Sunday, November 12, 2017

The Gene Pool of Ideals

“The blueprints for “ideal” developments exist within the pool of genetic knowledge, providing the species with multitudinous avenues for fulfillment.  Those blueprints exist mentally as ideals.  They express themselves through the impulses and creativity of the species’ individual members.”
"Now your ideals, whatever they may be, initially emerge from your inner experience, and this applies to the species as a whole.  Your ideas of society and cooperation arise from both a biological and spiritual knowledge given you at birth.  Man recognized the importance of groups after observing the animal’s cooperation.  Your civilizations are your splendid, creative, exterior renditions of the inner social groupings of the cells of the body, and the cooperative processes of nature that give you physical life.  This does not mean that the intellect is any less, but that it uses its abilities to help you form physical civilizations that are the reflections of mental, spiritual, and biological inner civilizations.  You learn from nature always, and you are a part of it always.”

(The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events, Session 870)

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