Sunday, March 25, 2018

The world is formed from the inside (dreaming) out (physical)

“You are subjectively “alive” before your birth.  You will be subjectively alive after your death.  Your subjective life is now interpreted through the specialized state of consciousness that you call the waking one, in which you recognize as real only experience that falls within certain space and time coordinates.  Your greater reality exists outside those coordinates, and so does the reality of the universe.  You create lives for yourselves, changing them as you go along, as a writer might change a book, altering the circumstances, changing the plots.  The writer only knows that he or she creates without understanding the spontaneous order with which creativity happens.  The processes occur at another level of consciousness.
“In the most basic of ways, the world is formed from the inside out, and from dreaming reality into the physical one – and those processes happen at another level of consciousness.”

(Dreams, “Evolution” and Value Fulfillment, Session 898)

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