Tuesday, October 15, 2013

A Wonderful Practice from "Anna, Voice of the Magdalenes"

Extract from Anna, Voice of the Magdalenes

He has been practicing the powerful connection between conscious breathing and mindfulness of the present moment.  He is looking deeply into his mind; his stream of thoughts and feelings and how there is no difference between his mind and how he experiences his outer world – how it is all a dream and he is the dreamer of the dream.  He is consciously entering his sleeping dreams and his daytime dream as a more awake and compassionate witness; a conscious human being capable of changing his dream of life to be more joyful, thus assisting the collective dream to be more harmonious and happy.

Though somewhat challenging, he is already developing a keen awareness that everything that appears to be solid is actually without substance and cannot be independently separate from the web of Oneness.  Everything is energy vibrating – coalescing and dissolving according to how he is focusing and aligning his consciousness – either expressing its infinite potential as harmony, wholeness and balance or as myriad kinds of suffering.  He knows to ask himself, “Am I resting my awareness in the essential emptiness out of which the All rises, while retaining an awareness of pure, fresh Beingness – an abiding sense of peace and freedom – or am I yielding to my old, conditioned mind’s grasping to make my transitory experiences real and permanent?”  Either way is all right, but the choice of loving-kindness and calm abiding in the present moment feel better.  One choice brings harm and isolation, the other nurtures the heart of life rather than creating an arid wasteland.  In these ways, I am assisting him to take what he already knows intuitively to deeper levels of awareness.

In the days we have been together he is becoming more aware of his energy bodies, which has grandly assisted his healing process.  It won’t be long before he’ll actually be able to travel beyond the confines of his physical body.

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