Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Cleaning Windows

In the Seth material channeled by Jane Roberts, Seth refers to the five physical senses as “Outside Senses” which are our perceptors of a camouflage physical world created by the Inner Self. Here is a discussion of this from “The Early Sessions” (Session 26):

“I am not saying that you should not believe the evidence of your senses ... We know that our so-called tables are not solid. Even your science knows this now, and yet your eyes see the table as solid. Face up to it ... Your senses lie. The table is a conglomeration of quickly-moving atoms and molecules but you see it as a table, and you see it as solid...
You are dealing with camouflage. Your outside senses are perceptors of camouflage, and your table which you rest your arms upon is not solid. That does not mean that your arms will suddenly fall to the floor. It does mean that even your science is discovering the existence of the inside world, which it will be unable to deny much longer.
Because I say that you create your physical universe in the same manner and as automatically and as unself-consciously as you create with your breath a pattern of steam upon a glass pane, this does not mean that you create all that is. It merely means that you create your own physical environment.”

I like the metaphor of making patterns with our breath on a cold glass pane. Its like we breathe on the veil of illusion and do not see past the camouflage patterns that our physical senses precipitate upon this veil. Its a physical, sensory parallel to A Course In Miracle's "projection makes perception". This window metaphor is also used to portray the notion that our limiting beliefs cloud our window of perception. Working on the shadow and the negative window is a lot like cleaning our window pane so that we can see clearly what is really real!

Enjoy the view!

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