Monday, July 6, 2015

Advice To Rob On Astral Projection

Seth Early Sessions, Vol 9, Session 497

Advice To Rob On Astral Projection

I would like you to seriously embark upon the hobby of out-of-body travel.  There is no reason why you cannot become proficient at it if you are strongly enough motivated.  You will find all kinds of people that can serve as models for you.  The alteration of consciousness involved will also enable you to make several distinct and advantageous changes of focus, in line with your own work.

This is difficult to put into words.  There is no reason, again, why you can’t achieve out-of-body proficiency, and when you do, you will be able to experiment with thought creations, trying out, forming, using or discarding, thought paintings.  In an out-of-body state you can reach rather easily those environments which thoughts become a sort of plastic pseudo material, almost instantaneously.

Now within this framework you could test out many ideas for paintings, various techniques, and see them or their results immediately.  This would be a conscious, alert experience.

The alterations of consciousness would give you a rather unique freedom that I cannot put into words, a perspective and a viewpoint above reality, that would show in your work.  We have offered you suggestions to follow before.

For your particular purposes you might imagine that you are walking through, or traveling through, one of your own paintings.  Try to throw your consciousness into the environment you have painted.  Observe particularly the colors that would be observable to you in many out-of-body states.  There are gradations with which you are not familiar.  They will inspire changes in your own palette.

There will be all kinds of different spatial relationships for you to explore, and then to attempt to reproduce in your work if you prefer.  The disciplines involved in these alterations of consciousness will help you in all other areas, will acquaint you quite personally with other realities, and be a preparation for the time when you will not have a physical body in which to manipulate.

There is personal evidence to be obtained here that can be obtained in no other way.  Ruburt has talked of some renewed work, and I heartily suggest that you concentrate strongly at doing joint out-of-body explorations.

In the beginning it will be up to Ruburt to aid you, and with concentration and application he can do so.  I do not want this suggestion to go by the board, as it will if you simply file the session and ignore it.  I would like this work to begin, and to continue throughout your lives as a joint effort.

I make this as a strong recommendation, for if you are to obtain full benefits from your developments, then you simply must become proficient along these lines.  You must implement the sessions and your knowledge with such personal experience.  This should not be a haphazard affair, left to chance.

Two evenings a week specific suggestions should be used and attempts made.

Now.  Initially these will be nighttime experiences, conducted during sleep.  Your physical bodies will be well-relaxed at the time.

For that matter you will be giving them additional energy and refreshment because of the experiments.  The ideal will be to travel together.  Ruburt already knows how to leave the body, using several methods from the sleep state and immediately before it.

These methods will suffice.  He must also remind himself however to assist you, and to contact your astral self.  If he finds himself astrally awake and sees only your physical body, then you are either on an unconscious astral trip already, or your astral body has not left your physical one.

If he only sees your physical body then he should address you, announce his own out-of-body state and invite you to join him.  If you are still in your body and if conditions are good, you will then leave your body and join him.  If there is no response then you are on an unconscious projection of your own.  When astral contact is made, some manipulations may be necessary in order to maintain them, but there is nothing to worry about if you go your separate ways.

This method simplifies things for you, since on those two nights you need only tell yourself that you will listen for Ruburt’s call.  You will both learn added control by traveling together.  You can also travel further in a cooperative effort.

Now if you make a habit of doing this, of giving these suggestions two evenings a week, you will ultimately be highly successful.  I suggest that the two nights be together.  Ruburt should try on these nights one of his methods as he falls asleep, and if that does not succeed, tell him to use the other methods that he knows from the dream state.

He can explain these to you again so that you know what to expect.  I will give you additional data on those environments that you visit, so that your experiences are paralleled by session discussions throughout the years.  To fully develop yourselves psychically, such experiences are necessary.  They will also serve as themes in your work and in Ruburt’s if they are carried through.

They will give you, again, valuable insights into realities that are not physical, and the period immediately following physical death will hold no shocks for you.

Now then.  You will not need too many experiences before your own confidence will allow you to leave your body without Ruburt’s assistance, but the joint traveling is still important.  You can help guide each other as you do in physical life.

I will help you if a need arises, but beyond that I will give you some instructions while you are in a projected state.  I cannot do this until you achieve a certain proficiency.  When you are ready, and after perhaps a year’s work on your own, I will outline a general program for you to follow.

There are various kinds of environments that you should visit.  You may be more naturally attracted to some over others, and we will deal with a fairly broad spectrum of experiences.  Some of these will involve you in those planes of reality in which personalities more or less recently dead now survive.

You may visit your Miss Callahan, for example, as Ruburt has done.  You may visit others now dead in those terms, with whom you were once acquainted.  Generally speaking, such visits will involve you however with one main environment, so you could do that indefinitely, and we will want you to have more experience than that.  (In Book 1, see Session 28 re Miss Callahan.)

I am not going to let the matter rest here, I assure you.  I will keep at you.

These sessions have their own logic, and their own continuity.  They are leading in certain directions that may not be apparent to you as yet, and they do undergo cycles, which are necessary and natural.

Some of this has to do with my intentions, some with my relative availability.  If you recall what I told you, I am always here to some extent.

During some cycles I am more strongly focused with you than others, but I am always close enough to see that the material is being properly delivered and that the necessary structures are being maintained.  It goes without saying that your own mental attitudes are important.  Without certain attitudes the sessions would have been impossible to begin with.

Your faith in your own work is highly important.  Your own out-of-body experiences, if followed through, will even reinforce the sessions, for you will be experiencing circumstances of which I have already told you.  You will think of questions, therefore, matters that I take for granted.

The more work you do the better I can help you.  There will be seasonal and other variations in your own out-of-body work.  Over a period of years however this sort of thing will iron out.  There are many factors that operate to help or impede our communications, on both your side and mine.

The structure of the sessions was set up because I felt that in the long run the structure itself would be permanent, able to withstand any natural strains, and also strong enough and flexible enough to permit maximum fulfillment.  Many kinds of experiences are possible within it, for example.

It is a psychological structure, as I have explained, and you and Ruburt are both a part of it.

I suggest that on the two evenings, Ruburt take a warm shower – not a hot one – before retiring.  I also suggest contrary to Muldoon that you have a light snack.  Not a heavy one, but enough so the body is comfortable.

You should be comfortably warm, but not overburdened with blankets.  A note to Ruburt, he should keep a robe handy.  Use one book for dreams, and leave it on his desk overnight.  As a preliminary to the instructions I have given you, for 7 days he should give himself dream suggestions, and on several occasions, though not every night, tell himself that he will awaken after a dream and record it.

As he knows, this facilitates out-of-body states on his part.  This should be done a week before you begin your joint experiments.

Now you should begin the same week with new suggestions to recall your dreams, but do it this way, as follows:

Before you sleep, simply imagine your open dream book in the morning, with the dreams recorded.  Imagine that you see so many lines of written words – visualize it, and feel yourself pleased that you have succeeded.  The pleasure at your success is important.  You have been too intellectual.

I will now end the session.  I suggest the first week begin this evening, of preliminary exercise.

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