Thursday, April 30, 2015

Seth Two On Coordinates

Seth Early Sessions, Vol 8, Session 409

Seth Two On Coordinates

(…  We talked about the material on coordinates, …)

These coordinates are psychic structures, and they form the cornerstones of all realities.

In the beginning of your sessions, Seth spoke about what he called the fifth dimension, and gave you an analogy meant to represent it.  His tiny wire analogy can now be considered in this light.  These are of course imaginary, but the image will help you understand the concept.

The intersections of the various wires forms various coordinates.  Some of these are of such immense intensity that they form systems that contain what you would call universes.

Through these openings whole groupings of self-structures experience, and re-experience in different ways, the dimensions within those coordinates.  But no boundaries really close a system, and within any set, any given set of coordinates, there will be others.

We will take your physical system as an example.  There is a general and mass focus of all self-structures within that system, binding enough and cohesive enough so that the appearance of permanent and all-pervading physical reality is maintained.  The ego part of the structure concentrates with great intensity, directing itself within those coordinates that form physical reality.

As Seth explained, even this cohesiveness is rather an illusion.  You exist at the same time within many other coordinates.  A shifting of focus is quite simply the main requirement for perceiving these other coordinates.  But to shift focus to them presupposes a knowledge of their reality.  Otherwise only a momentary and accidental encounter with them can ever occur, as far as you are concerned egotistically.

The realities are formed by psychic intent, and the true cohesiveness is intuitive.  The deep connections that occur, for example in various reincarnations, are not apparent to the ego.  The connections between us, now, are far more logical than any simple cause and effect.

The psychic intensity of an experience shatters all concepts of time.  In your terms an intense experience can unite and spark developments encountered by one through many reincarnations.  All identities do not choose physical existence.  All identities do not have to be physical at any quote “time”.

Those that choose physical existence, once having done so, must follow through.  Some of my own self-structures were never physical.  These communications, in your terms, quite simply act as boundaries, though the boundaries as you know do not really exist.

The coordinates are composed of intensities.  They are electromagnetic in structure – at least this is the closest I can come to explaining them to you.  For while they are electromagnetic, as Seth told you, they are living in that they are something like psychic projections.

The apparent boundaries of your own physical system therefore are composed of psychic intensities and projections that are set out by the entities who have decided to experience physical reality.  You agree upon your time concepts – they are like gentlemen’s agreements.  When you decide to accept this, then of course adequate proof for it will be found.

As far as what you consider the race of man to be, unsuspected value fulfillments and progress will follow after this mass recognition.  This will change civilization as you know it.

This will not come however for many reasons, for some time.  Value fulfillment would not be achieved in some important directions if man ceased killing because he knew death did not exist.  He must cease killing while he believes death does exist.  He must solve the problem in the context that it developed.

We will be working to explain coordinates to you.  We are barely beginning to hint at their reality and importance.  Every reality exists within unique coordinates.  There is some overlapping, but the main focus within any system is entirely unique.  There is no contradiction, no exception.  This applies in the most minute circumstance.  No experience is ever like any other, no individual or no self-structure.

What your scientists have learned about the physical genes barely scratches the reality of diversity, even physically.  The miraculous and pristine originality of every moment, even as you know it, can hardly be vocalized.  The diversity of atomic structure is as yet hardly suspected.  And all of this is but the physical materialization of the inner reality within one system.

Your lifetime, you see, is basically not important in terms of years, but in terms of intensity and value fulfillment.

The coordinates have nothing to do with time as you know it, nor with space as you know it, though in your system they form the reality in which time and space appear.  A creative event is far more significant than twenty years of boredom, you see.

I did not say idleness, for this can be creative, in terms of creative enjoyment.  You changed your own coordinates to some extent when the Seth sessions began, for you have freedom within the system.

As I told you, Seth as you know him will continue in the sessions.  For a while however I am speaking rather exclusively, to get Ruburt acquainted with the operation of various inner channels.  This will be a brief session, as inner adjustments are being made, and all information you require will be given to you in your time.

Seth is of course a part of the session whether or not he speaks, as you are accustomed.  In one way Ruburt’s pyramid image is quite legitimate, for you and he are at the base, with Seth in the middle and myself at the top.  This forming simply a structure of coordinates through which information can flow.

Seth One

We have not coordinated our coordinates; I am simply here to reassure you.

I know you miss my with, and shaggy dog personality.

I told my friend that you were ready for this development.  Opening the new channel is the important thing.  Then you can find out what fish you have hooked through it.  Opening the channel requires work on my part also.

(“I’ll bet the fish is a big one.”)

In order to be bigger than me, of course.  You are working with something else again, however.  The strong emotional content is not there, you see, in your terms.

When the proper coordinates are stabilized however, the new development will be more than worth you while, and mine.  And you can always get me, you see.

(“What do you think of the remark Jane made the other day – that the earth represents our subconscious?”)

It was a very good one.  He used the term unconscious; and it is legitimate.  For the basic earth that gives you sustenance is formed from your own vitality.  When you look at the state of your world therefore, as a sign of man’s condition, then also consider the stability, in your terms, and the bounty, that is also a sign of inner vitality.  And this sustains you regardless of your wars.

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