Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Session 407, Seth Two

Seth Early Sessions, Vol 8, Session 407

Challenges In Expressing Inner Reality Concepts

You must understand that in a good measure much of our material is an attempt to put into words concepts and ideas that are far too vast for any such translation.

The laws of the universe, of the inner universe, for example, are not laws in some book.  Such laws that might be proclaimed in so many words.  They are attempts to explain in words the nature of the inner reality that forms All That Is.  I must disentangle concepts, unravel them, in order to explain them, and much is necessarily lost in the process.

I do intend to implement this material whenever possible by helping you both achieve subjective experiences that will fill out the words for you.  These will vary according to the circumstances and our conditions, but are much more possible now after the sessions’ latest development.

Each simple law of the inner universe that I have given you is in actuality a small and inadequate statement in single-dimensional terms.  Yet it is more than most are given, and the best approximation that can be made of the basic facts that are beneath any existence, the best statement that can be made under the circumstances under which we work.

As words would tell little, or give small hint of the reality of sound or color to someone who did not experience these, so the words used can only give insight into the nature of reality.  I hope through the addition of various subjective experiences in the sessions to give you the feel of concepts when this is possible.

The inner senses to some extent will allow you to perceive the reality of inner existence, and Ruburt incidentally in this new development is involved with the use of these inner senses in a more effective manner than before.  There are some changes in the way connections are made.  This gives Ruburt a feeling of strangeness as he makes inner adjustments.

He is now soaking up energy, so to speak, within his physical system as a sponge soaks up water.  He is using the new energy where he feels he needs it most, which is quite legitimate.

He has been reading various sections of the material, including portions having to do with the ego, personality and action, and you see attempted to set himself aside from the action in which his whole personality was intimately involved.  As impossible [to do] as the ego’s general attempt to insist upon some sort of permanent, unchanging, stable identity, since it is composed of action.

One portion of the personality therefore set itself aside and therefore was unable to use the abilities and energies inherent in the personality as a whole, constructively; and erecting barriers in one respect, the barriers were erected in all important regards.

He is warm physically now; again the energy available during the session is being largely utilized by his psychic and physical system.  It was not possible in the past.  The barriers to the energy have been let down, the action no longer impeded.  The energy is rushing into these areas that have been hungering for it, you see.  The system filling itself up, so to speak, and replenishing itself.

The task upon which Ruburt will embark will be performed with zest, for the physical system will be replenished and adequately supplied.  There is a change in blood count going on, an imbalance corrected, a decrease in white cells, and a bodybuilding process at work.

Again, this is simply a rushing in of energy where it was most needed, once the barriers have been removed.  This is a natural reaction.  Whenever the ego gains over-control, or sets itself up to oppose the deep and basic action within the whole personality, then in doing so it also blocks to some considerable extent the passage or use of the whole personality’s vital energy.

The physical system suffers.  It is impossible for the ego to block off specific connections with the whole personality, therefore any barriers effectively impede whole blocks of active and necessary vitality.  In Ruburt’s case now, the floodgates to the inner self are opened, so that the vitality rushes into those areas that have been to some extent denied.

The Seth Personality

The Seth personality has been an intermediary, and a legitimate one.  The information already given to you regarding the nature of personality gestalts should make this development seem indeed a fitting one.

Seth is what I am, and yet I am more than Seth is.  Seth is however independent and continues to develop as I continue to develop also.  In the spacious present you see, we both exist.

Some material he can present to you more clearly than I.  This was particularly true up to this present point.  He is closer to you in personality makeup and closer to your reality, therefore he could transmit ideas to Ruburt in more understandable terms than I.

There was a point, you see, of interpretation and translation as Seth interpreted material from me in such a way that Ruburt could then receive it.  At our last session, with the greater efficiency and the development on Ruburt’s part, the material was more direct, and the translation at this end automatic and smoothly performed.

