Saturday, April 30, 2016

Session 690

Unknown Reality, Session 690

To be effective within your system of reality, consciousness must of course deal with specializations.

Beneath these, so to speak, the CU’s (or units of consciousness) are aware of the different kinds of consciousness of which they are part.  By their nature certain kinds of organization, behavior, and experimentation exclude other quite-as-valid but different approaches.  The CU’s in their freewheeling nature beneath all matter, are acquainted with all such organizations, so that some of the lessons learned by one species are indeed transferred to another.

One particular experiment in consciousness may be pursued by one species, for example, and that knowledge given to another, or transferred to another, where it appears as “instinct”.  Here it will be used as a basis for a different kind of behavior, exploration, or experiment.  I have said that evolution does not exist as you think of it, in any kind of one-line, ape-to-man time sequence.  No other species developed in that manner, either.  Instead there are parallel developments.  Your time perception shows you but one slice of the whole cake, for instance.

In thinking in terms of consecutive time, however, evolution does not march from the past into the future.  Instead, the species is precognitively aware of those changes it wants to make, and from the “future” it alters the “present” state of the chromosomes and genes to bring about in the probable future the specific changes it desires.  Both above and below your usual conscious focus, then, time is experience in an entirely different fashion, and is constantly manipulated, as physically you manipulate matter.

The CU’s, forming the structure later in its entirety, form all the atoms, molecules, cells, and organs that make up your world.  Land changes and alterations of species are conditions brought about in line with overall patterns that involve all species, or land and water masses, at any given “time”.  There is a great organization of consciousness involved on such occasions -sometimes creative cataclysms, in which, again from its own precognitive information, nature brings about those situations best suited to its needs.  Such biological precognition is firmly based in the chromosomes and genes, and reflected in the cells.  As mentioned earlier (in the 684th session), the present corporal structure of any physical body of any kind is maintained only because of the cells’ innate precognitive abilities.  To the self the future, of course, is not experienced as future.  It is simply one of the emerging conditions of an experienced Now.  The cells’ practically felt “Now” includes, then, what you would think of as past and future, as simple conditions of Nowness.  They maintain the body’s structure in your poised time only by manipulating themselves in a rich medium of probabilities.  There is a constant give-and-take of communication between the cell as you know it in present time, and the cell as it “was” in the past, or “will be”.

The cell’s comprehension leaps its present form.  The reality, the physical reality of a given cell, is the focused result of its existence before and after itself in time; and from its knowledge of past and future it receives its present structure.

In a larger sense the same applies to any given species.  You are your selves in time, then, because of the selves that exist before and after you in time.  On a cellular basis this is true.  In psychic terms it is also true.  Your thoughts and feelings are quite as real as your cells.  They also form organizations.  Your desires go out from you in time, but in all directions.  On the one hand as a species your present forms your future, but in even deeper terms your precognitive awareness of your own possibilities from the future helps to form the present that will then make that probable future your reality.

In physical terms you may want a new city, so now you begin urban renewal: Architects draw plans that first were dreams, of course; inside their minds, preparations are begun, buildings torn down.  In very simple terms the architect’s dream can be called a precognitive event, inserted from a probable future into the present.  The physical planning carried out is in line with the envisioned future, and brings it about.  In greater terms the race has plans for itself; only these are based on a much vaster comprehension of the probable issues, abilities, and conditions involved.  A people’s recognized god represents such a psychic plan, projected out as an ideal.  It will be followed by physical organizations, structures meant on a different level to help achieve such a “spiritual” evolution.

Because you dwell in time, however, the god image will also reflect the state of your consciousness as it “is”, as well as point toward the future state desired.  The god concept will operate as a psychic and spiritual blueprint just like the architect’s plan, only at a different level.  Each species has within it such blueprints to varying degrees, and these are important, for they carry within them the idealized probabilities.  They are valid, again, psychically and biologically.  They will serve as biological patterns to the cells, as well as psychic stimuli in terms of consciousness.

The spiritual and the biological cannot be separated.  Their purposes and reality merge.  I will have much more to say concerning this later in the book.  For now, simply let me mention that any gods appearing among you must always be of your time, while expressing ideas and concepts that must shoot beyond your time into the future, and serve as psychic stimuli strong enough to effect future changes.  When, in historic terms, the race was in the process of adopting a necessary artificial separation of itself from the rest of nature; when it took upon itself the task of a particular kind of specialization and individual focus, it needed a religion that would assure it of its abilities.

The male-female tendencies at that time became psychically alienated from each other.  The differences were exaggerated.  The ancient mother-goddess concept became “unconscious”; the male, purposely forgetting the great natural aggressive thrust of birth, took physical aggression and force as his prerogative – for this came to represent the quality of ego consciousness in its need to physically manipulate its environment.

While it (ego consciousness) recognized its deep oneness with the earth and all creatures, it could not at the same time develop those abilities of specialization and its own particular unique focus.  The growth of separate tribal cultures, for example, and later of nations, could emerge only through a sense of separation, and a certain kind of alienation.  This, however, allowed for a diversity that could not otherwise be achieved under the accepted conditions.  The seemingly local Jewish god (Yahweh/Jehovah) ended up in one way or another by destroying the Roman Empire, and in so doing brought about a complete reorganization of planetary culture.

Christ, as he is known historically, psychically represented man’s abilities. His theories and teachings could be interpreted in many ways; they stood for kernels that man could sow as he wished.  Because of Christ, there was an England – and an Industrial Revolution.  The male aspects of Christ were the ones that Western civilization emphasized.  Other portions of his teachings did not follow the main line of Christian thought, and were buried.

The church ignored Christ’s physical birth, for example, and made his mother an immaculate virgin, which meant that the consciousness of the species would for a longer time ignore its relationship with nature and its feminine aspects.  I am speaking now of mainline Western civilization.  God the Father would be recognized and the Earth Goddess forgotten.  There would be feudal lords, therefore, not seeresses.  Man would believe he did indeed have dominion over the earth as a separate species, for God the Father had given it to him.

