Saturday, November 11, 2017

The Circle of Life

Our fear of death, caused mostly by our lack of communication and union (Lazaris’ “communion”) with our Inner Self or Higher Self coupled with our lack of acceptance of reincarnation in western cultures, has created a huge distortion for us that does not exist at the cellular level or even among animal species.

I like the metaphor that likens death to leaving a movie.  In other words, we die for the same reasons that we leave a movie:  the movie is done (we’ve done what we can to do and fulfillment now means a change of form); or, this movies sucks and it’s time to see another one.  

The other aspect of death that is illuminating, in my view, is that we choreograph our exit to achieve maximal personal and group impact.  For example, we may choreograph our death so that only specific family members or friends are present.  Our death, then, becomes a parting gift to our loved ones.  In a similar vein, those involved in mass events involving death are sending a message to our culture, our leaders and humanity!

All biological organisms know that physical life depends upon a constant transformation of consciousness and form.  In your terms, I am saying, of course, that physically death gives life. This biological knowledge is intimately acknowledged at microscopic levels.  Even your cells know that their deaths are necessary for the continuation of your physical form.

“The entire orientation is strange or alien only to your conscious belief system.  In one way or another, most people are aware of a desire for death before they die – a desire they usually do not consciously acknowledge.  To a large measure, the sensations of pain are also the results of your beliefs, so that even diseases that are indeed accompanied, now, by great pain, need not be.”

(The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events, Session 869)

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