While I was the source of the material, Seth as you think of him was at times a silent partner, helping Ruburt make the proper translations while standing aside in a personal manner.  There are various mechanics that still must be worked out, that will develop naturally as the sessions continue.  Perhaps a brief adjustment period as various methods are tried.  Seth will always be an element in the sessions as you know him.  He is the connective between us, and he has been a part of me that I have sent out to you.  He has gone willingly.

All divisions are to some extent arbitrary.  The source of this material is the same as it has always been.

I, who am the source, sent a portion of myself, an independent portion, to you.  Seth as you then thought of him, was far more than a delivery boy however, for it was his peculiar personality, and his particular qualities, which gave the material life for you.

He transmitted it in personal terms, made it understandable through the transmutation of himself.

You have always been then in contact with me, but you were only able to see a portion of me.  Keep in mind that all names are arbitrary, and we use them merely for your convenience, as we use words.  Basically, Seth’s name or mine isn’t important.  Individuality is important, and continues in ways you barely suspect.

In one way, in the most important way, and in the only basic way, I am Seth, dispensing with certain characteristics which are mine which I used to contact you.

The Seth personality again, as you understand it, is legitimate and independent, a legitimate and independent personality which is a part of my identity.  Seth is also learning and developing, as I am.

Simply, as an analogy, and only as an analogy, I am what you would refer to as a future Seth, as Seth in a quote “higher” stage of development.  This is not to be taken literally however, since both of us are fully independent, and exist simultaneously.

You have already been told that connections exist between you and Seth as you have known him.  Therefore it is apparent that connections exist between us also, and that this development is a natural one.  The apex point in Ruburt’s personality is an extremely fortunate and unusual one, and the reason that such communications can take place.

You (to me), are also necessary however, and as I intend to develop a discussion concerning such communications, you will be able to see your own position more clearly.

Regardless of the apex point however, attraction operates, and there are reasons why these particular connections have been made rather than others.  There are events that unite us and that have served as turning points in the development of our various personalities.  In some strange manner, what I am, now, is linked to what you are.

There are points of contact having nothing to do with time as you know it, that are extremely significant to all personalities, origins of new energy that are sometimes suddenly brought into existence because of the strong, latent psychic capacities within individual selves.

At these particular points whole conglomerations of new self units come into being, their origin sparked as given in the last sentence.  They then disperse and go their own ways, but the mutual origin and the strength of that initial psychic birth remain.

They may develop in entirely different fashions and in various dimensions, but a strong sympathetic attraction exists between them.  There is a point of contact where knowledge can be communicated from these various dimensions; and for too many reasons to give you now, Ruburt is precisely in proper coordinates for such communication to take place.

This communication, while taking place in your time, and in your present, is nevertheless partially responsible in other dimensions for what you would call future developments in your own personalities, which you can now in turn contact.  This is partially what I am, far more than you are, or that Seth is as you thought of him.

I look back on you as the selves from which I sprang, and yet I am more than the sum of what you will be when you are finished with the other dimensions and times that I have known.  For I have sprung entirely away from you, and would be alien in your terms.  That you can even contact me, is a most remarkable development.  Yet had you not been able to contact me I would not be what I am.

I am far more however than this portion of me that you contact, for it is only one portion of me that experienced that reality.  It is highly important that the material not be distorted then, for most communications take place on far different levels than this, so closely connected with your own system that even the most undistorted material is highly distorted, because the communicators themselves are so closely involved with camouflages, and do not realize that they create the realities which they then describe.

I have done my best to give you an understanding as a basis for our future sessions.  Seth as you knew him will also be Seth as you know him; for whether or not I speak as myself or through him, as you think of him, he is still the intermediary and the connection between us, and he will help transmit energy; but more, he will also appear as himself as you have known him.  There are necessary emotional elements that are uniquely his own.  My personality structure is far different – very rewarding to me, but very unfamiliar to you.  You will understand him better emotionally, and need, I believe, that strong connection.

I do not want you to feel I have taken away a friend.  I am also a friend.  In many ways I am the same friend.  Still, only a small portion of what I am speaks to you now.  Other portions of me are concerned elsewhere, for I am aware of my own existence in other dimensions, and keep track of them, and direct my many selves.

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