Rising ego consciousness then would have its religious reasons for domination and control.  The pope became God the Father personified, but that god had indeed changed from the old Jewish Jehovah.  Christ, historically speaking, had altered that concept enough so that at least God the Father was not quite as capricious as Jehovah.  Some mercy came to the forefront.  Growing ego consciousness could not run rampant over nature.  On the other hand, holy wars and ignorance would keep the population down.  The church, however – the Roman Catholic Church – still held a repository of religious ideas and concepts that served as a bank of probabilities from which the race could draw.  The religious ideas served as social organization, much needed, and many of the monks managed to preserve old manuscripts and knowledge underground.  Those who were allied with religious principles, now, mainly survived, and brought forth communities and descendants who were protected.  Psychic and religious ideas, then, despite many drawbacks, served as a method of species organization.  They are far more important in terms of “evolution” than is recognized.  Religious concepts from the beginning kept tribes together, provided social structures, and insured physical survival and the protection that made descendants most probable.

Realize that for now I am emphasizing your Western civilization.

American democracy arises directly from the birth of Protestantism, for example, and a new kind of venture.  Luther is as much responsible for the United States of America as George Washington is.

Other democratic societies had existed in the past, but in them democracy was still based on one religious precept, though it might be expressed in different ways – as, for example, in the Greek city-states (in the sixth and fifth centuries B.C.).  The Holy Roman Empire united a civilization under one religious idea, but the true brotherhood of man can be expressed only by allowing the freedom of man’s thought under the banner of cooperation; and only this will result in the fulfillment of the species, with developments of consciousness that in your terms were latent from the beginning.

I am telling you that so-called evolution and religion are closely connected.  Further developments in your concepts will lead to greater activation in portions of the brain now not nearly utilized, and these in turn will trigger expansions in both psychic and biological terms.

The growth of ideas space-wise was a prerequisite.  Men on one side of the planet had to know what men were thinking on the other side.  All of this presupposed spatial manipulation.  Religious incentives always served to stimulate man’s spatial curiosity.

Many of the species that share your world bear within themselves latent abilities that are even now developing.  Men and animals will again meet upon the earth, with the old understanding in yet a new situation.  There are no closed systems, and in deep biological orders each species knows what another is doing, and its place in the overall scheme that has been chosen by each.  You are perceived in one way or another by all those inhabitants of earth you may consider beneath you.  Probable man is emerging now, but also in relationship with his entire natural environment, in which cooperation is a main force.  You are cooperating with nature whether or not you realize it, for you are a part of it.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Session 689

Unknown Reality, Session 689

To some extent the development of consciousness as you understand it follows the development of the gods through the ages; and in those stories appear the guises that man might have taken, as well as those that he did.

All animal gods hint of various experiments and species in which consciousness took different forms, in which the birth of egotistical awareness as you know it tried several areas of exploration.  There were, for example, different versions of man-animal comprehension and activity.

From approximately 50 million to 30 million years ago there were innumerable species that would now seem to you to be mutated forms.  The distinction between man-animal and animal-man was not as clear as it is in your time.  In some ways consciousness was more mobile, less centered, and more experimental.  That early rapport, that early mixture, would later be remembered in myths of gods in animal form.  Such a variety existed long before your paleontologists realize that it did.  There were many toolmaking animal species, some predating man’s toolmaking facility.  Consciousness knows all of the probabilities of fulfillment open to it.  Each species carries in its individual and mass psyche the blueprints of such probable actualities.  These blueprints are biologically valid – that is, they allow the cells precognitive knowledge, upon which present behavior is based.  This applies not only individually, so that the cell knows its future pattern, for example; but in the same way, an entire species will unconsciously have the knowledge of its own “ideal” fulfillment in its overall world environment.

As specified, ego consciousness grew.  These inner patterns, native to the psyche of any species, turned into concepts, mental images – intuitive projections that were all meant to give conscious direction.  The gods served, then, as stimulators of development.  Seemingly outside of the self, they were meant to lead the self into its greatest area of fulfillment.  The god images would change as consciousness did.  The various god concepts that have fallen by the wayside, so to speak, represent areas of development that were not chosen, in your terms, but they are still latent.  The totem pole, for example, is a remnant from an era where there was much greater communication between man and the animals – when, in fact, men went to the animals to learn, and from them first acquired knowledge of herbs and corrective medicinal behavior.

Historically, it seems to you that mankind was born from an animal’s undifferentiated kind of consciousness into egotistical self-awareness.  Instead, many types of consciousness existed in the period of which I am speaking.  The animals chose to develop their own kind of consciousness, as you chose your own.  Animal awareness may seem undifferentiated to you.  It is however highly specific, poised in the moment, but so completely that in your terms past and future are largely meaningless.

The specific concentration, however, results in an exquisite focus.  Ego consciousness lost part of that focus in comparison.  The totem poles date back to the time when men and animals understood each other, before that point of departure.  Physical species that existed and flourished in those epochs then became probable to you, for the did not develop in your system but became extinct.  Their living relics existed in the god concepts that embodied them.

In one way or another all mythology contains descriptions of other species existing on the earth in various forms.  This includes stories of fairies and giants, for example.  Mythology tells you about the archaeology of your race psychically as well as physically.  There were, then, smaller and larger species of men, with varying conscious connections with the rest of nature.  The larger experiments involved the production of a species that would be a part of the earth, and yet become aware co-creators of it.  There were innumerable considerations, innumerable experiments, with size, brain capacity, neurological structure, and with a kind of consciousness flexible enough to change with its environment, and also vigorous enough to explore and alter that environment.

The emerging consciousness had to have, latently at least, the capacity to become aware of world conditions.  When man knew no more than a simple tribal life, his brain already had the capacity to learn anything it must, for one day it would be responsible for the life of a planet.

