Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Seth Unknown Reality Vol 2, Session 724 extracts


… A person in time, then, can only do so much, and in your terms the great sources of the psyche are barely tapped in a given lifetime.

… individuals choose to develop certain portions of their abilities, and that such a choice often necessitates ignoring other talents.

In its own way, the world at any given time is a unit of individuals with deep psychic and biological connections.  Each of you take a hand at painting a combined world picture.  Though each version is slightly different, and some appear strange within the whole context, still a world picture emerges at any given “time”.

The people alive during any century are embarked upon certain overall challenges.  These are the result of private challenges that can best be worked out within a certain kind of framework.  Time as you understand it is utilized as a method of focus, a divider like a room divider, separating purposes instead of furniture.  If you want a “Victorian Room”, you do not plank it down in the middle of a Spanish arrangement.  Instead, you set it aside and frame it with its own décor, as you might in a museum that has separate rooms designating life in past centuries.  The rooms in the museum exist at once.  You may have to walk down a long corridor, go in a particular room and out the same door, before you can get to the next adjoining room.  The 18th-century drawing room may be next to a 12th-century chapel in this hypothetical museum, but you cannot move through one to the other.  You have to go into the corridor first.

It is difficult to try to explain the creativity of the psyche when, as a species, you have such set ideas about it, but I shall try.

Physically you multiply.  If you have a child, you are not diminished.  You are not less yourself.  You accept parents and grandparents, and see them as individuals, while you yourself are also you as an individual, and yet sprung from the same biological seeds.

Those seeds form the physical races, which are all variations on a theme, or as Ruburt would say, eccentricities of an ever-changing model.  You accept the fact that there are biological connections in terms of family, country, and race, between yourselves and the other individuals on your planet.  The species divides itself up, so to speak, and the members of the different races at any given time distribute themselves in the various lands and continents.  You are used to making organizations.  You say: “This race is thus and so, and we can trace its history through the ages”.  Or:  “That race initiated language”.  Generally speaking, you see certain races as having their own characteristics.  When you do this you often ignore other contradictory tendencies that are not as apparent.  No one, however, feels less a person because of not being in a race by himself or herself.

The children that spring from your loins are real.  They have their own lives.  They share a certain portion of your experience, but they use that experience as they choose.  In your terms, you exist in physical life before your children do.  Now:  In other terms, your own greater personhood exists before you do in the same way.  That greater personhood gives birth to many “psychic children”, who then become physical by being born into the races of men and women.

Each of those children wants to develop its abilities in a particular manner, translating them into earth experience in such a way that all other portions of the earth are also benefited.

The world then is indeed like a theater at any given time, but the play is not preordained or laid out.  It is instead a spontaneous happening in which overall themes are accepted beforehand.  Each “greater personage” takes several parts, or brings forth several psychic children, who spring to life as individual human beings.  These psychic children have as much say in their birth as you have in yours, physically speaking, and that is considerable.

You choose ahead of time your environment and purposes.  This greater personage then has earthly counterparts, each individual alive taking part in the vital human drama of any given century.  Each learns from the others, and the counterparts fit together like mosaics – except that these mosaics are fully endowed with independence and free will.  So the individuals alive upon the body of the earth at any given time fit together as beautifully as the cells do within your individual body at a particular time.

I am not saying that the human personality is “as significant as a cell – no more and no less”.

I am saying that in a way the people alive on the body of the earth have the same kind of relationship, one to another, as the cells have one to the other.

Psychically, you are made up of counterparts, as physically you come from various races.  There are far more counterpart groupings than there are races, but then your definition of races is arbitrary.  Counterparts can be better related to physical families, for you might well have four or five counterparts alive in one century, as you might have four or five family members spanning the same amount of time.  Basically, however, counterparts deal with fulfillments and developments that transcend races or countries.

You are one earth version of your own greater personage.  You are utterly yourself.  That greater identity, however, is intrinsically your own, but is the part that cannot be physically expressed.  Your experiences are your own.  Through you they become a part of the experience of the greater identity, but its reality also “originally” gave you your physical existence, as you gave your children physical life.  Your children are not you, yet once they were contained within the mother’s womb.  Yet they did not originate from the womb either, but from the seed and the egg.

Your individual experience then becomes a part of your own greater personage, but at the same time you unconsciously draw upon the knowledge of that personage and use it for your purposes:  You become an offshoot, so to speak.  You are unconsciously aware of the experiences of “your” counterparts, as they are of yours, and you use that information to round out your own.

Certain abilities can be developed with much greater ease in particular time periods – in a highly industrialized technology, for example – and those interested in that kind of an environment did not generally appear in the eras of the cavemen, simply because those alive at that time were working with different challenges.  So this hypothetical greater identity also chooses to be born in different time periods, historically speaking; and the same pattern appears in which counterparts are born as individuals, each biologically and spiritually connected, but with great intertwinings and variations as with a physical family tree.

In its way, then, each century has its own integrity at all levels.  The identity of each living person is always “brand new”.  Yet its rich psychic heritage connects it through memory and experience to those who will “come after”, or those who have “gone before”.  You are closer to some family members than others, and you are closer to some counterparts than others.

Your parents have physical representations of their memories in terms of photos and letters.  Those memories are not yours, and yet they are a very definite part of your heritage.  In some cases your parents might tell you about events that happened in your own early childhood that you have forgotten.  In a strange way, however, these are not your memories, but those of your parents about you.  You take it on faith that particular events occurred even though you do not recall them.

Those incidents are recorded unconsciously, however, if they applied to your direct experience; and under hypnosis, for example, you could make them your own.  So there are different kinds of memories.  You share certain biological similarities with your parents, but there are other biological groupings not understood, uniting counterparts in any given century.

Organ transplants, for example, could be accepted more easily from counterparts, so that you have a kind of inner subspecies, or subfamily, if you prefer, that operates within the regular physical divisions that you recognize.

Telepathic messages flash more quickly from one counterpart to another.

Some of your counterpart’s memories may appear in your dream states, where they show up as fantasies, perhaps, to you.

These are like psychic snapshots rather than physical ones, involving instances that are a part of your heritage – yours but not yours.  They add to what you are.  They can give you correct information about the “past”, even as your parents’ photographs can tell you about a time in which you did not directly participate (in your terms).  The old photographs will strike a chord within you, however, and so will the psychic memories.

You are always at the center of your life.  Again, your being as you understand it is never annihilated, but continues to develop its own existence in other ways.  A portion of you has lived many lives upon this planet, but the “you” that you know is freshly here, and will never again encounter space and time in precisely the same way.  The same applies to each life lived either before or after.  Biologically you rest upon a heritage, however, and psychically the same applies.  The soul, or this greater personage, does not simply send out an old self in new clothes time and time again, but each time a new, freshly-minted self that then develops and goes its own way.  That self rides firmly, however, in the great flight of experience, and feels within itself all of those other fully unique versions that also fling their way into existence.

… there are no coincidences in any groupings – biological or psychic or social. It is obvious that certain interests bring people together in any club meeting or gathering.  There are reasons, then, why people are born in any given century, and why they meet in space and time.

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