Monday, July 4, 2016

Session 742

Unknown Reality, Session 742

The whole idea of probable realities seems strange or exoteric only because you are not used to following your own thought processes.

You shut them off any time they do not conform to current beliefs about the nature of the self, or about reality in general.  The deepest meanings of probabilities lie, however, precisely in their psychological import.

You have become so hypnotized by a one-level kind of thought that anything else seems impractical.  You concentrate upon those decisions that you make, and disregard the processes involved.  This has been carried to an extreme, you see: Often you are so disconnected from those inner workings that your own decisions then appear to come from someplace else.  You may be convinced that events happen to you, and are beyond your control, simply because you are so out of touch with yourself that you never catch the moments of your own decisions.

Then you feel as if you are the pawns of fate, and the idea of probable actions seems like the sheerest nonsense.  Each event seems inevitable.  If this attitude is carried to excessive lengths, then it even appears that you have no hand at all in the making of your own reality.  You will always feel yourself a victim.

The unknown reality is your psychic, spiritual, and psychological one, and from it your physical experience springs.

That inner, all-pervasive existence becomes known to the extent that you grow more responsive to your own inner environment.  This does not mean that you become entirely self-centered, blind to the rest of the world.  It does not mean that you must meditate for hours, or study your own thought processes with such vigor that you ignore other activities.  It simply means that you are aware of your own life as clearly as possible – in touch with your thought processes, aware of them but without overdue concern or over analysis.  They are as much a part of your inner environment as trees are of your exterior world.  There are different species of selves in the same fashion.  There are different species of worlds.

When you identify with only one particular level of your thought processes, however, the others – when you sense them – appear alien.  You begin to feel threatened, determined to uphold your old ides of selfhood.  Plants grow many leaves.  One leaf does not threaten the existence of others, and the plant is not jealous of its own foliage.  So there is no need to protect your own individuality because it may send out other shoots into probable realities.  This is simply the self growing in different directions, spreading its seeds.

Joseph and Ruburt have moved into a “new” house.  In so doing they have traveled through probabilities, as each of my readers has under similar circumstances.  They identify with the selves who moved into the new “hill house”.  In a sense they are different people now than they were when “Unknown” Reality was begun.  However, many of my readers are also different people now than they were when they began to read this work.

Let us go back approximately two months in your time.  Ruburt and Joseph were looking for a house.  They had already seen one on the inside mentioned earlier in “Unknown” Reality.  This manuscript, for that matter, was begun precisely at the point in time that Ruburt’s and Joseph’s latest adventures with probabilities began.  Two months ago, however, they were attracted to “the Foster Avenue house”, as they called it.  They drove past it often, and went inside.  Ruburt imagined his classes being held there.  Imaginatively both Ruburt and Joseph saw themselves living there, and a certain amount of psychic energy was projected into that house.

In a probable reality, a Ruburt and a Joseph now live there.  In the world that you recognize as official, however, they moved into the hill house.  To some extent both of them are aware of the inner processes involved in the final decision.  I do not mean that they are simply familiar with the exterior thought processes involved, such as: “The hill house is better constructed”, or “It has a fine view”.  I am speaking of deeper mechanisms of consideration, in which correlations are made between interior and exterior realities.  It is obvious that when you move from one place to another you make an alteration in space – but you alter time as well, and you set into motion a certain psychological impetus that reaches out to affect everyone you know.  When a house is vacant all of the people in the neighborhood send out their own messages.  To a certain extent any given inhabited area forms its own “entity”.  This applies to the smallest neighborhood and to the greatest nation.  Such messages are often encountered in the dream state.  Empty houses are psychic vacancies that yearn to be filled.  When you move, you move into other portions of your own selfhood.

In fact, you move into new areas of the self all of the time.  The species is now entering such a phase, a period in which it will come more into its own.  Mankind will be entering its own new house, then – but the physical changes will be the results of interior ones, and alterations in main lines of probabilities.

Christian theology sees the end of the world in certain terms, with a grand God coming to reward the good and to punish the wicked.  That system of belief allows for no other probability.  Some see the end of the world coming as a great disaster, or envision man finally ruining his planet.  Others see periods of peace and advance – and each probability will happen “somewhere”.  However, many of my readers, or their offspring, will be involved in a new dimension of selfhood in which consciousness is fully explored and the potentials of the soul uncovered, at least to some extent.