Such leeway left room for many probabilities and for many “errors”, but the developing consciousness had to be free to make its own judgments.  It would not be programmed any more than necessary by “instinct”.  It was, however, biologically locked into earthly existence, and so meant to understand its natural heritage.  It could not separate itself too much, then, or become overly arrogant.  Its survival was so linked to the rest of nature that it would of necessity always have to return to that base.  It responds to an inborn impetus for its own greatest fulfillment, and will automatically change directions in answer to its own experiments and experience.  There are great sweeping changes in religious concepts abroad in your times, and these represent man’s innate knowledge.  His consciousness – his psyche – is projecting greater images of his own probable fulfillment, and these are seen in his changing concepts of God.

Session 688

Unknown Reality, Session 688

The CU’s, or units of consciousness, are literally in every place and time at once.  They possess the greatest adaptability, and a profound “inborn” propensity for organization of all kinds.  They act as individuals, and yet each carries within it a knowledge of all other kinds of activity that is happening in any other given unit or group of units.

Coming together, the units actually form the systems of reality in which they have their experience.  In your system, for example, they are within the phenomenal world.  They will always come under the guise of any particular pattern of reality, then.  In your terms they can move forward or backward in time, but they also possess another kind of interior mobility within time as you know it.

As there are insides to apples, so think of the ordinary moment as an apple.  In usual experience, you hold that apple in your hand, or eat it.  Using this analogy, however, the apple itself (as the moment) would contain infinite variations of itself within itself.  These CU’s therefore can operate even within time, as you understand it, in ways that are most difficult to explain.  Time not only goes backward and forward, but inward and outward.  I am still using your idea of time here to some degree.  Later in this book I hope to lead you beyond it entirely.  But in the terms in which I am speaking, it is the inward and outward directions of time that give you a universe that seems to be fairly permanent, and yet is also being created.

This inward and outward thrust allows for several important conditions that are necessary for the establishment of “relatively” separate, stable universe systems.  Such a system may seem like a closed one from any viewpoint within itself.  Yet this inward and outward thrusting condition effectively sets up the boundaries and uniqueness of each universal system, while allowing for a constant give-and-take of energy among them.

No energy is ever lost.  It may seem to disappear from one system, but if so, it will emerge in another.  The inward and outward thrust that is not perceived is largely responsible for what you think of as ordinary consecutive time.  It is of the utmost and supreme importance, of course, that these CU’s are literally indestructible.  They can take any form, organize themselves in any kind of time-behavior, and seem to form a reality that is completely dependent upon its apparent form and structure.  Yet, disappearing through one of the physicists’ black holes, for example, though structure and form would seem to be annihilated and time drastically altered, there would be an emergence at the other end, where the whole “package of a universe”, having been closed in the black hole, would be reopened.

There is the constant surge into your universe of new energy through infinite minute sources.  The sources are the CU’s themselves.  In their own way, and using an analogy, now, in certain respects at least the CU’s operate as minute but extremely potent black holes and white holes, as they are presently understood by your physicists.

The CU’s, following that analogy, serve as source points or “holes” through which energy falls into your system, or is attracted to it – and in so doing, forms it.  The experience of forward time and the appearance of physical matter in space and time, and all the phenomenal world, results.  As CU’s leave your system, time is broken down.  It effects are no longer experienced as consecutive, and matter becomes more and more plastic until its mental elements become apparent.  New CU’s enter and leave your system, then.  Within the system en masse, however, through their great and small organizational structures, the CU’s are aware of everything happening – not only on the top of the moment, but within it in all of its probabilities.

This means that biologically the cell is aware of all of its probable variations, while in your time and structure it holds its unique position as a part, say, of any given organ in your body.  In greater terms the cell is a huge physical universe, orbiting an invisible CU; and in your terms the CU will always be invisible – beyond the smallest phenomenon that you can perceive with any kind of instrument.  To some extent, however, its act can be indirectly apprehended through its effect upon the phenomenon that you can perceive.

The EE units mentioned earlier represent the stage of emergence, the threshold point that practically activates the CU’s, in your terms.  We will have more to say about these later.

It is vital that you understand this inward and outward thrust of “time”, however, and realize that from this flows the consecutive appearances of the moment.  The thrusting gives dimensions to time that so far you have not even begun to realize.  Again, you live on the surface of the moments, with no understanding of the unrecognized and unofficial realities that lie beneath.  All of this, once more, is tied in with your accepted neurological recognition of certain messages over others, your mental prejudice that effectively blinds you to other quite valid biological communications that are indeed present all the “time”.

I am trying to tell you something about the greater reality of your species, yet to do so with any justice, I must divest you, if possible, of certain concepts about the beginning of time, or “man’s early history”.

To start with, however, we will for a while lean on the old terminology, while hoping to gradually leave it behind.

The CU’s form all systems simultaneously.  Having formed yours, and from their energy diversifying themselves into physical forms, they were aware of all of the probable variations from any given biological strain.  There was never any straight line of development as, say, from reptiles to mammal, ape, and man.  Instead there were great, still-continuing, infinitely rich parallel explosions of life forms and patterns in as many directions as possible.  There were animal-men and man-animals, using your terms, that shared both time and space for many centuries.  This is, as you all well know, a physical system in time.  Here cells die and are replaced.  Knowing their own indestructibility, the CU’s within them simply change form, retaining however the identity of all the cells that they have been.  While the cell dies physically, its inviolate nature is not betrayed.  It is simply no longer physical.

That kind of “death” is, then, natural in one way or another within your system.  I will be speaking here from many viewpoints, and later I will discuss in full your ideas of mortality.  Here, however, let me state that all life is cooperative.  It also knows it exists beyond its form.

The experience of your species involves a certain kind of consciousness development, highly vital.  This necessitated a certain kind of specialization, a certain “long-term” identification with form.  Cellular structure maintains brilliant effectiveness in the body’s present reality, but knows itself free of it.  Man’s particular kind of consciousness fiercely identified with the body.  This was a necessary focus energy toward physical manipulation.  To some important extent the same applies to the animals.  The cell might gladly “die”, but the specifically oriented man-and-animal consciousness would not so willingly let go.

