Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Playgrounds in the Universe

When we reflect on the vastness of the psychic gestalt that we call our universe … the little 3D picture that we project to ourselves of the vast multidimensionality of the universe … it’s easy to see that there are playgrounds of agreement for collective experience.  For example, atomic consciousness is nothing like our brain … yet what we know as quantum mechanics and atomic forces are the rules of the game played by psychic structures we see as subatomic and atomic particles and by their families that we call atoms and molecules.

Every time I see pictures of the seemingly bizarre lifeforms that exist at immense depths in the ocean, I try to imagine life in their reality, in their playground.  Similarly, when I see a spot of light in a Hubble picture I try to imagine the vast psychic gestalt that it represents and what it’s playground (or rules of the game) “feels” like.

“… your universe … has meaning, coherence and order not only because of those realities that are obvious to you, and that appear, but also because of those inner realities that are “unspoken”, or hidden.  I am not speaking merely of hidden variables, in scientific terms, nor am I saying that the universe is an illusion, but a psychological reality in which “objectivity” is the result of psychological creativity.

“It is not just that your view of reality is relative to your position within the universe, but that the universe itself is different according to your position within it, and that spiritual or psychological rules apply.  The universe deals with different kinds of order, perceptions, and organizations, each dependent upon the others, yet each separate in its own domain.”

(The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events, Session 855)

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