Saturday, June 4, 2016

Session 715

Unknown Reality, Session 715

… The concepts of “Unknown” Reality will help expand the consciousness of each of its readers, and the work itself is presented in such a manner that it automatically pulls your awareness out of its usual grooves, so that it bounces back and forth between the standardized version of the world you accept, and the unofficial versions that are sensed but generally unknown to you.

Now as Ruburt delivers this material, the same thing happens in a different way to him, so that in some respects he has been snapping back and forth between dimensions, practicing with the elasticity of his consciousness; and in this book more than in previous ones his consciousness has been sent out further, so to speak.  The delivery of the material itself has helped him to develop the necessary flexibility for his latest pursuits.

Clear understanding of effective exploration of the unknown reality can be achieved only when you are able to leave behind you many “facts” that you have accepted as criteria of experience.  “Unknown” Reality is also written in such a way that it will, I hope, bring many of your cherished beliefs about existence into question.  Then you will be able to look even at this existence with new eyes.

Ruburt is taking this new step from your perspective, and from that standpoint he is doing two things.

He is consciously entering into another room of the psyche, and also entering into the reality that corresponds to it.  This brings the two experiences together so that they coincide.  They are held, however, both separately and in joint focus.  As a rule, you use one particular level of awareness, and this correlates all of your conscious activities.  I told you that the physical body itself was able to pick up other neurological messages besides those to which you usually react.  Now let me add that when a certain proficiency is reached in alterations of consciousness, this allows you to become practically familiar with some of these other neurological messages.  In such a way, Ruburt is able to physically perceive what he is doing in his “library”.

He first saw this library from the inside last Wednesday.  He was simultaneously himself here in this living room, watching the image of himself in a library room, and he was the self in the library.  Before him he saw a wall of books, and the self in the living room suddenly knew that his purpose here in this reality was to re-create some of those books.  He knew that he was working at both levels.  The unknown and the known realities merged, clicked in, and were seen as the opposite sides of each other.

He has been working with me for some time, in your terms, yet I do not “control” his subjective reality in any way.  I have certainly been a teacher to him.  Yet his progress is always his own challenge and responsibility, and basically what he does with my teaching is up to him.

Like many, however, he was brought up to believe that the intellect’s function was mainly to dissect, criticize, and analyze, rather than, for instance, to creatively unite and build: and analysis was thought of as separating the elements of a concept rather than restricting original concepts.  New concepts were thought of as intuitional or psychic, as opposed to the conventional duties of the intellect, so the two seemed separate.  Therefore, Ruburt felt duty-bound to question any intuitive construct most vigorously as a matter of principle.  This actually provided an excellent transitory working method, for what he thought of as intuitions would instantly come up with a new psychic construct in answer to what he thought of as intellectual scrutiny and skepticism.

Actually, the intellect and intuitions go hand in hand.  In Ruburt’s experience, the two finally began to work together as they should.  What I call the high intellect then took over, a superb blend of intuitional and intellectual abilities working together so that they almost seem to form a new facility.

The development freed Ruburt from many old limitations, and allowed him to at last have practical experience with the unknown reality in intimate terms.  Ruburt’s library does exist as surely as this room does.  It also exists as unsurely as this room.  It is one thing to be theoretically convinced that other worlds exist, and to take a certain comfort and joy from the idea.  It is quite another thing to find yourself in such an environment, and to feel the worlds coincide.  Reality is above all practical, so when you expand your concepts concerning the nature of reality, you are apt then to find yourselves scandalized, appalled, or simply disoriented.  So in this work I am presenting you not only with probabilities as conjecture, but, often, showing you how such probabilities affect your daily lives, and giving examples of the ways in which Ruburt’s and Joseph’s lives have been touched.

For a while, many of you will play with the concepts avoiding all direct encounters with any other experience, save that already acceptable.  Yet the immensities of your own abilities speak in your dreams, in your private moments, as even inaudibly in the knowledge of your own molecules.

There are civilizations of the psyche, and only by learning about these will you discover the truth about the “lost” civilizations of your planet, for each such physical culture coincided with and emerged from a corresponding portion of the psyche that you even now possess.

Many of you are fascinated by theories or concepts that hint at the multidimensionality of your beings, and yet you are scandalized by any evidence that supports it.

Often you interpret such evidence in terms of the dogmas with which you are already familiar.  This makes them more acceptable.  Ruburt was often almost indignant when presented with such evidence, but he also refused to cast it in conventionalized guise, and his own curiosity and creative abilities kept him flexible enough so that learning could take place while he maintained normal contact with the world you know.

He has had many experiences in which he glimpsed momentarily the rich otherness within physical reality.  He has known heightened perceptions of a unique nature.  Never before, however, has he stepped firmly, while awake, into another level of reality, where he allowed himself to sense the continual vivid connection between worlds.  He hid his own purpose from himself, as many of you do.  At the same time, he was pursuing it, of course, as all of you are working toward your own goals.

To admit his purpose, however, to bring it out into the open, would mean to Ruburt a private and public statement of affiliation such as he was not able to make earlier.  The goals of each of you differ.  Some of you are embarked upon adventures that deal with intimate family contact, deep personal involvement with children, or with other careers that meet “vertically” with physical experience.  So journeys into unknown realities may be highly intriguing, and represent important sidelights to your current preoccupations.  These interests will be like an avocation to you, adding great understanding and depth to your experience.

Ruburt and Joseph chose to specialize, so to speak, in precisely those excursions or explorations that are secondary to others.  The focus of each of their consciousnesses therefore was made up of a certain kind of mixture that made such probabilities, in your terms, possible as prime incentives.

Each person is at his place or her place.  You are where you are because your consciousness formed that kind of reality.  Your whole physical situation will be geared to it, and your neurological structure will follow the habitual pattern.  As you learn to throw aside old concepts you will begin to experience the evidence for other levels of reality, and become aware of other “messages” that you have previously blocked.  A certain portion of Ruburt’s training period is over.  The entire focus of his personality now accepts the validity of many worlds – and this means in practical terms.

I have told you many times that your consciousness is not stationary, but ever-moving and creative, so that each of you through your life moves through your psyche.  Your physical experience is correspondingly altered.

During these years, then, Ruburt’s position within his psyche has gradually shifted until he found a new, for him better, firmer point of basis.  From this new framework he can more effectively handle different kinds of stimuli, and form these together to construct an understandable model of other realities.  I will continue to speak from my own unique viewpoint, but in your terms Ruburt is one of you, and his explorations, taken from your perspective, can be valuable.

These books, those written and not yet written, of his and mine, will provide frameworks for others to follow if they wish, as they wish.

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