Monday, December 15, 2014

Other Realities and the Spacious Present

Seth Early Sessions, Vol 6, Session 248

Other Realities

By now it should be obvious to you that you perceive only a small portion of reality; indeed, that your idea of reality is formed and limited by your perceptions.

As you dig deeper into yourself you will find hints of other realities.  Yours is not the only system that exists within what you would call the same space as the physical universe.  You simply do not perceive these other systems.  It is not space or time that divides one system from another.  Habits of perception divide them however.

The same atoms and molecules that are perceived in your system as physical objects are perceived in other systems as entirely different realities.  Basically the same energy that composes a system projects into other systems, and it is perceived differently.  Space, time, size, density, all of these are the results of your own perception.

They have little to do with the nature of basic reality.  Distance has nothing to do with space.  Realities that you can only perceive in terms of light can, for example, exist as sound, as motion, as color, and can have dimensions with which you are completely unfamiliar.  We will end up talking about your quasars, but first we need introductory material.

(In the 246th session I remarked that we’d like Seth to discuss the remarkable quasars, or quasi-stellar radio sources, that have caused so much discussion in astronomical circles lately.  They violate the known laws of physics; although at the limits of our observable universe they are much too bright, and their energy is much too fantastic.)

It is natural of course that you interpret projections from other realities into your own, according to the laws and limitations that seem to apply to your own system.  You cannot however understand much concerning even the basic structure of your own universe unless you make some attempt, at least in imagination, to project yourselves beyond it.

You cannot now do this physically, but you can do this through the use of the inner senses, trances states, hypnosis experiences, and intelligent use of the intuitions and imaginative powers.  The universe is transparent to the inner senses.  It is transparent functionally.  It exists electromagnetically.  All realities within it exist in their own band of intensity.

Collective Action in the Spacious Present

Past, present, and future, as you know, exist at once in the spacious present.  We have been speaking in terms of the personal past, present and future, as it exists for the individual.  Let us now consider the spacious present in different terms.  What does it mean as applied to the question of the origins of your universe, and those events which you consider historical?

What about the cycles of history?  You spoke of these I believe a few days ago.  What about the spacious present and your quasars?  What about your spacious present and the predictions, for example, of Nostradamus?  What about the spacious present and its connection with evolution?  All of these questions follow naturally, and should be here answered.

We must therefore apply the principles of which I have spoken outward from the individual to the environment and the historical sequence which he has himself formed.  This will involve us in a large task, and yet a necessary one.

Those principles which I gave you as applying to the individual must obviously apply to nations and to peoples.  Therefore if the individual can change his own past, then it must follow that a people can change its past, that a nation can change past events, that the future can influence the past historically, and even you see that death can alter a birth.

Actions, even historic actions, within your system, have their reality you see in other systems also, though they will be perceived in quite a different manner.  Remember some of the main points I gave you on probabilities.  You see, in some dimension, Napoleon conquered Europe completely, and the actions resulting from that probability continue in that dimension.

Now.  Psychic energy is the one reality from which all others spring.  The outer environment is a reflection of the inner environment.

When it is realized that man actually constructs his own physical universe and that individual man constructs his own physical image, then you see considerable progress can be made.  It goes without saying that the inhabitants of these other probable systems are every much as real as the inhabitants of your own system.

They would consider your own system as a probable universe.  They dream as you dream.  They utilize atoms and molecules as you do.  The systems are divided, but not separated by space or time.  They coexist but they cannot meet naturally, as the negative universe coexists with your own but is divided from it.

Now the spacious present obviously contains all of these systems, and these systems are all open systems, for the energy that composes them is the same.  They appear to be closed systems, and we shall go more deeply into this particular matter upon another occasion.

You must remember the material I gave you concerning moment points, and the nature of action.  All of that material you see applies here.  Again, you merely perceive a small portion of any given action, and when you cease to perceive it then it seems to you that the action itself ceases, and so an artificial boundary is erected.

It has not occurred to you, you see, to attempt to look over this boundary, so to speak, because you have taken it for granted that nothing exists on the other side.  I am not here speaking necessarily of death, though this is the obvious instance of course.  I am speaking of something much more subtle.  I am speaking of any small, seemingly insignificant action that you perform during and ordinary day, and here we are coming close.

You perceive only the most initial elements of such an action.  It is as if you threw a ball, and could only follow the ball three inches away in space – then the ball would seem to vanish to you.  The action would therefore seem completed.  You would think it idiotic to image what happened to the ball when you could see it no longer, for habit would work in such a way that the disappearance of the ball would seem natural and normal, and a part of the nature of things.

So, comparing the ball to an action, you perceive but the smallest portion of any given action, even one performed by yourself.  It does not occur to you that there is more to perceive.  When the ball goes out of sight, so to speak, you could say for our analogy that it goes into the future.

This would be true as an analogy if time were no more than a series of moments, or if the future were a definite but momentarily unperceived reality.  When you throw this ball however it does not only go outward in one straight line into this future.  Although you see it as doing so, it goes out you see in all directions, in all probabilities, in all possible directions.

Not only are you blind beyond a certain arbitrary point, so that the straight line seems cut off and the action completed, but you are blind to all the other directions, you see, that our ball could and does take.

This is difficult to explain to you.  As an exercise, occasionally catch yourself in some insignificant action – speaking, touching.  If you speak for example be conscious of speaking and hearing yourself speak.  Try to think of the words, or to experience them in terms of color.  In terms of bulk, of density, of distance.  Think of the beginnings of the simple act of which you are normally almost completely unaware, the muscular motions that must be made before one word can be uttered.

Catch yourself in a simple thought and try to experience the beginnings of that action.  You will be led into action indeed in a completely new way.  Then try to experience this simple action as it affects others, not only emotionally and physically in terms of the changes it elicits from their complicated structures, but also the new actions it requires of them.

You will see what a mysterious, complicated and almost unbelievable ballet results from one simple thought or word from any seemingly uncomplicated action.

You may take your break.  But if it seems that we are far afield from the spacious present and quasars, then you are mistaken.

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