Saturday, April 30, 2016

Session 690

Unknown Reality, Session 690

To be effective within your system of reality, consciousness must of course deal with specializations.

Beneath these, so to speak, the CU’s (or units of consciousness) are aware of the different kinds of consciousness of which they are part.  By their nature certain kinds of organization, behavior, and experimentation exclude other quite-as-valid but different approaches.  The CU’s in their freewheeling nature beneath all matter, are acquainted with all such organizations, so that some of the lessons learned by one species are indeed transferred to another.

One particular experiment in consciousness may be pursued by one species, for example, and that knowledge given to another, or transferred to another, where it appears as “instinct”.  Here it will be used as a basis for a different kind of behavior, exploration, or experiment.  I have said that evolution does not exist as you think of it, in any kind of one-line, ape-to-man time sequence.  No other species developed in that manner, either.  Instead there are parallel developments.  Your time perception shows you but one slice of the whole cake, for instance.

In thinking in terms of consecutive time, however, evolution does not march from the past into the future.  Instead, the species is precognitively aware of those changes it wants to make, and from the “future” it alters the “present” state of the chromosomes and genes to bring about in the probable future the specific changes it desires.  Both above and below your usual conscious focus, then, time is experience in an entirely different fashion, and is constantly manipulated, as physically you manipulate matter.

The CU’s, forming the structure later in its entirety, form all the atoms, molecules, cells, and organs that make up your world.  Land changes and alterations of species are conditions brought about in line with overall patterns that involve all species, or land and water masses, at any given “time”.  There is a great organization of consciousness involved on such occasions -sometimes creative cataclysms, in which, again from its own precognitive information, nature brings about those situations best suited to its needs.  Such biological precognition is firmly based in the chromosomes and genes, and reflected in the cells.  As mentioned earlier (in the 684th session), the present corporal structure of any physical body of any kind is maintained only because of the cells’ innate precognitive abilities.  To the self the future, of course, is not experienced as future.  It is simply one of the emerging conditions of an experienced Now.  The cells’ practically felt “Now” includes, then, what you would think of as past and future, as simple conditions of Nowness.  They maintain the body’s structure in your poised time only by manipulating themselves in a rich medium of probabilities.  There is a constant give-and-take of communication between the cell as you know it in present time, and the cell as it “was” in the past, or “will be”.

The cell’s comprehension leaps its present form.  The reality, the physical reality of a given cell, is the focused result of its existence before and after itself in time; and from its knowledge of past and future it receives its present structure.

In a larger sense the same applies to any given species.  You are your selves in time, then, because of the selves that exist before and after you in time.  On a cellular basis this is true.  In psychic terms it is also true.  Your thoughts and feelings are quite as real as your cells.  They also form organizations.  Your desires go out from you in time, but in all directions.  On the one hand as a species your present forms your future, but in even deeper terms your precognitive awareness of your own possibilities from the future helps to form the present that will then make that probable future your reality.

In physical terms you may want a new city, so now you begin urban renewal: Architects draw plans that first were dreams, of course; inside their minds, preparations are begun, buildings torn down.  In very simple terms the architect’s dream can be called a precognitive event, inserted from a probable future into the present.  The physical planning carried out is in line with the envisioned future, and brings it about.  In greater terms the race has plans for itself; only these are based on a much vaster comprehension of the probable issues, abilities, and conditions involved.  A people’s recognized god represents such a psychic plan, projected out as an ideal.  It will be followed by physical organizations, structures meant on a different level to help achieve such a “spiritual” evolution.

Because you dwell in time, however, the god image will also reflect the state of your consciousness as it “is”, as well as point toward the future state desired.  The god concept will operate as a psychic and spiritual blueprint just like the architect’s plan, only at a different level.  Each species has within it such blueprints to varying degrees, and these are important, for they carry within them the idealized probabilities.  They are valid, again, psychically and biologically.  They will serve as biological patterns to the cells, as well as psychic stimuli in terms of consciousness.

The spiritual and the biological cannot be separated.  Their purposes and reality merge.  I will have much more to say concerning this later in the book.  For now, simply let me mention that any gods appearing among you must always be of your time, while expressing ideas and concepts that must shoot beyond your time into the future, and serve as psychic stimuli strong enough to effect future changes.  When, in historic terms, the race was in the process of adopting a necessary artificial separation of itself from the rest of nature; when it took upon itself the task of a particular kind of specialization and individual focus, it needed a religion that would assure it of its abilities.

