Tuesday, January 31, 2017

The Way Toward Health - January 16, 1984 - A Dream Interpretation

January 16, 1984

(This session interprets the following dream experiences of Jane:

(Jane began by finding herself as a young girl on a swing at the recreation field across the street from St Clement’s Catholic Church and School in Saratoga Springs, where she grew up.  “I looked down and saw that I wore black shoes and white socks, like little kids do, like I look in some of those old photographs”.  At one time, here she thought she was only four years old.  She knew she was doing those things while at the field, she said.

(Then she found herself in a tub of warm water, and she was filled with sexual sensual feelings, especially in the vaginal area.  “I suddenly realized I was hallucinating the water and stuff, that I was really in my hospital bed.  Then I thought that anyway, I could have a kitten here.  We have two rooms and Rob could hide the kitten, and keep a litter box hidden too – how I didn’t know.”

(Next, Jane said she was trying to find a radio and recorder here at our hill house in Elmira so that Sue Watkins, who lives an hour’s drive to the north, could borrow it.  While searching she suddenly found a lot of cubbyholes filled with trinkets that she knew were all hers, and she was very pleased at this knowledge”.  She found herself inside something like a boxcar that was also the inside chassis of a cassette-playing machine.  In this chassis, Jane and Sue were going up and down and around beautiful, jewel-like green hills.  “It was fantastic.”  Then like a rising sun Jane saw her own enormous face looking down at it all – the jewel colors, Sue and herself, the vehicle.

(Jane didn’t actually see Sue during the experience – she just knew Sue was there, talking to her.  Then the trip “got much less clear”, and she was trying to figure out what to lend Sue.  She can’t remember. … )

Ruburt displayed an excellent example of the mobility of consciousness in last evening’s experiences.

Healing also takes place at many different levels of consciousness.  Ruburt’s experience, all in all, touched many if those levels, facilitating the healing process at each given level.  The “boxcar” episode represented his living at one level of physical experience, even while he also existed as the giant-sized self that peered over the mountain top and watched his progress.  An excellent portrayal – or portrait – of the infinite inner self watching and guiding the physical self’s existence.

The sexual aspects of the earlier episode indeed represented the toning-up of the sexual capacities and their pleasurable aspects.  In the very early episode, Ruburt experienced the healthy and joyful child’s body, with its innocent spontaneity.  This allowed him to come into touch with childhood’s early vitality – and in a sensual manner, not just, say, as a memory.

The excellent glowing colors also helped remind him of the eyes’ ability to perceive bright hues, and so activated the nerves and muscles of the eyes, reminding them of their natural capabilities.

The boxcar elements, beside the explanation already given, also represented the body as a vehicle, moving easily and swiftly.  The entire episode shows the way that the mind derives new experience through using more than one level of consciousness at any given time.  And the small trinkets that Ruburt discovered to his own delight represented the small but very valuable pleasures of daily life that he is now reclaiming.

Now, I may or may not return, again according to those rhythms of which I speak – but know that I am present and approachable.

(“What’s the connection with Jane finding herself inside a recorder?  And with Sue?  Sue wrote the two-volume Conversations With Seth.)

Sue represents a certain portion of Ruburt – the writing self, signifying that the “psychic” portions of Ruburt’s personality were helping out the writing portions, and letting them share in the psychic knowledge and experience.

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