Thursday, June 2, 2016

Session 714

Unknown Reality, Session 714

This is somewhat of a momentous evening for Ruburt … As I speak he is experiencing certain sensations, in which his body feels drastically elongated, the head reaching out beyond the stars, the whole form straddling realities.

Now in a sense the physical body does this always – that is, it sits astride realities, containing within itself dimensions of time and being that cannot be even verbally described.  The cells themselves are “eternal”, though they exist in your world only “for a time”.

The unknown reality and the psyche’s greater existence cannot be separated from the intimate knowledge of the flesh, however, for the life of the flesh takes place within that framework.  As earlier mentioned, the conscious self generally focuses in but one small dimension.  That dimension is experienced as fully as possible, its clear brilliance and exquisite focus possible only because you tune in to it and bring it to the forefront of your attention.  In your terms, when you understand how to do this, then you can begin to tune in to other “stations” as well.

You know where physical reality is, then, on the dial of your multidimensional television set.  While focused within that living scene you can learn to travel through it, leaving the “surface” picture intact and whole.  In a way you program yourself, going about your daily duties as conscientiously and effectively as usual – but at the same time you discover an additional portion of your own reality.  This does not diminish the physical self.  Instead, in fact, it enriches it.  You discover that the psyche has many aspects.  While fully enjoying the physical aspect you find that there is some part of you left over, so to speak; and that part can travel into other realities.  It can also then return, bringing the physically oriented self “snapshots” of its journeys.  These snapshots are usually interpreted in terms of your home program.  Otherwise, they might make no sense to the physical self.

Throughout the ages people have taken such journeys.  The snapshots are developed in the “darkroom” that exists between your world and those visited.  The people who have journeyed into the unknown reality have always been adventurous.  Yet many had already seen the snapshots sent to your world by others, and so they began to clothe their own original visions of their journeys in the guise of those other pictures.  A group of handy ideas, concepts, and images then formed.  The clear vision of such explorers became lost.  Those travelers no longer tried to make their own original snapshots of the strange environments and realities through which they passed.  It was easier to interpret their experiences through the psychic penny postcards.

At one time these postcards represented initial original visions and individual interpretations.  Later, however, they began to serve as guidebooks consulted ahead of time.  For instance: If you plan to travel to a distant country in your own world, you can find such publications to tell you what to expect.  When you journey into other realities, or when your consciousness leaves your body, you can also rely upon guidebooks that program your activities ahead of time.

Instead of telling you that you take an airplane from a certain airport at a certain time for a particular earthly destination, leaving one latitude and longitude and arriving at another set; instead of telling you that you leave your country for another ruled by a dictator, or a president, or by anarchy, they will tell you that you leave this astral plane for any one of a number of others, ruled as the case may be by lords or masters, gods and goddesses.  Instead of pointing out to you, as in earthly travel booklets, the locations of art galleries and museums, they will direct you to the Akashic Records.  Instead of leading you to the archaeological sites of your world and its ruins of previous civilizations, they will tell you how to find Atlantis and Mu and other times in your past.

So you take a psychic guided tour into other realities; the unknown seems known, so that you are not an explorer after all, but a tourist, taking with you the paraphernalia of your own civilization, and beliefs that are quite conventional.

There are inner conventions, then, as there are outer ones.  As the exterior mores try to force you to conform to the generally accepted ideas, so the interior conventions try to force you to make your inner experience conform to preconceived packaging.

There are good reasons for conventions.  Generally, they help organize experience.  If they are lightly held to and accepted, they can serve well as guidelines.  Applied with a heavy hand they become unnecessary dogma, rigidly limiting experience.  This applies to inner and outer activity.  Conventions are the result of stratified and rigid “spontaneity”.  At one time, in your terms, each custom had a meaning.  Each represented a spontaneous gesture, an individual reaction.  When these became a system of order, however, the original spontaneity is lost, and you project an artificial order that serves to stratify behavior rather than to express it.  So there are psychic customs as there are physical ones, religious and psychic dogmas, guided tours of consciousness in which you are told to follow a certain line or a certain program.  You become afraid of your private interpretation of whatever reality you find yourself experiencing.

Ruburt has thus far insisted upon his private vision and his unique expression of the unknown reality as he experiences it, and so he brings back bulletins that do not agree with the conventional psychic line.

The psychic postcards and travel folders are handy and colorful.  They are also highly misleading.

