not occur – and while the physical body is fighting for its own life and vitality.  You are bringing about a dilemma of great proportions.

The landscape of the psyche is indeed revealed, bringing good data to the psychiatrist.  But the experiences undergone by the patients – and all of this applies to massive doses – represent the enactment, through terrible encounter, of the species’ birth into consciousness, and its death as consciousness falls back annihilated; followed by its rebirth as the individual patient struggles to emerge again from dimensions not native under those conditions.

The deepest biological and psychic structures are altered.  I did not say they were damaged, though they may be according to the situation.  Consciousness is assaulted at its roots.  When periods of transcendence are felt under such conditions, they represent the psychic birth of a new personality from the sources of the old, and from the death, psychically, of the old.  In some cases the genetic messages have changed, in that they are different.  This is psychic slaying in a technological framework.

Under LSD you are highly suggestible.  If you are told that the ego must die then you will kill it.  You will telepathically follow the ideas of your guide under even the best of conditions.  The psychic “rebirth” may leave you with a completely new set of problems, rising on the bed of the old and as yet undecipherable.

The new ego is quite aware of the conditions of its birth.  It knows it was born out of the death of its predecessor, and for all its feelings of transcendental joy, natural enough at its birth, it fears that annihilation from which it sprang.

The natural creature-integrity is not the same.  The physical world will never be trusted in quite the same way.  The alliance with it is not as secure.  The “self” that was born into the body, and grew with it, has gone, and another “self” has risen from that previous organization.

Such self-changes happen naturally as life progresses, and when the self modulates at any given time, it is different from what it was.  When this occurs “all by itself” it is an innate reflection of the psyche’s creativity and happens with its own rhythm – connected to seasons of the mind and blood and consciousness and cells in ways that you do not as yet understand.  But the whole structure and its subsidiary relationships change together, and the conscious mind is able to assimilate what is happening.

You grow and live through deaths that happen in you constantly, and travel through births within your lifetime that you do not comprehend.  Such massive doses of LSD chemically activate all levels of cellular memory to such an extent that in certain times they are no longer in charge of themselves, and the memories can then emerge unpredictably when the system is under stress.  The fine biological and psychological alliance is now weakened.

It is only because you believe that the ego is such a stepchild of the self that you go to such great lengths to bring out inner knowledge.

It is just because individuals are not aware of the resiliency of their own consciousness that they agree to such proceedings.  So patient and therapist share the belief that the conscious mind does not have easy access to the needed knowledge.

They also share other beliefs, for example: That the inner self is a repository for repressed fears, terrors, and uncivilized savagery; that the inner self must be forced to get rid of such material before it is possible for it to express its power, energy and strength in creative, positive terms; and that, therefore, the self must first encounter and deal with all those terrors of its past before it can be free of the fears of the present.

Now this is simply another system of belief in which patient and therapist operate.  The spontaneity of such sessions do indeed seem to present psychiatrists and psychologists with a map of the psyche.  Statistically the individual experiences, while different, will of course follow a pattern – the pattern of beliefs consciously acknowledged and telepathically reacted to.

Beneath this is a definite, though distorted, landscape of the psyche can be glimpsed in symbols.  These [symbols] are consciousness’s attempt to portray cellular memory.  Psychic motion always excites the molecules.  The latent, easily flowing innate “knowledge” of the molecules builds up the “knowledge” of the cells.  They work smoothly together.  Under the enforced psychic assault of massive doses of LSD, the very comprehension of the molecules tries to split open.  Now this is not something you can physically perceive.  Cellular integrity itself can be threatened.  Ruburt is quite right in thinking that this is far worse than any physical shock therapy.

Worst of all, there is no need for it.  All of this treatment rests upon the idea that the conscious mind is highly inadequate, that deep problems are unknown to it, that it is meant to be simply analytical, and is unable to handle vey intuitive or psychic material.  Your beliefs alone make this so.

Assaults upon your consciousness in such a manner challenge the stability of your species, and insult the integrity of your creaturehood.  You may say that such chemicals are natural because they exist within the reality that you know, but the body is equipped to deal with ingredients that come from the earth.  Great doses of such “artificial” drugs are not easily assimilated, and bring about biological confusion.

Within their native framework, some American Indians use peyote in their own way – but not as gluttons, stunning and annihilating their systems.  They accept it as a natural ingredient belonging to their earthly structure.  They do not try to blast themselves out of existence.  They use it to increase the innate perceptions that they have.

They become part of All That Is – as they should – without dying as they are.  They are able to assimilate their knowledge, to purposefully direct it into both their individual lives and their social structure.  They also use it within their own system of beliefs, of course, in which their creaturehood is understood and taken for granted.  The conscious mind is seen as a complement, rather than a detriment, to biological being.

As mentioned earlier there are, simply speaking, two schools of thought in current favor.

One believes that the conscious mind and the intellect have all the answers, but to this school this means that the conscious mind is analytical above all, and that it can find all the answers through reason alone.  The other school believes that the answers are in feelings and emotions.  Both are wrong.  Intellect and feeling together make up your existence, but the fallacy is particularly in the belief that the aware mind must be analytical above all, as opposed to, for example, the understanding or assimilation of intuitive psychic knowledge.

Neither school understands the flexibility and the possibilities that are inherent within the conscious mind, and mankind has barely begun to use its potentials.

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