Saturday, December 27, 2014

Perception, Dimensions, and Limitations of Mathematics

Seth Early Sessions, Vol 6, Session 258

Dream Revelations

First, I will discuss Ruburt’s dream.  It contained several revelations that cannot be put into words.

The information was perceived through the inner senses, and though Ruburt is not consciously aware of the dream’s importance the inner self has assimilated the knowledge.  He will most likely have several other dreams of this nature within a short period of time.

It is correct to say that the truth can never appear completely undistorted when words are used, for the words themselves almost cloak as much as they reveal.  The dream, I believe, was a part of a series of three dreams, the other two yet to come.  He was also involved in some astral travel.  This is not unusual, for the inner self frequently leaves the body when the body sleeps.

All Ruburt could remember of his dream was the knowledge that many of mankind’s most cherished conceptions about reality were completely false.  He was shown a multidimensional diagram of reality as it exists in terms of the spacious present, and in terms of qualities that represent dimensional points.

In the diagram, for example, each star would represent a moment point in another system.  It appears as matter within your system, from your viewpoint, and exists as matter within your system.  But it exists as something entirely different, you see, within another system.  You perceive but the lowest point of its reality, so I will tell you now that the various stars and planets and heavenly bodies that you observe in your universe do indeed exist as such, but only within your system.

Physical Perception Transform Data Into Matter Patterns

All you can perceive of them, you see, is matter, because you automatically transform all data into matter patterns because of the nature of your own perceptions.  Since you observe matter, it obviously has a reality.  However, these heavenly bodies appear as something entirely different, you see, within other systems.

What you call dimensions represent states in which reality is perceived.  You perceive reality in three dimensions, and you have a glimpse of reality in a fourth dimension.  There are many dimensions however in all directions.  These heavenly bodies represent moment points in other systems.  As they are projected into your system however, they are only perceived in terms of matter.

(See the 149-152nd sessions for material on moment points, and sessions 246-250, and 254, for material on quasars.)

Dimensions Represent Various Capacities of Consciousness

Now, I will tell you further that these dimensions merely represent various capacities of consciousness.  All these dimensions exist at once, and even within your system, but your consciousness cannot perceive them.

You must interpret them in your own terms.  You form the system within which you operate.  The heavenly bodies for example are moment points to other systems.  They actually exist as such within your system if you could perceive them as such.

It is easier then to say that they appear as matter when they are projected into your system, but this is not precisely correct.  Nothing but the various stages of consciousness separates the dimensions, you see, but the separation is quite effective nonetheless.

We hinted, incidentally, of something along these lines in our sessions on moment points.  The material tonight represents the information given to Ruburt in his dream.

Other systems exist within the same space occupied by your own, but you cannot perceive them.

The inhabitants of some of these systems can perceive you.  All of these inhabitants of various systems cannot perceive you however.  Some are more or less within the same level of consciousness, but the perceptual mechanisms are entirely different.

Survival personalities exist in a system that is within the same space as your own.  They can perceive you, but you as a rule cannot perceive them.  They pass beyond that system however, even as you pass through your system into theirs, and little by little they move away from your system entirely.

Our Mathematics is Extremely Limited

The heavenly bodies as moment points conform to certain mathematical principles, though your idea of mathematics is extremely limited.  Even using your mathematics, you can still only conceive of reality in certain terms.  It is difficult to put this into words.  I must reemphasize this.  Your mathematics still deals, comparatively speaking, with a slim area.

You can conceive of a fourth-dimensional cube, for example, but you cannot conceive of a fourth-dimensional thinking process.  You cannot conceive of a fourth-dimensional psychological structure.  You cannot think in fourth-dimensional terms.  You cannot use fourth-dimensional imagination, you see. 

No thought has been given to the personality structure as it exists in a fourth-dimensional reality, or in a fifth-dimensional reality, and yet a fourth or fifth-dimensional personality structure contains the most important hints of all.

Now certainly you recall our material on the inner senses.  Try for a moment to consider these in terms of a fourth-dimensional personality structure.

In each dimension the inner self begins to handle further aspects of reality.  The primary personality must therefore deal with a larger number of perceptions, while still maintaining its identity.  It manipulates in a larger number of dimensions, until it is able you see to handle many, not just one, of its own egos at any given “time” while still maintaining its own inner stability and individuality.  It takes on more roles, you see, and the psychological structure becomes more complicated as the inner self becomes sure enough of itself to admit even more stimuli, while still retaining its own core.

This material is as important as any I have given to you, and we shall be concerned for a while with personality structures as they exist within other dimensions.

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