Sunday, October 11, 2015

Session 588

Seth Speaks, Session 588

In any given historical period, one religious drama may finally emerge as the exterior representation, but there will also be many minor dramas, “projections”, that do not entirely take.  These represent, of course, probable events.  Any of them could supersede the actual exterior drama.  In the time of Christ there were many such performances, as many personalities felt the force of inner reality and reacted to it.

There were probable Christs, in other words, living in your terms at that time.  For several reasons that I will not go into here, these projections did not mirror inner events faithfully enough.  There were, however, a score of men in the same general area, physically, who responded to the inner psychic climate and felt upon themselves the attraction and responsibility of the religious hero.

Some of these men were too tinged, too caught in the torment and fervor of the period to rise sufficiently above it.  The cultures used them.  They could not use the various cultures as launching ground for the new ideas.  Instead they became lost in the history of the times.

Some carried on following the same pattern taken by Christ, performed psychic feats and healings, had groups of followers, and yet were not capable of holding that powerful focus of psychic attention that was so necessary.

The Lord of Righteousness, so called, was such a person, but his over-zealous nature held him back.

His rigidity prevented the spontaneity necessary for any true great religious release.  He fell, instead, into the trap of provincialism.  Had he performed the role possible, he could have been of benefit to Paul.  He was a probable personality of the Paul portion of the Christ entity.

These men innately understood their part in this drama, and also their position within All That Is.  They were all highly clairvoyant and telepathic, given to visions and hearing voices.

In their dreams they were in contact.  Consciously Paul remembered many of these dreams, until he felt pursued by Christ.  It was because of a series of recurring dreams that Paul persecuted the Christians.  He felt that Christ was a kind of devil who pursued him in his sleep.

On an unconscious level, however, he knew the meaning of the dreams, and his “conversion”, of course, was only a physical event following an inner experience.

John the Baptist, Christ, and Paul were all connected in the dream state, and John was well aware of Christ’s existence before Christ was born.

Paul needed the strongest egotistical strength because of his particular duties.  He was far less aware consciously of his role for this reason.  The inner knowledge, of course, exploded in the physical conversion experience.

The birth (Paul’s reincarnation) will occur at the time given; by the time given (the year 2075).  The other changes will occur generally over the period of the century, but the results will show far before that time.

Because of the plastic nature of the future, in your terms, the date cannot be considered final.  All probabilities point in its direction, however, for the inner impetus is already forming the events.

(“As a matter of curiosity: can you say how the Teacher of Righteousness met his end?”)

The name given was correct, though it is itself a translation.  He died with a small group of men in a cave that he held as a point of refuge in the middle of a battle, killed by members of another sect.  The murders took with them certain manuscripts that they found there; but others they did not find, and these have not as yet come to light.

The final place of refuge was near Damascus.  For some time the Lord of Righteousness tried to hide himself within the city.  His identity was discovered, however, and he and a band of men took to caves that were between Damascus and another nearby town, much smaller, that had been used at one time as a fortress.  They were heading there.

One small note for those interested.  The Zealots, the sect, were also divided into two main groups, one splitting finally from the other main one.  Other documents will be found that will clear several important matters concerning the historical times.  During one short period of his life, Paul joined a Zealot group.  This is unknown.  It has not been recorded.

In fact, for a period he led a double life as a member of the Zealots.  He turned against them vehemently, however, as he was later to turn against the Romans to join the Christians.  Before his conversion, he knew he had a purpose and mission, and flung himself with all the passion of his being into whatever answers he thought he had found.

A Goodbye and an Introduction: Aspects of Multidimensional Personality As Viewed Through My Own Experience

In the historical time of Christ, I was a man called Millenius, in Rome.  In that life my main occupation was that of a merchant, but I was a highly curious gentleman, and my travels gave me access to many different groups of people.

Physically I was round and stout, not at all patrician in my bearing, and given to untidiness in my dress.  We had a type of snuff made from a certain kind of straw.  I used it constantly, often spilling some upon my robe.

My house was in the busiest, northwestern part of the city, just beyond what you would call the heart of town.  Among my wares I sold bells for donkeys.  This may not sound like a very grand product, and yet families on the farms outside of Rome found these highly useful.  Each had a special sound, and a family could tell by the sound of the bell their own donkey from innumerable similar ones.

Donkeys were also used in many businesses within Rome itself as carriers of burden, particularly in the lower occupations.  The number of bells, their particular pitch, even the colors, all had meaning.  In the tumult of the city the particular bells could be recognized, therefore, by the poor and by the slaves who waited to buy products – often wilted foods from the laden carts.

The bells were only a small portion of my business, which dealt largely with cloths and dyes, but they fascinated me.  Because of my interest in them I did far more traveling about the countryside and the region than any prudent man should.  The bells became my hobby.  My curiosity drove me to journey in search of different kinds of bells, and led me into contact with many people I would not otherwise have encountered.

While I was not literate, I was shrewd and lively of mind.  Special bells, I discovered, were used by various sects of Jews, both within Rome and without.  While I was a Roman and a citizen, my citizenship meant little except for providing me with minimal safety as I went about my daily way, and in my business I encountered as many Jews as Romans.  I was not too far above them socially.

The Romans had no clear idea of the number of Jews in Rome at that time.  They went by guesswork.  The bells on donkeys belonging to the Zealots had upon them the symbol of an eye.  They came secretly into town, hiding as much from the Jews as from Romans.  They were good bargainers and often did me out of more than I deserved to lose.

I learned about the Lord of Righteousness from a cousin of his named Sheraba who was, as clearly as I could figure out at the time, a “sacred” assassin.  He was drunk the night I spoke to him in a stinking stall outside of Jerusalem.  It was he who told me about the symbol of the eye.  He also told me that the man, Christ, was kidnapped by the Essenes.  I did not believe him.  Nor at the time he told me did I know who Christ was.

