Monday, April 27, 2015

Outline Of Future Material

Seth Early Sessions, Vol 8, Session 406

Outline Of Future Material

Now as far as our own material is concerned, it has taken short shrift for some time.  There are loose ends dangling in many areas.  We shall try to add some continuity and consistency, therefore.  You have still been given but a sketchy outline, in truth, but we have time to fill it in.  For that matter, the outline is scarcely completed.

We will want to deal overall with the nature of reality as it exists within your camouflage system, as it exists in other systems, and with the overall characteristics that pertain to it, regardless of any given manifestation.  That is, certain characteristics belong to reality, regardless of the methods by which it brings itself forth.

These methods themselves will vary.  The systems vary, the systems being the manifestation of reality as it shows itself in various forms.  The methods by which it manifests itself also vary.  Certain characteristics however belong to reality regardless of the very methods and various manifestations.

Some of these I began to hint at in your basic laws.  Since you are naturally interested in your own physical system, we will deal thoroughly with the methods by which reality turns itself into camouflage.  Also, we will deal with other methods to be used by you, that will allow you to perceive more clearly the basic nature of reality “showing through” physical camouflage.

Some of this material will automatically answer many questions with which you have been concerned, problems with which your scientists are now dealing.  Involved in this also will be the interrelationship that exists between systems of reality, including certain points of contact that connect them all.  For these various apex points can be mathematically arrived at, and will in some distant future of yours serve as contact points; in some cases taking the place of space travel.

I am trying to give you an idea of the direction in which we will be moving.  Questions such as those pertaining to life after death, in your terms, will be covered perhaps in a consecutive number of sessions, in which such matters will be covered in a body of material.

This portion will deal with practical considerations, in your terms, and will be a part of a larger portion concerned with the practical utilization of our material.  The practical utilization however must follow an understanding of the material.

A large segment will also be concerned with that portion of reality that has time connotations for you.  For you must deal with your idea of time, and manipulate within it while you hold it valid.  When you realize it is not valid, then instructions will be useless.

We will maintain some sort of sensible consecutive nature here in the material, though the separation is of course arbitrary.  We will also be developing the God concept in terms of my choosing, the pyramid-consciousness gestalts of which I have spoken in the past.  This will be given along with and as a part of the basic characteristics of reality, as divorced from camouflage materializations.

In larger terms, the word reality and those characteristics that I will give you as attributed to it, will be seen as part and parcel of a unified psychic consciousness, from which all other consciousness emerges.  These emerging consciousnesses form new moment points, create new value fulfillment experiences that constantly allow the overall reality to be created as it creates.

On a limited scale, very limited, this process is hinted at in the material having to do with moment points, action and personality.

Current ideas of reality are like children’s fairy tales.  If you keep these channels open and free, then you will get some material that is as undistorted as possible.  Some distortion is necessary, as you know, simply because all words are a translation.

Ruburt’s range is an excellent one however, for the plane that I have my main existence within is far beyond those to which those in the physical system have access.  You and he must see to it then that he does not color his experiences with me through reading material that ‘is highly camouflaged and distorted’, even though the distortion is well meaning.

That sort of material has its purposes, and it does do some good, and it does explain reality in terms that many people can understand, for the props and fantasies are familiar ones.  There is no necessity for them here, however.

Now, specifically this applies to the work of what Ruburt and you would refer to as spiritualistic.  The work of mediums, or books about mediums, that deal exclusively with conventional religious concepts, and that interpret reality in those limited terms.

Later, when such material does not affect him, this will make no difference.  Some of the Cayce material is included here.  We will make an effort in the future to give you both some Direct-Experience-in-Concepts.

These experiments will run along with and closely follow the vocalized expression of the concepts involved.  The experiences will give you some small glimmering of unfortunate but necessary loss of meaning that occurs when any concept must be communicated in physical ways.

This will be a different kind of in-depth learning, a rather unique and original development that will be as devoid as possible of stereotyped symbols, which are usually almost automatically superimposed on strong experiences so that they seem – so that the experiences seem – to be made up of stereotypes.

I am the Seth that I say I am, but I am also more.  The Seth personality that is a part of me is the portion that can most clearly communicate with you.  At some future time I will indeed discuss this more thoroughly, and on some occasions in the future you may become more aware of other portions of my reality.  My reality includes the Seth reality.

There was no point in my mentioning this before.  The Seth portion of me has been intimately connected with you both, and so in that respect have I.  This is all closely related to the definition of a personality energy essence, from which of course all individuals spring.

There is a peculiar corner within Ruburt’s personality, also deflected into your own, that allows him a rather clear access into informational channels most difficult to reach from your system.  During this particular session, and at this moment, the contact is particularly good.

There is also an access to energy far beyond that which is usually experienced.  Ruburt sensed this quite well in the past, and feared to open those channels until he felt himself suitably ready and prepared.  There exists, in other words, what could almost be compared to a psychological and psychic warp in dimensions, and that corner in Ruburt’s personality is an apex point at which communications and contact can be made.

He feels this very strongly this evening.

A more powerful connection exists, you see, now; and this means you have reached, as you are well aware, somewhat beyond the personality by which I usually make myself known to you.

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