Wednesday, April 8, 2015


Seth Early Sessions, Vol 8, Session 388


(This session was held for John Pitre and his wife Peg of Franklin, LA, following John’s telephone call to Jane earlier this evening.  The call ended at approximately 8 PM.  See also the 364th, 366th sessions, etc.

(John reported that his wife was very ill, had been in the hospital recently for several weeks, etc., and had not entered into a very deep trance state during sessions with a hypnotherapist; Seth had recommended Peg see such a professional.  This evening John asked Jane if Seth could say something about why Peg had followed, or chosen, such a role in this physical life – a role seemingly without reward or hope; she has multiple sclerosis.

(Jane herself began to wonder, she said, about answers to such complicated questions after the call.  Jane said she felt Seth getting her ready for the session early.  She began speaking in trance in a quite voice, using many pauses, her eyes opening often as usual.)

Good evening.

(“Good evening, Seth.”)

Now, we have strong electrical brain discharges, in disorganized patterns.

The woman has strongly resisted the hypnosis sessions, and has suffered relapses rather than suffer the intense psychic and psychological reorganization that would be necessary for any meaningful recovery.

Emotions are electrical, magnetic realities.  Sufficient enough repression here has caused these rampant electric brain discharges that automatically affect the motor system.  Deep within, there is no peace upon which stability is based, hence the constant erratic disorders, and the lack of muscular and motor control.

The hypnotic sessions still represent her best chances, if the resistances can be conquered.

Now.  The basic idea of karma is not punishment.  Karma presents the opportunity for development; to make use of opportunities that were not taken advantage of, to fill in gaps ignorance, to enlarge understanding through experience, to do what should be done.

Free choice is always involved.  The purpose is always knowledge and development, rather than punishment, self-punishment.  The woman, in a past life, was once a man, Italian, in a hill village.  We will try to fill you in on times and dates and locations later.

He lost his own wife, and was left with a highly neurotic and completely crippled daughter, for whom he cared for many years.  The woman’s name as a man was Nicolo Vanguardi and the daughter’s name was Rosalina.  He resented the girl, and while he cared for her he did not do so kindly.

He wanted to remarry.  No one would have him because of his daughter.  The girl, when she could, defied him.  She was a rather handsome-looking young woman, though not of stable temperament, crippled but not deformed.

When she was 33 she was more youthful appearing than women much younger who were forced to work in the fields.  They had a very small farm, and itinerant help.  A widowed man with no children, from a nearby village, came here to help on the farm.  He fell in love with the daughter, and despite her condition, took her to his home village.

The father was thoroughly embittered.  The daughter had left too late; he was too old.  No one would have him.  He had no one now to talk to, and he hated his daughter the more, and railed that she had forsaken him in his old age, after he had cared for her through the long years.

The father had a later life, and a very successful one also in Italy, in a town badly bombed in the Second World War.  Here he was a woman of some artistic ability, the mother of two sons, one who had been connected with him in the past.

Here the personality was born only fifty miles away, in space, from the earlier existence; and as the wife of a wealthy landowner, often drove through the very land where the small house still stood, with its farm.

In this existence however the personality of its own free will chose to understand in a different context, and work out problems faces so poorly in the earlier life.  This time the personality is John’s wife, being cared for, you see, rather than caring for; being physically dependent.  The personality could not and would not, out of fear, try to understand the circumstances and position of the crippled daughter.  Not for a moment could he then bear to contemplate the inner reality in personal terms.

This time he plays that part is and completely immersed in it.  There are connections.  John was the man whom the daughter left.  Now.  John’s wife loves him, and has been made subconsciously to see the good points in his personality.  In the past he hated the man who took away the daughter.

Through the change of roles, Peg now gains insight on the past failures, and also helps her present husband, indeed, to become more contemplative, and to seek for answers to questions that he would not have asked otherwise.  She is adding to his development, and working out very grievous flaws that existed in her own personality in the past.

There were many reasons why John and his wife met and began their relationship.  While such situations as Peg’s illness are chosen by the entity, the individual is always left to work out its own solution.  Complete recovery, illness or early death, for example, are not preordained on the part of the entity.  The general situation is set up in response to deep inner involvements.

The problem is a challenge set up by the entity for one of its personalities, but the outcome is left up to the individual.  This was the major stumbling block, the last major one for this personality.  Other lives had been fulfilling, but the personality had never set for itself any position in the past that was not one of strength.

The illness itself was secondary.  One does not choose illness, per se, for a life situation.  In order for the personality to see its own past activities clearly, it felt that it had to adopt a position of dependency this time.

It should be mentioned in such cases the inner self, as divorced from the more accessible subconscious, is aware of the situation, and finds release in very valid terms, through frequent inner communications, whereby past successes are remembered, and to some extent re-experienced.  The dream state becomes an extremely vivid time for these activities, and they are not imaginary.

These experiences, deeply subjective, reassure the whole personality of its complete nature.  It knows it is more than the self that it has for a time chosen to be.  At our next session we will go into these matters more completely, for there is an inner logic that may not be at first apparent.

John remembers subconsciously the old situation.  This is partially the cause of some of the negative feelings, but there is no guilt in any of this.  No one save the individual entity knows in what directions weaknesses lie that need correction, and it sets about forming life dramas in which these can be faced.

His wife chose to solve several problems this time, rather than string them out.  This is a characteristic of that entity – an impatience and yet a daring, because the situation represented such a challenge.  All of the weak points were intensified, hence the gravity of the physical condition.

The entity preferred this rather than a series of smaller difficulties.  In this John acquiesced, to learn patience and forbearing, to take what he considered his medicine in one dose, so to speak.

We will give you some information concerning his past lives at another session.  But both of them have set themselves to learn compassion, patience, and forbearing.  They chose different ways because of their backgrounds.  In one way he has been too precise, and in another too impetuous.  They are both learning from each other.

Such a situation allows John’s present wife to telescope the experience needed into one life-situation, to delve deeply, and face at once problems that could otherwise take several existences.

Only a bold personality, and a courageous one, would attempt this.  Spiritually, both personalities will benefit.  This is the last reincarnation for John’s wife because of this decision.  The personality will then have experience in other than earthly existences.

The daughter, the original daughter, you see, is now Peg’s mother.  No one else from that life is known to them, though the original family was a large one.  There is an historical connection with the village, or close area nearby; and not too far way a fort, a Roman fort, within fifty miles I believe of the town.

If the overall entity feels that the problem has been sufficiently solved, then it will end this life situation.  But there is also a connection here with John, and the wife’s personality will not leave until John has also sufficiently achieved all benefits from the relationship that his entity hoped for.

There are also other considerations.  This is a last reincarnation.  The personality could choose, and attempt, a partial recover.  There is no predestination.  Until the personality itself has definitely decided whether or not to end a life situation, no one else can know.

When the decision is made, even subconsciously, then we can know.  The answer now is uncertain, for no definite decision has been made.  There are other personal problems on John’s part, which he must work out in any case.  He knows what these are.

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