Thursday, February 12, 2015

Reincarnation And Projection Are The Same Thing

Seth Early Sessions, Vol 7, Session 300

Reincarnation And Projection Are The Same Thing

Now, my dear friend Joseph:  Reincarnation and projection, you see, are one and the same thing.

They simply appear to be different.  As a rule the ego is not aware of its departure from one physical organism and its growth into another.  This is a projection.  The year of growth, as I have told you, are illusion.  Value fulfillment is the law of the universe and it appears as growth within your system.

The journey itself is as instantaneous as a projection from here to, say, Puerto Rico.  You are simply delving more deeply into the moment point in the reincarnational instance.  In your terms you are staying there longer.

When you are attached to the physical organism your projections are not as complete – the difference between a reincarnational instance and a simple projection from the physical state.  Obviously the sense data appears the same.  In both instances you appear to be physically perceiving, and so you are.  In a projection you are still within the physical system as a rule, though there are definite exceptions here.

Whenever you are attached in any way, whenever consciousness is attached to a physical organism, then inner data will be interpreted in physical terms.  You can indeed learn to perceive reality in other terms, and you are both doing so.

You must still deal with physical reality, for it is definitely the representation of inner data.  I have said this constantly:  Expectation is behind all sense data, and forms it.  I have told you – and incidentally my lovely skeptics I have told you in the past – that you create your own physical environment and universe.  Your physical condition in every way is a reflection of your inner expectations, accomplishments, and failures, and I have told you that any illness is the result of an inner distortion.

Now this distortion may possibly be a hangover from a previous existence, but it is a distortion.  Projections in fact should give you an excellent idea of the reality of reincarnations.  In an excellent projection you forget the self on the bed.  You are in an entirely new environment, but you are still beset by certain personality tendencies that are yours.

In reincarnations also you carry along many of these tendencies.  In the middle of a projection you may suddenly remember the self on the bed, and in the middle of a given existence you may suddenly remember a previous self.  I have also told you that the term previous in this connection is used only for your convenience.

There is no past and present, and therefore one life is not before or after another.  None of this should be new to you.

Now, we shall indeed mention the book Ruburt is reading.

(The Power of Universal Mind, by Muriel Noyes Gillchrest.  Parker Publishing Co. Inc., West Nyack, NY.)

He is a personality.  You are a personality.  I find it most advantageous to discuss his experiences, to elaborate upon them, to point out benefits and fallacies in them.

It should be remembered that the intellect, in the light of this book, is as perfect than as any other manifestation of what is termed divine spirit.  The intellect has been trained unfortunately to deal almost exclusively with the results of sense data.  This does not mean that it cannot and should not do more.

I have given it a whacking many times.  Nevertheless I have always maintained its beauty and necessity.  I will tell you that in the most important respects, the woman’s book is legitimate.  This is her last reincarnation in your terms, and she is making her final contribution in your system.  But there are many who will need a more intellectual approach, and I hope we shall supply it.

I will tell you the book, in what Ruburt thinks of as its somewhat inane simplicity, is very profound.  Nevertheless for others there are steps that must be followed through, and following these steps through brings the whole personality, including the intellect, to a more balanced understanding, which is my goal.  The author, while basically correct, ignores for example the reality of reincarnation; and Ruburt’s protests to the contrary, reincarnation belongs both with metaphysics and psychology, and cannot be ignored.

There are points in that book which we have not yet discussed, for the ground has not been prepared sufficiently.  Reincarnation and projection are as real and as difficult for the ego to grasp, as the nature of dreams.  You can begin to understand the effect of dreams at least upon your daily life.  Reincarnations and projections of which you are not consciously aware have an equal effect, a stronger effect, upon your daily existence.

 Now my dear friend, the technique involved in projections will be literally invaluable to you.

You will learn through experience many and excellent methods that can be utilized for your advantage.  Through projections you will become acquainted with the mobility and stability of the inner self, as separate from the physical apparatus.

Literally, death will no longer appear frightening.  You will already have acquainted and trained to leave the physical body.  From a conversation I overheard, so to speak, neither of you properly understand the importance of that material.  For best benefits it had to be given before serious projections on you part, and not after.

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