Friday, July 1, 2016

Sessions 737 and 738

Unknown Reality, Session 737

The next family (Borledim) deals primarily with parenthood.  These people are natural “earth parents”.  That is, they have the capacity to produce children who from a certain standpoint possess certain excellent characteristics.  The children have brilliant minds, healthy bodies, and strong clear emotions.

While many people are working in specific areas, developing the intellect, for example, or the emotions or the body, these parents and their children produce offspring in which a fine balance is maintained.  No one aspect of mind or body is developed at the expense of another aspect.

The personalities possess a keen resiliency of both body and mind, and serve as a strong earth stock.  It goes without saying that members of one family often marry into other families.  Of course the same thing happens here.  When this occurs new stability is inserted, for this particular family acts as a source-stock, providing physical and mental strength.  Physically speaking, these people often have many children, and usually the offspring do well in whatever area of life is chosen.  Biologically speaking, they possess certain qualities that nullify “negative” codes in the genes.  They are usually very healthy people, and marriage into this group can automatically end generations of so-called inherited weaknesses.

These people (the Borledim) believe, then, in the natural goodness of sex, the body, and the family unit – however those attributes are understood in the physical society to which they belong.  As a rule, they possess an enchanting spontaneity, however, and all of their creative abilities go into the family group and the production of children.  These are not rigid parents, though, blindly following conventions, but people who see family life as a fine living creative art, and children as masterpieces in flesh and blood.  Far from devouring their offspring by an excess of overprotective care, they joyfully send their children out into the world, knowing that in their terms the masterpieces must complete themselves, and that they have helped with the underpainting.

[The Borledim] are the stock that so far has always seen to it that your species continues despite catastrophes, and they are more or less equally distributed about the planet and in all nationalities.  They are most like the Sumari.  They have the same love of the arts, the same general attitudes.  They will usually seek fairly stable political situations in which to bear their children, as the Sumari will to produce their art.  They demand a certain amount of freedom for their children, however, and while they are not political activists, like the Sumari their ideas often spring to prominence before large social changes, and help initiate them.  The one big difference is that the Sumari deal primarily with creativity and the arts, and often subordinate family life while this family thinks of offspring in the terms of living art; everything else is subordinated to that “ideal”.

The Sumari often provide a cultural, spiritual, or artistic heritage for the species.  The (Borledim) family provides a well-balanced earth stock – a heritage in terms of individuals.  These people are kind, humorous, playful, filled with a lively compassion, but too wise for the “perverted” kind of compassion that breed on other individual’s weaknesses.

An artist expects his paintings to be good – or, if you will forgive a jingle: at least he should.  These people expect their children to be well-balanced, healthy, spiritually keen, and so they are.  You will find members of the Borledim family in almost any occupation, but the main consideration will be on the physical family unit.

These parents do not sacrifice themselves for the sake of their children.  They understand too well the burden that is placed upon such offspring.  Instead, the parents retain their own clear sense of identity and their individual characteristics, serving as clear examples to the children of loving, independent adults.

The next family (Ilda) is composed of the “exchangers”.  They deal primarily in the great play of exchange and interchange of ideas, products, social and political concepts.  They are travelers, carrying with them the ideas of one country to another, mixing cultures, religions, attitudes, political structures.  They are the explorers, merchants, soldiers, missionaries, sailors.  They are often members of crusades.

Throughout the ages they have served as the spreaders of ideas, the assimilators.  They (the Ilda) turn up everywhere.  They were pirates and slaves as well, historically speaking.  They are often primarily involved in social changes.  In your time they may be diplomats, as they were also in the past.  Their characteristics are usually those of the adventuresome.  Very seldom do they live in one place for long, although they may if their occupation deals with products from another land.  Individually they may seem highly diverse in nature, one from the other, but you will not find them as a rule in universities as teachers.  You might find them as archaeologists in the field, however.

A good many salesmen belong in this (Ilda) category.  In your terms they may be cosmopolitan, and often wealthy, so that frequent travel is possible.  On the other hand, however, in certain frameworks, a humble merchant in a small country who travels through nearby provinces might also belong to this family.  These are a lively, talkative, imaginative, usually likable group of people.  They are interested in the outsides of things, social mores, the marketplace, current popular religions or political ideas.  They spread these from place to place.  They are the seed-carriers, both literally and figuratively.

They can be “con men”, selling products supposed to have miraculous values, blinding the local populace with their city airs.  Yet even then they will be bringing with them the aura of other ideas, often inserting into closed areas concepts with which others are already familiar.

The members of that family of consciousness provide frequent new options.  They may be scientists, or the strictest kind of conventional missionaries abroad in alien lands.  In your present time they are sometimes Indians (from India, that is), or Africans or Arabs, journeying to your civilizations.  They add to the great flow of communication.  They may be emotional rather than intellectual, as you understand those terms, but they are restless, usually on the move.  They can be actors, also.

In the past some (Ilda) have been great courtesans, and even though they were not able to travel physically, they were at the heart of communication – that is, a part of court life, or involved with diplomats who did travel.

Many of the courtesans who ruled the salons of Europe belonged in the (Ilda) category, then.  The Crusades involved great movement of this family, in which trade and commerce, and the exchange of political ideas, were far more important than the religious aspects.  Some members of this family served as initiators of new orders in the (Catholic) church in the past – the worldly Jesuits, for example, and some of the more sophisticated popes, who had a fine eye out for commerce and wealth.  These people may be appreciators of fine art, but usually for its commercial value.

Now you can often find them in the departments of government, in those areas where travel is involved, or in finance.  They frequently enjoy intrigue.  All in all, they mix mores.

Note 6:  Summary of Families of Consciousness Characteristics

Seth first started talking about Families of Consciousness in Session 732.  Here is a reminder of the sessions in which Seth described the characteristics of each family, and a summary of the overall function of each one:

1.      Gramada (736) – to found social systems

2.      Sumafi (736) – to transmit “originality” through teaching

3.      Tumold (736) – to heal, regardless of individual occupations

4.      Vold (736) – to reform the status quo

5.      Milumet (736) – to mystically nourish mankind’s psyche

6.      Zuli (736) – to serve as physical, athletic models

7.      Borledim (737) to provide an earth stock for the species through parenthood

8.      Ilda (737) – to spread and exchange ideas

9.      Sumari (723, 732, 734-36) – to provide the cultural, spiritual, and artistic heritage of the species

Session 738

… I do not want to get into family variations, but Sue Watkins picked up a variation of the Gramada family of consciousness (the Grunaargh) – quite legitimate, and at the time very good on her part.  People love to make divisions.  There are then what you can call subfamilies, combinations, highly creative.  All divisions are simply for the purpose of organizations of consciousness.  The families mix and interrelate, so that you could indeed subdivide them, but for my purpose there is little point to this.

As the physical races mix, so do the psychic ones.  Every once in a while, in your terms, a new family forms out of such subgroups.  So the families are meant to be understood as general categories into which earth-tuned consciousness fall more or less naturally.

Reading this section of “Unknown” Reality, each person should be able to feel an identification with a family.  Yet he or she might also find within strong characteristics of another one, in which case the individual is in the same position as someone who is, say, part Irish and part French in physical terms.

Now it is fairly unusual to be half Italian and half Chinese, though it is possible; so some of the psychic families join more easily with certain others, and some who are very sympathetic to each other find it quite difficult to blend.  The “natural earth parents” [the Borledim] and the Sumari, for instance, are very close, and yet have great difficulty in merging, because one considers the family itself as art, and the other subordinates the family for a different kind of art.  Often they do not even recognize each other as having many of the same characteristics.

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