The cell is an individual, and struggles for rightful survival.  Yet its time is limited, and the body’s survival is dependent upon the cell’s innate wisdom: The cell must die finally for the body to survive, and only by dying can the cell further its own development, and therefore insure its own greater survival.  So the cell knows that to die is to live.

Man’s consciousness, and to some extent that of the animals, is more specifically identified with form, however.  In order to develop his own kind of individualized awareness, man had to consciously ignore for a while his own place within the structure of the earth.  His experience of time would seem to be the experience of his identity.  His consciousness would not seem to flow into his body before birth, and out of it after death.  He would “forget” there was a time to die.  He would forget that death meant new life.  A natural message had to replace the old knowledge.

In the body certain cells “kill” others, and in so doing, the body’s living integrity is maintained.  The cells do each other that service.  In the exterior world certain animals “kill” others.  You had for centuries, then, speaking in your limited terms, a situation in which men and animals were both hunters and prey.  In those misty eras – from your standpoint – these activities were carried out with the deepest, most sacred comprehension.  Again, the slain animal knew that it would “later” look out through the slayer’s eyes – attaining a newer, different kind of consciousness.  The man, the slayer, understood the great sense of harmony that existed even in the slaying, and knew that in turn the physical material of his body would be used by the earth to replenish the vegetable and animal kingdoms.

Even when you lost sight – as you knew you would – of those deep connections, they would continue to operate until, in its own way, man’s consciousness could rediscover the knowledge and put it to use – deliberately and willfully, thereby bringing that consciousness to flower.  In your terms this would represent a great leap, for the egotistically aware individual would fully comprehend unconscious knowledge and act on his own, out of choice.  He would become a conscious co-creator.  Obviously, this has not yet occurred.

I told you that you presently perceive only the surface of the moment; so you also perceive but one line of the species’ development.  Yet even within your system, there are hints of the other probable realities that also coexist.  The dolphins are a case in point.  In your line of probability, they are oddities, yet even now you recognize their great brain capacity, and to some dim extent glimpse the range of their own communication.

At one time on your earth, in the way you look at time, there were many such species: water dwellers, with brain capacities as good as and better than your own.  Your legends of mermaids, for example, though highly romanticized, do indeed hint of one such species’ development.  There were several species smaller than the dolphins, but generally the same structurally.  Their intelligence was indisputable, and old myths of sea gods arose from such species.  There is even now an extremely rich emotional life on the part of the dolphins, to which you are relatively blind; and more than this, on their part a greater recognition of other species than you yourselves have.

The dolphins possess a strong sense of personal loyalty, and an intimate family pattern, along with a highly developed individual and group recognition and behavior.  They cooperate with each other, in other words.  They go out of their way to help other species, and yet they do not take pets.  There were also, however, many varieties of water-dwelling mammals – some combining the human with the fish, though roughly along the lines of a combination chimpanzee-fish type.  These were small creatures who moved with amazing rapidity, and could emerge onto the land for days at a time.

In other probabilities, water-dwelling mammals predominate.  They farm the land as you farm the water, and are only now learning how to operate upon the land for any amount of time, as you are only now learning how to manipulate below the water.

The physical universe serves then as a threshold for probabilities, and all possible species find their greatest fulfillment within that system, each of them neurologically tuned into their own reality and their own “time”.  So the body itself, as it presently exists, is innately equipped with other neurological responses that to you would seem to be biologically invisible.  Nevertheless, your consciousness and your beliefs are what direct this neurological recognition.  At birth, and before structured learning processes begin, you are far freer in that regard.

You could walk into “yesterday” as well as tomorrow at that point of birth – if you could walk – and indeed your perception brings you events both in and out of time sequence.  Responses to out-of-time events do not bring the infant recognition, approval, or action, however.  It immediately begins to learn to accept certain neurological pulses which bring results, and not others, and so neurological patters are early learned.  This can be a frightening process, though it is accompanied by reassurances.  The infant sees, out of context, both present and future without discrimination, and I am speaking of images physically perceived.

Nightmares on the part of children often operate as biological and psychic releases, during which buried out-of-time perceptions emerge explosively – events perceived that cannot be reacted to effectively in the face of parental conditioning.  The body, then, is indeed a far more wondrous living mechanism than you realize.  It is the body’s own precognitions that allows the child to develop, to speak and walk and grow.

In the same manner, the species as you think of it is at one level aware of its own probabilities and “future” lines of development.  The child learning to walk may fall and hurt itself, yet it does learn.  In the same way the race makes errors – and yet in response to its own greater knowledge it continues to seek out those areas of its own probable fulfillment.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Session 687

Unknown Reality, Session 687

Such experiences as Ruburt’s Saratoga episode are valuable because they begin a process in which other neurological pulses are to some degree recognized.

Over a period of time, this can bring about some conscious experience with probable realities.  In the beginning the glimpses may be very brief, and the sense experience misty.  Nevertheless, new patterns and cognitive endeavors are being set up between the neurological structure and the consciousness that you know.

An excellent preliminary exercise is the following:

Practice Element 1

Take any remembered scene from your own past.  Experience it as clearly as possible imaginatively, but with the idea of its probable extensions.  Sometime, immediately or after a few tries, a particular portion of the scene will become gray or shadowy.  It is not a part of the past that you know, but an intersection point where that past served as an offshoot into a series of probabilities that you did not follow.

Instead of a shadowy element, you yourself may feel unsubstantial – “ghostly”, as Ruburt did.  Instead of any of those things, the imagined dialogue – if there is any – may suddenly change from the dialogue that you remember; or the entire scene and action may quickly alter.  Any of these occurrences can be hints that you are beginning to glimpse the probable variations of the particular scene or action.  It is, however, the subjective feeling that is the important clue here, and once you experience it there will be no doubt in your mind.

