Saturday, November 4, 2017

For the Love of Cells

Lazaris defines “wisdom” as living your “understanding”.  

“Understanding” arises when “data” is translated into “information”, “information” is given context to become “knowledge” and “knowledge” is generalized/abstracted to become “understanding” that enables the creation of new knowledge and meaning.

Imagine what it would be like of we lived in the wisdom that each of us is the central focus of 50 trillion or more conscious, loving cells who are continuously attracted to form each of our bodies and who are here to enjoy our personal journey of discovery and the collective physical experience of humanity!  

I can’t help but think there wouldn’t be any murder or war anymore if we genuinely lived in that wisdom. Our world would be a world of peace and love.  

Luckily for us, cellular conscious is very inquisitive and extremely patient as evidenced by how long it has cooperated with humanity to form the physical bodies that we use to write our history!

 Thank you cells!

“Your culture has its biological effect upon the species.  I am not speaking of obvious connections in a derogatory manner, such as pollution and so forth.  If you were thinking in old terms of evolution, then I would be saying that your cultures and civilizations actually alter the chromosomal messages.  Your thoughts affect your cells, again, and they can change what are thought of as hereditary factors … You form your being by imaginatively considering such-and-such a possibility, and your thoughts affect your body in that regard.”

(The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events, Session 867)

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