Friday, April 3, 2015


Seth Early Sessions, Vol 8, Session 376


(This evening before the session Jane tried to move a table by herself, with little success.  At 9 PM I sat at the table with her, and we succeeded only in obtaining a couple of small movements.)

Now, good evening.

I will go into the matter of the tables to some degree. Give us a moment.  I am simply clearing our lines.  Ruburt did overemphasize his critical faculties this evening, yet he was psychically alert.

You are, as I have told you, far more important than a stenographer, and your active energy was indeed not here earlier.

The willing fingers and good intent, yes, but the active focus of your energies was not here.  Ruburt does rely on you as a partner in these endeavors.  It is not a matter necessarily of how much time you spend, for admittedly your hours are well consumed.  It is a matter of your active, active interest, and the enthusiastic focus of energy, whether or not you are directly involved in a given experiment.

Now.  There are survival personalities who help you.  They operate in several different ways.  The methods vary according to their circumstances and your own.  We will describe one method at a time.

Now.  There is a flowing of energy, of psychic energy, from the sitters, that does indeed affect and alter that molecular construction of the table.  In this method the impetus comes from survival personalities, acting directly through the physical mechanism of the most sensitive person at the table.

There is also a change of molecular vibration in this person when this method is used.  Almost a merging, in which there is a freer interplay of molecules between the table and the physical organism.  A molecular bridge-field is therefore momentarily constructed.  This field may be widened, including all those sitters.  The energy of all contributes.

The molecules are unfrozen, so to speak, and become fluid, following this figure of speech.  There is a high energy output on the part of the sitters.  The strongest sensitive is like a field operator.  He or she consumes energy quickly, but that energy is like a receiving center for the energy of the survival personality operating.

The energy of the survival personality works through the nervous system, causing electrical changes, or rather triggering these in the physical brain.  These changes throw extra charge into the body, that leaps into the molecular structure of the table, causing a force field between the organism and the table.

Any mental message is also received, in an electromagnetic code, and directly transferred, bypassing the conscious mind, into movement of the new temporary force field.

On occasion, when circumstances are unusually favorable, an apparition can appear at such times, because of the power and plastic nature of the force field involved.

The flexibility and yet the focusing ability of the main sensitive is very important with this method.  Numbers of sitters are not important as numbers.  The amount of contributing energy needed may or may not require many sitters, according to their abilities to direct and focus energy.

Now.  There are other methods that are also used by surviving personalities.  Such objects may be moved without the help of any survival personality however, by the concentrated focus of psychic energy on the part of one or several individuals.

This usually requires more effort, and there will be no messages on these occasions.  In this method detailed above, there is cooperation between a survival personality and the person who is the operating sensitive.  Some contact between the fingertips and table is necessary here, to set up the proper requirements for this particular kind of force field.

The field itself builds up toward a peak of activity, and then begins to weaken.  Levitation of a table with this method is possible only when the entire table is drawn into the force field construction.

Now.  In some cases survival personalities, with experience, will directly affect matter, both assisting the sensitive and operating independently once the force field has been constructed.

In this way the force field itself acts as a medium, and these are the best conditions for complete levitation of an object.  In most cases the main sensitive present will be the operator at your end.  In a definite projection of energy however, a survival personality may, again, directly act upon the table.

Levitation may also be achieved when the sensitive is in excellent condition, and at the apex of the force field coordinates.  The force field has definite space-time coordinates and a dimensional affect that permits the manipulation of molecules from one system to another.

This is truly a space-time warp, permitting free interchanges.  Now the stability and intensity of the force field is somewhat dependent upon other circumstances, including atmospheric circumstances at your end.  The clearness of the messages is directly affected by this intensity and stability.

It is difficult to receive a clear message for example when the field itself is not stable.

For Ruburt’s class try the following combinations with the large table: Venice, Paul and Sheryl; Shirley, Venice and Sheryl; Ruth, Joan and Paul.  Ruburt for this class should keep one definite place at the table for his own.  You have three or four small problems here, rather than one large one.

(Concerning Jane’s difficulty in getting the ESP class members to succeed in moving the large living room table, in the Tuesday night class.  The Thursday afternoon class moves the same table easily.)

Ruburt’s energies are being released more and more.  The table experiments will yield good results, and some quite unanticipated ones at that.

Now.  With practice you will be able to sense those times when a force field of this nature is already building up, and take advantage of it.

  Now, beside the information given this evening, it is true that some tables will move more easily than others.  This has nothing to do with weight or size, but to the psychic connections that have built up about the object.  Your wooden table should be a good one.  The small table is particularly good because it was built by its owner, whose own abilities are definite, though untrained.

The old desk in your family, you see (Jane pointed to me), although the spatial relationships there are difficult.  The state of your own mind will have something to do with the type of personalities that you contact, the behavior of the tables and the messages that you receive.  We will go into this at another session.

  Let Ruburt persist.  He is onto something.  You can also benefit when you find the time.

  The training in the use of energy will be good for both of you, and further aid you in your own separate work.  You must get the feel of using it, and of opening up as a channel.

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