Friday, November 3, 2017

Your Body

Seth’s quote today is a powerful statement about our physical body.  

Your perceived universe springs into being in each moment - including your body within that perceived 3D physical context.  We tend to think of our bodies as some kind of statue, when in fact it’s like a flowing river or, better, a projected TV image flickering too fast for the eye to detect!  

Deepak Chopra understood this and also understood the connection between mind and quantum potential.  This allowed him to connect allopathic and ayurvedic medicine and to treat “untreatable” cancer or immune systems diseases.  It’s worth going back to his first book “Quantum Healing” published in 1989 to read his accounts of treating these conditions.  Ultimately, the people who did heal themselves “got it” … they understood Seth’s message:

“Your body is the physical mirror of your psychological state.  It is powered by the energy of the universe.  It actually springs into being in each moment.  Your mind and your body come from the same source, from universal energy.  You are powered with vitality.  You must seek meaning in your lives.  When you lose the sense of life’s meaning, for whatever reason, this is reflected in your body.”

(The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events, Session 866)

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