Some people will have little trouble with the exercise, and others will need to exert persistence before finding any success at all.  This method is even more effective if you choose from your past a scene in which a choice was involved that was important to you.

In such a case, begin imaginatively, following through with the other decision or decisions that you might have made.  At one point a shadowy effect – grayness, or other characteristics just mentioned – will occur.  One or several of these may be involved, but again your subjective feeling is the most important clue.  Imagination may bring you a clear picture, for example, that may then become fuzzy, and in that case the blurred quality would be your hint of probable action.

Until you have tried the exercise and become fully acquainted with it, you will not understand its effectiveness.  You will know, for instance, when the remembered event and imagination intersect with another probability.  Whether or not you have any great success, the exercise will begin a neurological reorientation that will be most important if you hope to glimpse realities that are outside of your present neurologically accepted sense-reality.

This exercise is a mental and biological doorway that can expand both your concepts of yourself and reality.  There may be instances in which it seems that little progress is made during the exercise itself.  During the day, however, having made an important decision in once direction, you may begin to feel the reality of the opposite decision and its ramifications.  The exercise may also result in a different kind of dream, one that is recognized within the dream state, at least, as an introduction to a probable reality.  You deal directly with future probabilities in the dream state in any case.  For example, in a series of dreams you may try out various solutions to a given problem, and choose one of these.  That choice becomes your physical reality.

According to the intensity of the situation, now, another also desirable solution may be worked out in a probable reality.  On an unconscious level you are aware of your probable selves, and they of you.  You share the same psychic roots, and your joint yet separate dreams are available to “all of you”.  This does not mean that you are dreaming someone else’s dream, any more than it means that twins, for example, do.  It does mean that your probable selves and you share in a body of symbolism, background, and ability.  The multistructured nature of the dream state allows for dream dramas in which probable selves do appear.  They may appear as symbolically representing strong characteristics upon which they have focused, though you have ignored them.

The dream state, however, does operate as a rich web of communication between probable selves and probable existences.  All probabilities spring from inner reality, from the psyche’s own inner activity and structure.  The consciousness that you know can indeed now emerge into even greater realization of itself, but not by obsessively defending its old position.  Instead it must recognize its power as the director of probable action, and no longer inhibit its own great capacities.

In your terms, until now your consciousness has specialized in neurological patterning.  As mentioned (in Session 682), this was extremely important while it learned the art of specialized focus.  Now, however, it must begin to recognize that it can indeed expand, and bring into its awareness other quite legitimate realities.  The nature of probabilities must be understood, for the time has come in the world as you experience it where the greatest wisdom and discrimination are needed.  Your consciousness and neurological prejudice blind you to the full dimension of physical activity.  The true implications of physical action are not as yet apparent to you.

You are beginning to understand the reality of your planet.  You cannot plunder it, for example – something you are only beginning to learn.  Opening up your consciousness to previously denied messages would bring you in direct contact with other life-forms on your planet in a way that you have formerly denied yourselves.  Your cellular knowledge of past and future probabilities alone would teach you a spiritual and corporal courtesy.

The “unknown” reality sustains you and the web of life as you understand it.  Your conscious concepts must enlarge so that the conscious self can understand its true nature.  As you think of it, consciousness is barely – barely – half developed.  It has learned to identify with one small group of neurologically accepted responses.  Portions of the brain not used lie latent, waiting for the recognition that will trigger them into activity.  When this happens, the mind will become aware of the rich bed of probabilities upon which the ego now rides so blindly.

The great latent-but-always-sensed dimensions of spiritualized creaturehood will then begin to flower.  A few great men have glimpsed those abilities, and their love of the race and their integrity had caused them to trigger the unused portions of the brain.  In their way they sensed the great probable future and its ramifications.

In centuries past they saw your present, though through their own vision, and so it was only partially the present as you know it.  Your emotional reality truly leaps into its own only now and then, for your very concepts of yourselves deny the multidimensional aspects of your being.  The need and the yearning to love and to know are both biologically present within you.  They are present within the animals, and within a blade of grass.

The concepts of God that you have, have gone hand-in-hand with the development of your consciousness.  The ego, emerging, needed to feel its dominance and control, and so it imagined a dominant god apart from nature.  Often nations acted as group egos – each with its own god-picturing, its own concepts of power.  Whenever a tribe or a group or a nation decided to embark upon a war, it always used the concept of its god to lead it on.

The god concept then was an aid, and an important one, to man’s emerging ego.  To develop its sense of specialization, the ego forgot the great cooperative venture of the earth.  If a hunter literally knows his relationship with an animal, he cannot kill it.  On deeper levels both animal and man understand the connections.  Biologically the man knows he has come from the earth.  Some of his cells have been the cells of animals, and the animal knows he will look out through man’s eyes.  The earth venture is cooperative.  The slain beast is tomorrow’s hunter.  In terms of ego consciousness, however, there were stages of growth; and the god concepts that spoke of oneness with nature were not those that served the ego’s purpose in the line of development as you understand it.

For a while such techniques worked.  Always, however, there was the undeniable inner self in the background: man’s dreams, his biological and spiritual integrity, and these in one way or another were always before him.

In your probability you did allow the inner self some freedom.  Therefore, the so-called egotistical consciousness was not given complete sway.  It remained flexible enough so that even hidden in its god concepts there were symbols of greater reality.  Your system deals with physical manipulability, again, and the translation of creativity into physical form.  An exterior separation had to occur for a while, in which consciousness forgot, egotistically speaking, that it was a part of nature, and pretended to be apart.

It was known, however – and unconsciously written in the cells and mind and heart – that this procedure would only go so far.  When man’s consciousness was sure of itself it would not need to be so narrowly focused.  Then the true flowering of humanity’s consciousness could begin.  Then the ego could expand and become aware of realities it had “earlier” ignored.

