Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Energy Is Action

Seth Early Sessions, Vol 8, Session 357

Energy Is Action

Think in terms of energy being action.

Energy is action.  It must act and move.  It constantly seeks to know itself, and to expand.  It cannot remain static.  Its survival is dependent upon change.  Its very permanency is determined by its nature, and its nature demands constant change.

Energy or action is composed of an infinity of itself, and yet, forever acting upon itself, it forms forever new portions of itself.  Each action causes another.    any action or energy possesses consciousness seeking to know itself, therefore; and acting within itself it forms new consciousness that are individual and independent, and yet connected to every other consciousness.

The purpose is the expansion of consciousness itself, and this automatically leads to the knowledge that every consciousness is connected to every other, and that any harm to one is harm to all.  Time simply does not exist as a series of moments.  This is three-dimensional illusion.  Therefore in actuality no one life is lived before nor after another.

Action acts spontaneously.  In three-dimensional existence you must speak of reincarnation in terms of continuous lives, for it seems to you as if there is indeed a past, present and future.  Imagine then action or energy which is conscious, exploding into bloom like some gigantic cosmic flower, spontaneously, instantaneously, and intuitively.

You however would view this in slow motion, so that eons of time would seem to have passed.  And yet energy or action, which is consciousness, is always changing, and the shape of the flower and the blossom would constantly change.  Energy can never be lost but only change its form.

The consciousness therefore would never be destroyed in reality.  The most minute blossom within it would experience only an almost instantaneous change of form, and all of this would transpire in the breath of an instant.  The individual petals would merely change, as the personalities of men change in what seems like a series of before and after reincarnations.

And no memory, you see, would ever be lost, and nor is any memory lost.  The personality that you have now is simply the flower of the moment, not realizing that it has the knowledge of its own past histories; and all of this would be but one cosmic flower.  Energy constantly renews itself.  The various flowers could then be compared to the various dimensions through which action and consciousness know their own reality.  The expansion of consciousness automatically leads you to understanding and compassion.

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