Tuesday, September 19, 2017

A Living, Loving Universe

Modern physics is largely reductionist and materialist … i.e. physics tries to understand a building by looking at its bricks and knows nothing of the architect or engineer that designed it.  Even worse than that, particle physics is a lot like trying to understand an orange by putting in a closed, dark room and firing a machine gun at it and looking at the bullet marks on the wall!  No wonder we can’t remotely grasp our world, let alone the universe, as a conscious, living psychological gestalt.  

Our 3D pictures that we draw and call “physical reality” are superficial, simplistic representations of the profound complexity of a living, loving universe.  What’s even more ironic, we write theories describing forces complete with almost insolvable mathematical equations and call that understanding.  Those theories and equations are really attempts to “reverse engineer” the Divine Intelligence of the universe.  If one recognizes that ultimately the Source (aka God) is Love, then we can see that our descriptions of matter and forces are really attempts to quantify the loving relationships of psychic structures within the universe.  

No wonder Seth points out that the universe is beyond our conception!

“The universe is – and you can pick your terms – a spiritual or mental or psychological manifestation, and not, in your usual vocabulary, an objective manifestation.

“There is presently no science, religion, or psychology that comes close to even approaching a conceptual framework that could explain, or even indirectly describe, the dimensions of that kind of universe.  Its properties are psychological, following the logic of the psyche, and all of the physical properties that you understand are reflections of those deeper issues.  Again, each atom and molecule – and any particle that you can imagine – possesses, and would possess, a consciousness.”

(The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events, Session 855)

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