You have put yourselves in a position where your consciousness must now become aware of the probable pasts and probable futures, in order to form for yourselves a sane, fulfilling, and creative present.

Ego consciousness must now be familiarized with its roots, or it will turn into something else.  You are in a position where your private experience of yourself does not correlate with what you are told by your societies, churches, sciences, archaeologies, or other disciplines.  Man’s “unconscious” knowledge is becoming more and more consciously apparent.  This will be done under and with the direction of an enlightened and expanding egotistical awareness that can organize the hereto neglected knowledge – or it will be done at the expense of the reasoning intellect, leading to a rebirth of superstition, chaos, and the unnecessary war between reason and intuitive knowledge.

When, at this point now, of mankind’s development, his emerging unconscious knowledge is denied by his institutions, then it will rise up despite those institutions, and annihilate them.  Cult after cult will emerge, each unrestrained by the use of reason, because reason will have denied the existence of rampant unconscious knowledge, disorganized and feeling only its own ancient force.

If this happens, all kinds of old and new religious denominations will war, and all kinds of ideologies surface.  This need not take place, for the conscious mind – basically, now – having learned to focus in physical terms, is meant to expand, to accept unconscious institutions and knowledge, and to organize these deeply creative principles into cultural patterns.

The great emotion of love has been thus far poorly used, yet it represents even the biological impetus of your being.  Your religions in a large measure have taught you to hate yourselves and physical existence.  They have told you to love God, but rarely taught you to experience the gods in yourselves.

In one way or another religions have always followed, again, the development of your consciousness, and so they have served its purposes and yours; and they have always reflected, though distorted, those greater inner realities of your being.  In historic terms, as you understand them, the “progression” of religion gives you a perfect picture of the development of human consciousness, the differentiation of peoples and nations, and the growth of the ideas of the “individual”.

There is nothing wrong with the concept of an egotistically based individual being: I am not suggesting, therefore, that your individuality is something to be lost, thrown aside, or superseded.  Nor am I saying that it should be buried, submerged, or dissolved in a super self.  I am not suggesting that its edges be blurred by a powerful unconscious.

I am saying that the individual self must become consciously aware of far more reality; that it must allow its recognition of identity to expand so that it includes previously unconscious knowledge.  To do this you must understand, again, that man must move beyond the concepts of one god, one self, one body, one world, as these ideas are currently understood.  You are now poised, in your terms, upon a threshold from which the race can go many ways.  There are species of consciousness.  Your species is in a time of change.  There are potentials within the body’s mechanisms, in your terms, not as yet used.  Developed, they can immeasurably enrich the race, and bring it to levels of spiritual and psychic and physical fulfillment.  If some changes are not made, the race as such will not endure.

This does not mean that you will not endure, or that in another probability the race will not – but that in your terms of historical sequence, the race will not endure.

Speaking now in those historic terms that you understand, let me say that there was no single-line development from animal to man, but parallel lines, in which for centuries animal-man and man-animal coexisted cooperatively.  In the same way now, unknown amongst you, many species of what you may call probable man dwell in embryo form.

Because of the ego’s particular line of development, you have experimented with artificial drugs and chemicals, both in foods and for medicinal purposes, as well as for “religious” enlightenment.  Some of the effects of LSD and other artificial psychedelic drugs give you a hint of other probable directions your consciousness might have followed, or might still follow.  As the experiments are conducted, however, and in the ignorance of the framework, the conscious mind takes a subordinate position.  Instead, using methods other than drugs, it could be taught to expand its knowledge far more safely, to organize it in ways that could be most advantageous.  Still, some of the experiments do give hints of certain aspects of one of the species’ probable developments.

You cannot do anything, literally, that is not natural.  Nevertheless, over a period of time “artificial” chemicals taken with food into the body will form a new kind of nature, in your terms.  Your bodies are beautifully equipped, and will turn almost anything to their advantage.  According to many schools of thought, artificial drugs, so-called, or chemicals, are considered in a very negative light, cutting you off from nature.  Yet such experiments represent a strong line of probability only in its “infancy”, in which man could sustain himself without draining the earth, live without killing animals, and literally form a new kind of physical structure connected to the earth, while not depleting its substance.

This does not mean that some biological confusion might not result in the meantime.  It does mean that even in those terms, and consciously unknowing, mankind is experimenting with a probable species and working out quite spiritual issues.  Your probable futures and your probable pasts, in larger terms, exist at once.  I will begin by explaining your history to you, at least to some extent, in the historical terms you recognize.  To that degree, I hope to make your unknown reality consciously known.

As I describe some of early man’s past in historic terms, I will also show how that “heritage” is alive in your daily experience with the world as you know it.

The archaeology of the soul and the blood is not buried, but alive in your experience.  A photograph is no more a relic than a fossil is.  Each is filled with the energy of being.  Neither is buried in a past beyond your knowing.  A photograph lives in the present of your psyche and a fossil in the living vitality of your cells.

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Session 686

Unknown Reality, Session 686

Basically, the cell’s comprehension straddles time as you think of it.

Mankind’s consciousness, however, experimented along time-specific lines.  As he developed along those lines, various biological and mental methods of selectivity and discrimination were utilized.  When in historic terms mankind became aware of memory, and recalled his past as a past in your terms, it was possible for him to confuse past and present.  Vivid memories, out of context but given immediate neurological validity, could compete with the brilliant focus necessary in his present.

Though the past is actually quite as immediate, alive, and creative as the present is, man made certain adjustments, on several layers, that would focus definite distinctions and set past and present experience apart.  While your particular kind of consciousness was developing, it began to intensify selectivity, to concentrate specifically in a small area of activity while blocking out other data.  This was necessary because the particular kind of physical manipulation of corporal existence required instant physical response to immediately present stimuli.

Such selectivity and specialization therefore represented a pertinent method, as consciousness familiarized itself with earthly experience.  Hunters had to respond at once to the present situation.  In time terms, the “present” animal had to be killed for food – not the “past” animal.  That animal – that past one – existed as surely as the one presently perceived, yet in man’s context, physical action had to be directed to a highly specific area, for physical survival depended upon it.