Once individual travelers took those snapshots, and they represented original interpretations of other realities.  They stood for individual versions of certain travelers taking brief glimpses of strange worlds, and interpreting their experiences to the best of their abilities.  As such they were very valid.  They were as valid as any snapshot that you might take of your backyard in the morning.  The picture, however, would vary considerably from one taken by an inhabitant of your planet in a different part of the world, and in a different environment.

If there were discrepancies among the snapshots, however, people worried.  While you expect pictures of your own reality to be diverse, those who journeyed into the unknown reality became concerned if their snapshots did not agree, so they tried desperately to make all of the pictures look alike.  They touched them up, in other words.

First of all, in your own world those travelers into unknown realms were considered outcasts, so to speak, as if they were picking up television programs that no one else saw.  If their stories of their experiences did not jibe, who would believe them?  They felt threatened.  They felt that they had to tell the same story or they would be considered insane, so they made a tacit agreement, interpreting their experiences in the terms used by those who had gone “before”.

You make your own reality.  So, programmed ahead of time, they perceived [data] according to the psychic conventions that had been established.  There are tigers in Asia, but you can travel through Asia and if you do not want to you’ll never see a tiger.  It’s according to where you go.  In the unknown reality your thoughts are instantly made apparent and real, materialized according to your beliefs.  There, if you believe in demons, you will see them – without ever realizing that they are part of the environment of your psyche, formed by your beliefs, and thrown out as mirages over a very real environment that you do not perceive.  You will believe the psychic tour books and go hunting for demons instead of tigers.

Individually and en masse, you form the world that you know, yet it has an overall individual and mass basis so that some things are agreed upon.  You view those things through your own unique vision.  You form the reality.  It is a valid one.  It is experience.  It is not therefore unreal, but one of the appearances that reality takes.  It has a valid basis – an environment that you all accept, in which certain experiences are possible.

The same applies to other realities.  You know there is a difference between, say, the picture before your eyes and a postcard, “artificial”, rendition of it.  So there is a difference between the unknown reality and the postcards that have been given to you to depict it.

In your terms, Ruburt has been out for the real thing – to experience the unknown reality directly through his own perceptions, as divorced from the scenes given him by the postcards.

Jane’s Insights

The spin of electrons is faster than the cellular composition.  The faster speed of the electrons somehow gives the cells their boundaries.  And there’s something that’s in a trance, say, in crystals, that’s alive in the cells.

What I’m getting is a fantastic sound that’s imprisoned in a crystal, that speaks through light, that’s the essence of personality.  I’m getting almost jewel-like colored sounds …

… and we’re speaking of personality now.  As the seed falls, blown by the wind in any environment, so there’s a seed of personality that rides on the wings of itself and falls into the worlds of many times and places.  Falling with a sound that is its own true tone, struck in different chords.

Sounds are aware of their own separateness, gloriously unique, yet each one merging into a symphony.  Each sound recognizes itself as itself, striking the dimensional medium in which it finds its expression; yet it’s aware of the infinite other multitudinous sounds it makes in other realities – the instruments through which it so grandly plays.  Each cell strikes in the same fashion, and so does each self, in a kaleidoscope in which each slightest variation has meaning and affects the individual notes made by all.

So we strike in more realities than one, and I hear those notes together yet separately, perhaps as raindrops, and attempt to put them together and yet hear each separate note …

Seth – or somebody’s saying – maybe it’s just me – relates to the people in our time.  I’ve tried to do the same thing, but I suddenly heard my own true tone which I’m bound to follow … to go beyond the conventionalized postcards.

Note 11: Notes from a personal session – light and sound

The movement of the joints makes sound.  The sounds are messages.  When hormones are released they make sounds.  Those sounds are messages.

I say ‘sounds’ – yet these inner body sounds can only be compared to an interior body situation where sound operates as light.  You are used to thinking in terms of opaque or transparent color.  In those terms there is opaque light, and transparent light as well.  Sound has light value, and light has sound value.  These operate within the body.

Each frequency, so to speak, functions as a messenger, triggering body response before an actual reaction is apparent … In any body difficulty, the light and sound frequencies become out of tune, you might say.  The overall ‘true tone’ is muddied.  When Ruburt began Politics he experienced his ‘true tone’ mentally and psychically.  Though he did not realize it, this gave him something to go by, so that now … he is unconsciously [still] bringing about the physical equivalent of that true tone.

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