Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Portrait of Joseph and Ruburt, Perception

Session 507

Comments on a Portrait of Joseph and Ruburt

The portrait is of Joseph and Ruburt.  These are not portraits of yourselves as past personalities in your terms, or of particular reincarnational selves.  They are pictorial representatives of the whole selves that you are.  In your terms the selves that are the sum of your reincarnational personalities.  These whole selves then are a part of your entity.  Your probable selves are also a part of your entity, however.  If you want to think in terms of guides, “angels”, then you have the reality behind those terms.  Ruburt and Joseph are the names I use for you, for these names themselves imply your greater goals.  These personalities are aware of your present existence, and give you advice when you are in the sleep state.  They are a source of strength.  You can draw upon their knowledge, and you can also draw upon the knowledge of your own reincarnational selves,  “past” and “future”.

As that newspaper portion was a whole of the entire paper, and there to be read, so is the whole self present in the portions of your personality that you know.

Natural Inclinations Affect Perception

  (…  I talked about cases we had read about, where hypnosis was used to get the subject to focus only upon the test item, ignoring any other data even if relevant.  The discussion veered around to our wondering how Jane would do under such conditions, when Seth abruptly resumed.)

That course would not give the results you might think with Ruburt, or anyone else.  When that course works it is because knowingly or unknowingly the suggestions given follow the natural inclinations.  In extrasensory perceptions, so to speak, as in so-called normal perception, the natural inclinations of the personality dictate the kind of information that will be sought from any available field of data.  The basic inclinations can be extended, for example, but not completely redirected, unless there is an extraordinary impetus.

There are many areas of knowledge in which any given individual is uninterested.  He will not bother to use normal perception to obtain it.  Much of the material dealing with perception that I have given makes this point quite clear.  Ruburt is correct.  I give him access to large fields of focus, I help him change the energy that he uses in perception into other directions, to turn it inward.  I made information available to him.  Then according to his basic characteristics, he used that information accordingly.  I gave him nudges to lead him in the proper direction.

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