The cells’ basic innocence of time discrimination had to be bypassed.  At deeply unconscious levels the neurological structure is more highly adaptable than it appears.  Adjustments were made, therefore.  Basically, the neurological structure responds to both past and future data.  Biologically, then, such activity is built-in.  The specialized “new” kind of consciousness in one body had to respond pinpoint fast.  Therefore, it focused upon only one series of neurological messages.

These became more and more biologically prominent, so that man’s consciousness rode them, or leaped upon them.  These particular pulses or messages became the biologically and mentally accepted ones.  They were clued into sense perception, then.  These pulses or messages became the only official data that, translated into sense perception, formed physical reality.  This selectivity gave an understandable line of reference from interior to exterior existence.

Other quite-as-valid messages were ignored.  They became, while present, biologically invisible.  The cells still reacted to these otherwise neglected pulses, as they needed data from both the past and future to maintain the body’s balance in “the present”.  The necessity for immediate conscious exterior action at a “definite” point of intersection with events was left to the emerging ego consciousness.

While the cells required future and past data, and used it to form from that invisible tension the body’s present corporal reality, the same kind of information could be a threat then to the ego consciousness, which could be overwhelmed.  Within the corporal structure, however, there are indeed messages that leap too quickly or too slowly from your viewpoint to allow for any physical response.  In that way cellular comprehension is allowed its free flow; but the selectivity mentioned (in sessions 682-683) bypasses such information, so that it does not conflict with present sense data requiring physical action in time.

Other pulses, carrying messages, are quite as valid as those that you perceive and physically react to.  Again, the cells respond to those constantly.  The body, as mentioned (in the 685th session) is an electromagnetic pattern, poised in a web of probabilities, experienced as corporal at an intersection point in space and time.

When man, speaking in terms of history, began to experiment with memory, there were innumerable instances where the emerging ego consciousness did not distinguish clearly enough between the past and present, as you understand them.

The past, in the present, would appear so brilliantly that man could not react adequately in circumstances of time that he had himself created.  The future was blocked, practically speaking, to preserve freedom of action and to encourage physical exploration, curiosity, and creativity.  With memory, however, mental projections into the future were of course also possible so that man could plan his activities in time, and foresee probable results: “Ghost images” of the future probabilities always acted as mental stimuli for physical explorations in all areas, and of all kinds.  These ghost images provided stimuli for mental, spiritual, and physical experience.

The race was dealing with the creation of a new world of physical experience.  To do this particular kind of experiment, it was necessary that physical manipulation be concentrated upon.  Ghost images from the future were one thing, inspiring mankind.  Had such data instantly appeared before him, however, man would have been deprived of the physical joys, endeavors, and challenges that were so basic to the experiment itself.

It would have been quite possible for you as a race to have chosen any other “series” of neurological pulses, or messages, as the “real” ones, and to structure your experience along different lines.  The biological structure and the mental consciousness together, however, chose the most comfortable sequence in which a present area of activity, brought about by neurological recognition, would be backed up by unconscious mental knowledge and other biologically invisible neurological connections.

The psyche knows itself and is aware of its parts.  When ego consciousness reached a certain point of biological and mental competence, when experience in the present became extensive enough, then ego consciousness would be at the stage where it could begin to accept greater data.  Indeed, it is now at that stage.

Its focus in the present is now secure.  That focus finally brought about, in your terms, an expansion of consciousness, and one that early man did not have to handle.  In your terms, time now includes more space, and hence more experience and stimuli.  Again speaking historically, in the past the private person in any given hour was aware at once only of those events happening in his immediate environment.  He could respond instantly.  Events were, to that extent now, manageable.

The ego specialized in expansions of space and its physical manipulation.  It specialized with objects.  As a result, now, a person in any given hour is aware of events happening at the other end of the world.  No immediate physical response he or she can make seems adequate or pertinent on many occasions.  Bodily physical action, then, to that extent, loses its immaculate precision in time.  You cannot kick an “enemy” who does not live in your village or country; an enemy, furthermore, whom you do not even know personally.  Again, to that extent instant physical action in time is not the same kind of life-and-death factor that it was when a man was faced with an enraged animal, or enemy, in close combat.

In the past in the same way, love could be immediately expressed.  In historic terms, early man, using here your theories about the race – early man – was in intimate contact with his family, clan, or tribe.  With the developing expansion of space, however, loved ones often dwell far apart, and suddenly bodily response cannot be expressed at once, at a particular point of immediate contact.

These developments, with others, are already triggering changes in man’s behavior, and inspiring him toward further alterations of consciousness.  He now needs a more expansive viewpoint of past and future in order to help him deal with the ramifications of the present as it has evolved through experience.

Recognized concepts of the self are the ego’s interpretation of selfhood.  They are projected into concepts of God and the universe.  They meet with a certain biological validity because of the selectivity earlier mentioned, whereby only one series of neurological pulses is accepted – and upon these rides the reality of the egotistical self.  At one “time” a god interpreted in those terms served as a model for the egotistical behavior of one self toward another self.

In a world in which individuals were confined in space in a tribe or clan, action was immediate.  The environment presented a framework in which consciousness learned to deal with stimuli in a direct fashion.  It learned how to focus.  The necessary specialization meant that only so much data could be handled at once, emotionally or otherwise.  The formation of different tribes allowed man to behave cooperatively in small numbers.  This meant that those on the outside were selectively ignored, considered strangers.

At that point, consciousness in those terms could not handle focused concentration, the emergence of ego consciousness, and simultaneously experience powerful feelings of oneness with other large groups.  It was struggling for individuation.

Individuation, however, was dependent upon the cooperation of individuals.  As the ego learned to feel more secure, the cooperative tendencies broadened so that the growth of nations was possible.  It was inevitable, however, that ego consciousness would produce a reality in which it would finally need, in those terms, to accept other data and information that in the beginning it had to ignore.