The male-female tendencies at that time became psychically alienated from each other.  The differences were exaggerated.  The ancient mother-goddess concept became “unconscious”; the male, purposely forgetting the great natural aggressive thrust of birth, took physical aggression and force as his prerogative – for this came to represent the quality of ego consciousness in its need to physically manipulate its environment.

While it (ego consciousness) recognized its deep oneness with the earth and all creatures, it could not at the same time develop those abilities of specialization and its own particular unique focus.  The growth of separate tribal cultures, for example, and later of nations, could emerge only through a sense of separation, and a certain kind of alienation.  This, however, allowed for a diversity that could not otherwise be achieved under the accepted conditions.  The seemingly local Jewish god (Yahweh/Jehovah) ended up in one way or another by destroying the Roman Empire, and in so doing brought about a complete reorganization of planetary culture.

Christ, as he is known historically, psychically represented man’s abilities. His theories and teachings could be interpreted in many ways; they stood for kernels that man could sow as he wished.  Because of Christ, there was an England – and an Industrial Revolution.  The male aspects of Christ were the ones that Western civilization emphasized.  Other portions of his teachings did not follow the main line of Christian thought, and were buried.

The church ignored Christ’s physical birth, for example, and made his mother an immaculate virgin, which meant that the consciousness of the species would for a longer time ignore its relationship with nature and its feminine aspects.  I am speaking now of mainline Western civilization.  God the Father would be recognized and the Earth Goddess forgotten.  There would be feudal lords, therefore, not seeresses.  Man would believe he did indeed have dominion over the earth as a separate species, for God the Father had given it to him.

Rising ego consciousness then would have its religious reasons for domination and control.  The pope became God the Father personified, but that god had indeed changed from the old Jewish Jehovah.  Christ, historically speaking, had altered that concept enough so that at least God the Father was not quite as capricious as Jehovah.  Some mercy came to the forefront.  Growing ego consciousness could not run rampant over nature.  On the other hand, holy wars and ignorance would keep the population down.  The church, however – the Roman Catholic Church – still held a repository of religious ideas and concepts that served as a bank of probabilities from which the race could draw.  The religious ideas served as social organization, much needed, and many of the monks managed to preserve old manuscripts and knowledge underground.  Those who were allied with religious principles, now, mainly survived, and brought forth communities and descendants who were protected.  Psychic and religious ideas, then, despite many drawbacks, served as a method of species organization.  They are far more important in terms of “evolution” than is recognized.  Religious concepts from the beginning kept tribes together, provided social structures, and insured physical survival and the protection that made descendants most probable.

Realize that for now I am emphasizing your Western civilization.

American democracy arises directly from the birth of Protestantism, for example, and a new kind of venture.  Luther is as much responsible for the United States of America as George Washington is.

Other democratic societies had existed in the past, but in them democracy was still based on one religious precept, though it might be expressed in different ways – as, for example, in the Greek city-states (in the sixth and fifth centuries B.C.).  The Holy Roman Empire united a civilization under one religious idea, but the true brotherhood of man can be expressed only by allowing the freedom of man’s thought under the banner of cooperation; and only this will result in the fulfillment of the species, with developments of consciousness that in your terms were latent from the beginning.

I am telling you that so-called evolution and religion are closely connected.  Further developments in your concepts will lead to greater activation in portions of the brain now not nearly utilized, and these in turn will trigger expansions in both psychic and biological terms.

The growth of ideas space-wise was a prerequisite.  Men on one side of the planet had to know what men were thinking on the other side.  All of this presupposed spatial manipulation.  Religious incentives always served to stimulate man’s spatial curiosity.

Many of the species that share your world bear within themselves latent abilities that are even now developing.  Men and animals will again meet upon the earth, with the old understanding in yet a new situation.  There are no closed systems, and in deep biological orders each species knows what another is doing, and its place in the overall scheme that has been chosen by each.  You are perceived in one way or another by all those inhabitants of earth you may consider beneath you.  Probable man is emerging now, but also in relationship with his entire natural environment, in which cooperation is a main force.  You are cooperating with nature whether or not you realize it, for you are a part of it.

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