Wednesday, March 22, 2017

The Way Toward Health - June 13, 1984

June 13, 1984

Again, every effort should be made to insert humor into the living situation as much as possible.

The patient might begin to collect jokes, for example, or funny cartoons from magazines and newspapers.  Watching comedies on television will help – and so, in fact, will any distraction that is pleasing to the patient.

Crossword puzzles and other word games will also benefit, even if only done mentally.  It might also be advisable for the patient to take up some completely new field of knowledge – to learn a language, for instance, or to study whatever books possible in any field to which he or she is attracted.

The more actively and fully such a diversion can be indulged, the better, of course, and yet the mental playing of games can be quite fruitful, and serve to give the conscious mind a needed rest.

Everything should be done to insure that the patient is given a hand in whatever physical treatment is involved.  He or she should be enlightened enough through doctor-patient discussions to make choices about the treatment.  In some cases, however, patients will make it clear that they prefer to hand over all responsibility for treatment to the doctor, and in such instances their decisions should be followed.  It is a good idea for the doctor to question the patient sometimes, to make sure that the decision is not one of the moment alone.

Whenever possible, it is far better for the patient to remain home, rather than live steadily at a hospital.  When hospitalization is required, however, family members should try to act as honestly and openly as possible.  It is a good idea for such family members to join other groups of people who are in the same situation, so that they can express their own doubts and hesitations.

Some family members, in fact, may be quite surprised by a barrage of unexpected reactions.  They may find themselves furious at the patient for becoming ill, and then develop unfortunate guilt feelings over their own first reactions.  They may feel that their lives are being disrupted through no cause of their own, yet be so ashamed of such feelings that they dare not express them.

A therapist or a group of other people facing the same problem can therefore be of great assistance.  The patient may also feel abandoned by God or the universe, and may feel unjustly attacked by the disease, thus arousing a whole new tumult of anger, and it is most important that the anger be expressed, and not repressed.

Such a person might imagine his or her anger or fury filling up inside of a gigantic balloon that is then pricked by a needle, exploding in pieces from the pressure within, with debris falling everywhere – out over the ocean, or caught up by the wind, but in any case dispersed in whatever way seems agreeable to the patient.

It is also vital that such people continue to receive and express love.  If the person is mourning the death of a spouse or close family member, then it would be most beneficial for the individual or the family to purchase, or otherwise provide, a new small pet.  The patient should be encouraged to play with the pet as much as possible, and to nourish it, to caress and fondle it.

Often such a procedure will reawaken new stirrings of love, and actually turn around the entire affair.  This is particularly true if one or two beneficial changes simply seem to happen in other areas of life.

The rearousal of love might well activate Framework 2 to such an extent that the healing energies become unblocked, and send their threads of probable actions into the person’s living situation as well – that is, once channels to Framework 2 are open, then new possibilities immediately open up in all of life’s living areas.  And many of these, of course, have a direct bearing on health and healing processes.

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