Thursday, September 28, 2017

Exuberant Creative Tension

Richard Feynman received a Nobel Prize in physics by creating what have been known as Feynman Integrals.  These integrals summed up all possible events (quantum states, virtual particles and trajectories) multiplied by a probability function which took account of the wave equation phase differences along each path and for each quantum state transition or possible virtual particle interaction.  These integrals were done over all time and space - i.e. over the entire universe and its probable pasts and futures!  

Luckily for physicists, the huge number of unlikely trajectories tend to cancel out so results can be approximated with quite a bit of accuracy, though sometimes infinities were subtracted to arrive at subatomic masses … something that drove the mathematicians nuts.  These calculations in effect described the “probable choices” of sub atomic particles among the vast number of probable events (possible quantum states, trajectories, etc.).

Using the concepts of the Qabalah, the World of Formation would be the Cosmic World of probable events while the World of Action represents the probable choices of souls, personalities, etc.  Within the World of Action, the Causal Plane would be the collection of possible events for the individual in a shared, world context; while the Astral Plane is the subset of these that are probable choices from which we “pop” our moments of 3D physical experience.

“The motive power of the universe and of each particle or wave or person within it is the magnificent thrust toward creative probabilities, and the tension that exists, the exuberant tension, that exists “between” probable choices and probable events.  This applies to men and molecules, and to all of those hypothetically theorized smaller divisions with which scientists like to amaze themselves.  Divisions or units.”

(The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events, Session 857)

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