Human capabilities will be seen as what they are, and a great new period of development will occur, in which all concepts of selfhood and reality will be literally seen as “primitive superstition”.  The species will actually move into a new kind of selfhood.

Theories of probabilities will be seen as practical, workable, psychological facts, giving leeway and freedom to the individual, who will no longer feel at the mercy of external events – but will realize instead that he (or she) is their initiator.

Now, you squeeze the great fruit of your selfhood into a tiny uneasy pulp, unaware of the sweetness of its juices or the variety of its seasons.  You look at the outsides of yourselves as if a peach were aware only of its skin.  In the reality I foresee, however, people will become familiar with far greater aspects of themselves, and bring these into actualization.  They will be in touch with their own decisions as they make them.

If they become ill, they will do so knowing they chose the condition in order to emphasize certain areas of development, or to minimize others.  They will be aware of their options, consciously.  The great strength and resiliency of the body will be much better understood; not because medical science makes spectacular discoveries – though it will – but because the mind’s alliance with the body will be seen more clearly.

In this probability of which I speak, the species will begin to encounter the great challenge inherent in fulfilling the vast untouched potential of the human body and mind.  In that probable reality, to which each of you can belong to some extent, each person will recognize his or her inherent power of action and decision, and feel an individual sense of belonging with the physical world that springs up in response to individual desire and belief.

Your ideas of Atlantis are partially composed of future memories.  They are psychic yearnings toward the ideal civilization – patterns within the psyche, even as each fetus has within it the picture of its own most ideal fulfillment toward which it grows.

Atlantis is a land that you want to inhabit, appearing in your literature, your dreams, and your fantasies, serving as an impetus for development.  It is real and valid.  In your terms it is not “yet” physical fact, but in some ways it is more real than any physical fact, for it is a psychic blueprint.

It carries also, however, the imprint of your fears, for the tales say that Atlantis was destroyed.  You place it in your past while it exists in your future.  Not the destruction alone, but the entire pattern seen through the framework of your beliefs.  Beside this, however, many civilizations have come and gone in somewhat the same manner, and the “myth” [of Atlantis] is based somewhat then on physical fact in your terms.

The species then moves into its own new houses.  Atlantis is the story of a future probability projected backward into an apparent past.

Your planet as you know it is a certain kind of focus point for consciousness.  At your level you think it is divided into areas of land and water – continents and oceans, islands and peninsulas, cities and woods – because that is all you perceive.  Your consciousness is tuned in to frequencies of perception that give you that impression.  A cat’s world, or an insect’s or a plant’s, are each far different, yet equally valid.

As simply as I can explain it, your planet is also “divided” into time and probability areas.  So many civilizations exist at once, then, and there are certain bleed-throughs.  In your terms some civilizations are real and perceivable, and some are not.

Note 1: Probable Realities

(From an ESP class on February 16, 1971):

“Now I am going to say good evening shortly, but remember – you call this your universe and your reality, and it is indeed, for you form it.  Within you also is the knowledge of other great experiments that are being tried, just as other probable systems are aware of the experiments you are involved with.  I am speaking in your terms only, which means that to some extent I am hedging – but other civilizations have gone your route.  Some have failed, but the inhabitants of some earths have succeeded very well.

“As you think of it, your future is not set.  You can follow any road you choose, but – until you realize that as individuals you each form your own personal life, and have a part in the mass creation of reality – there is much learning ahead for you.  This is a lesson you are meant to fully understand within physical reality.

“You are meant to judge physical reality.  You are meant to realize that it is a materialization of your thoughts and feelings and images, that the inner self forms that world.  In your terms, you cannot be allowed to go into other dimensions until you have learned the great power of your thoughts and subjective feelings.  So even when you think you destroy, you destroy nothing.  And when you think you kill, you kill nothing.  When you imagine that you can annihilate a reality, you can only assault it as you know it.  The reality itself will continue to exist.

“Because you cannot follow a thought, you wonder where it has gone; has it fallen off some invisible cliff in your mind?  But because you can no longer hold that thought in consciousness does not mean it no longer exists, that it does not have a reality of its own, for it does indeed.  And if a world escapes you – if you cannot follow it and think it has been destroyed – then the same thing applies to the world as to the thought.  It continues to live.

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