I am speaking so far in historic terms, as you understand them.  History, however, is but your official line of accepted stimuli.  Later in the book that will be made clear.

As egotistical consciousness expands to include hereto largely neglected data, then it will experience, practically speaking, a new kind of identity; knowing itself differently.  Its concepts of godhood will significantly alter, as will the dimensions of emotion.  Your heritage includes vastly richer veins of love, yet your concepts of self and godhood have severely limited these.  You often seem to hate those with different beliefs than your own, for example, and you have perpetuated cruelties upon others in the name of religion and in the name of science, because your limited ideas about the nature of self led you to fear your emotions.  Often you are afraid that love will overwhelm you, for instance.

While you were so concerned with protecting what you thought of as the boundaries and integrity of one selfhood, as a race you actually arrived at a point where you were beginning to deny your own greater reality.  But all of this is part of the experiment upon which the race embarked in your probability.

Where your physical survival, in those terms, once depended upon a narrowed focus while you learned physical manipulation, now the success of that manipulation necessitates a broadening of focus – a new awakening into the larger existence of the selfhood, with what will be a corresponding rerecognition of neurological activity that is now only briefly sensed by some, but present in the heritage of your corporal structure.

Here, and throughout this book there will be sections dealing with Practice Elements where to some extent you can see how certain of these concepts can be practically experienced, and receive at least a hint of their applications.

Practice Element 1

In a waking state, Ruburt found himself in Saratoga Springs, N.Y., where he grew up, in what seemed to be a kind of mental projection.  Everything was gray.  The immediate nature of full-blast sense data was missing.  Vision was clear but spotty, highly selective.  Motion was, however, the strongest sense element.  Ruburt was bodiless on the one hand, and on the other he perceived some of the experience through the eyes of an infant in a carriage.

Quite sharply he perceived a particular curb at the corner of a definite intersection, and his attention was caught by the focus a curb, a slope of dirt, and then the sidewalk; and the motion of the carriage as it was wheeled up.

The child was himself in the past on the one hand, and yet he was a probable future self in that past.  From the standpoint of Ruburt’s official mental focus, and from the standpoint of the neurologically accepted present, that past environment had to remain off-center, or blurred.  He could experience it only by sidestepping officially accepted neurological activity.  He visited a store that is not at that location “anymore”, and here the sense data were somewhat clearer.  He had no conscious memories of the store’s interior, yet it was instantly apparent to him – the dark oiled floor, spread with sawdust.  Even the odors were present.

He toured his grade school where he attended kindergarten to third grade, saw the children come out for recess, and felt himself one of them – while during the entire experience he knew himself as an adult, embarked upon that adventure.

He went from place to place, floating bodiless – a tour of consciousness.  That same environment exists now, alternatively with Ruburt’s present, and as vividly as his present does.  It was, however, from his viewpoint, a probable past.

The infant with whom he momentarily identified as the self he is now only opaquely and indirectly shared common experience.  This was not simple regression, then.  That child grew up in that probability, and Ruburt grew up in this one.  He touched upon certain coordinates that were neurologically shared, however, by both: He and the child were familiar with the carriage and the curb, the mother who pushed the carriage, and the house into which Ruburt felt himself, as the child, being carried.

He sensed the house interior and the stairway vividly.  He knew that the mother then went down the stairs to bring in the carriage, but when he tried to perceive this, the motion became too fast.  The mother’s figure blurred so completely that he could not follow it.  He felt confused, and found himself entering the store around the corner, and then consciously circled the block and went into the school.

The school and the store were not in the infant’s experience, for in that probability the family moved away.  The blur of activity earlier was the result of neurological confusion, and Ruburt switched over unknowingly to an environment still in the same physical block that was meaningful to him, but not shared by the future experience of that infant.  You must understand that your own past exists as vitally as does your present – but your probable pasts and presents exist in the same manner.  You simply do not accept them in the strands of experience that “you” recognize.

As part of the work on this book, Ruburt is just beginning to experiment with the conscious recognition of probable material, and the conscious acceptance of kinds of experience usually tabooed according to the selectivity already mentioned.

In the sleep state after our last session, then, he allowed his consciousness to expand enough so that it became aware of information and experience usually censored automatically through mental and neurological habit.  In Adventures In Consciousness Ruburt uses the term “prejudiced perception” – an excellent one – that is applicable here.  For you have prejudiced yourself spiritually, mentally, and physically in those terms.  In the sleep state Ruburt became unprejudiced at least to some degree, so that he encountered information that seemed alien or out of context with usual experience.

Your theories of time are connected with your usual neurological pulses.  It is one thing to play with concepts of multidimensionality, or probabilities, and quite another to be practically presented with them, even briefly, when your thought patterns and neurological habits tell you that they cannot be translated.  So Ruburt felt frustrated, and he told me in no uncertain terms that his consciousness could not contain the information he was receiving.

Like a good teacher, I took his protests into consideration.  Later he wrote a statement that came to him.  This was his conscious interpretation of the information he had received the night before, translated as best he could in linear terms.

I have my own existence, that is quite different from Ruburt’s, and yet I also have a reality that is connected to his psyche.  Each of you also have the same kind of connection with “more knowledgeable” portions of yourself, or your greater identity, that are independently themselves and yet also alive in your psyches.  They are portions of the “unknown” reality.

Now I am able to obtain information that Ruburt, in his terms, does not have.  In other terms he does have it, and so do you, but you have been mentally, spiritually, and biologically prejudiced against it.  As a race, you are ready to become more aware of your greater reality, however, and to explore its “unknown” aspects.  Hence this book.

You may experience some irritability with some of the concepts in it, simply because you have so schooled yourselves to ignore them.  You should also experience an acceleration of consciousness, however, and as you read it, a growing sense of familiarity.  The framework of the book itself will lead you, if you allow it, into other strata of your own greater knowledge.