At the time that Christ lived his existence was known to very few, comparatively speaking.  To put it bluntly I knew that someone had the ball, but I was not certain of the person.  In dream states, the situation finally became known to me and to many others.

The Christians, generally speaking, did not want Roman converts.  I was later one of these, and because of my nationality was never trusted.  My part in that drama was simply to acquaint myself with its physical foundation; to be a participant, however small, in that era.  Much later in your terms I would end up as a minor pope in the third century, meeting again some of those I had known – and, if you will forgive the humorous note, once more familiar with the sound of bells.

It is not my purpose to go into my past existences in any great detail, but to use them to make certain points.  First of all, I have been many times both man and woman, and I have immersed myself in various occupations, but always with the idea of learning so that I could teach.  I had a firm background in physical existence, therefore, as a prerequisite for my present “work”.

I did not play the part of any towering personality of historical note, but became experienced in the homey and intimate details of daily life, the normal struggle for achievement, the need for love.  I learned the unutterable yearning of father for son, son for father, husband for wife, wife for husband, and fell headlong into the intimate webs of human relationships.  Before your idea of history, I was a Lumanian, and was later born in Atlantis.

Using your historical reference, I returned at the time of the cavemen, operating as a Speaker.  Now I have always been a Speaker, regardless of my physical occupation.  I have been a spice merchant in Denmark, where I knew Ruburt and Joseph.  In several lives I was black – once in what is now called Ethiopia, and once in Turkey.

My lives as monks followed my experience as a pope, and in one of these, I was a victim of the Spanish Inquisition.  My experience in female lives varied from that of a plain Dutch spinster to a courtesan at the time of the biblical David, to several existences as a humble mother with children.

Now when I began contacting Ruburt and Joseph, I hid from them the fact of my numerous lives.  Ruburt, in particular, did not accept reincarnation, and the idea of such multiple life experiences would have been highly scandalous to him.

The times and names and dates are not nearly as important as the experiences, and they are too numerous to list here.  However, I will see to it at some time that these are made fully available.  Some have been given in Ruburt’s class sessions, and some, though few, have appeared in The Seth Material itself.

In a book on reincarnation, I hope to have each of my previous personalities speak for themselves, for they should tell their own story.  You should understand, therefore, that those personalities still exist and are independent.  While what I am once seemed to be contained within those personalities, I was but the seed for them.  In your terms, I can remember who I was; in greater terms, however, those personalities should speak for themselves.

Perhaps you will see an analogy here when you compare the situation with age regression under hypnosis.  Those personalities are not locked up inside of what I am, however.  They have progressed according to their own fashion.  They are not negated.  In my terms, they coexist with me, but at another layer of reality.

In several lives I was consciously aware of my “past existences”.  Once as a monk I found myself copying a manuscript that I myself had written in another life.

Often I was given to the love of weight, and possessed it.  Twice I died of starvation.  I always found my deaths highly educational – in your terms, afterwards.  It was always a lesson between lives to trace the thoughts and events that “led to a given demise”.

None of my deaths surprised me.  I felt during the process the inevitability, the recognition, even a sense of familiarity: “Of course, this particular dying is mine and no other”.  And I accepted even the most bizarre circumstances then, feeling almost a sense of perfection.  The life could not be finished properly without the death.

There is a great sense of humility, and yet a great sense of exaltation as the inner self senses its freedom when death occurs.  All my deaths were the complement of my lives, in that it seemed to me that it could not be otherwise.

If I choose, in your terms I can relive any portion of those existences, but those personalities go their own way.

On a subjective level I acted as a teacher and a Speaker in each of my lives.  In a few highly intuitive existences I was aware of this fact.  You do not understand as yet the high importance of the underside of consciousness.  Beside your objective role in each life, your reincarnational challenges also involve your dream states, rhythms of creativity that flow and ebb beneath the daily world you know.  So I became highly proficient in this way as a Speaker and a teacher in several lives that were externally uninteresting by contrast.

My influence, work, and concern in such cases was far more vast than my quiet objective pursuits.  I give you this information hoping to help you understand the true nature of your own reality.  My reincarnational existences do not define what I am, however, nor do yours define you.

The soul knows itself, and is not confused by terms or definitions.  Through showing you the nature of my own reality, I hope to teach you the nature of your own.

You are not bound to any category or corner of existence.  Your reality cannot be measured any more than mine.  I hope to illustrate the function of consciousness and personality through writing this book and enlarging your concepts.

Now I began by telling you that I was dictating this material through the auspices of a woman of whom I was quite fond.  Let me now tell you that there are other realities involved.  The following paragraphs will be written by another personality, who stands relatively in the same position to me as I stand to the woman through whom I am now speaking.

We are the voices who speak without tongues of our own.  We are sources of that energy from which you come.  We are creators, yet we have also been created.  We seeded your universe as you seed other realities.

We do not exist in your historical terms, nor have we known physical existence.  Our joy created the exaltation from which your world comes.  Our existence is such that communication must be made by others to you.

Verbal symbols have no meaning for us.  Our experience is not translatable.  We hope our intent is.  In the vast infinite scope of consciousness, all is possible.  There is meaning in each thought.  We perceive your thoughts as lights.  They form patterns.

Because of the difficulties of communication, it is nearly impossible for us to explain our reality.  Know only that we exist.  We send immeasurable vitality to you, and support all of those structures of consciousness with which you are familiar.  You are never alone.  We have always sent emissaries to you who understand your needs.  Though you do not know us, we cherish you.

Seth is a point in my reference, in our reference.  He is an ancient portion of us.  We are separate but united.  Always the spirit forms the flesh.

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