Friday, May 22, 2015

Analogies, Multidimensionality and Spacious Present

Seth Early Sessions, Vol 9, Session 428

Use Of Analogies

Now it is important that you realize that we have used analogies rather freely in our last two sessions, for there was no other way to give you any clear concept of the material I wished to present.

Your physical brains simply cannot handle certain kinds of information.  Again, the neurological structure has much to do with this.  You are used to handling certain kinds of concepts, and interpreting them in thus-and-thus fashion, that the pathways for more complicated data simply do not as yet exist in physical terms.

They would emerge.  The neurological structures would create new pathways to accommodate such knowledge when the knowledge itself was sought for.  The brain structures of your race therefore grew more complicated as the inner knowledge sought to make itself known to the physical creature.

I am speaking now in terms of evolution.  The material in the last two sessions was given to you therefore in terms that you could understand.  Multidimensional concepts cannot be received, nor interpreted, at this point by the physical brain.  The mind and the inner self can become aware of such concepts.

Assistance From Other Dimensions

  (“What frameworks, left behind by the traveling self A can be used by others?”)

You know that a star may light a dark universe, and help a wayfarer on his way.  It will serve a purpose and be a reality in your time.  In like manner can personality structures be of assistance and be realities to you within your time, although they have long since entered other dimensions.

That is as close as I can come to answering the question.

There is one difference of course.  The star does not know upon whom its light falls.  It is blind to the landscape that it brightens.  It cannot see that which it illuminates.  In the case of these psychological structures however, because of the multidimensional aspects, there is understanding and purpose.  A portion of that kind of personality structure knows well that while its main focus of consciousness has gone into other dimensions, it will nevertheless be perceived by others at any given point.

It allows the light of its personality to shine purposely down those paths from which it has come, in order to help others who will follow; but the light is the light of vitality, and carries with it traces of the personality who lets it shine.

Mentally and emotionally such a personality may even travel down to help another.  This is a very simplified explanation, for you are not ready to study the reality of multidimensional personality thoroughly.  As thoughts set up traces and new patterns, new electrical pathways in the physical brain, it then becomes easier for the brain to entertain these habitual lines of thought.

It is easier then for similar thoughts to follow.  So in a larger sense, as personalities leave your system, as they travel into other dimensions, they also set up electrical pathways, and each personality who does so makes those paths easier for others.

Now because the spacious present exists, in other terms, these selves are actually in all places at one time.  As you seem to approach different dimensions however, then you seem to approach a personality who exists at the time of your perception of him.

Progression And Purpose In The Spacious Present

This would seem to deny the idea of progression, since I tell you that all portions or all guises, or all aspects and all levels, of any given personality exist at once.  The immediately conscious selves however do progress in their realization.  It is not enough that the inner self knows.  The various immediately conscious portions of personality evolve and change as they recognize these truths.

They come to understand then their basic oneness, while still retaining their own identity, since change is never still.  “By the time” this realization comes, inner value fulfillment has already created new realities.  The answer, as closely as I can approximate it for you, is this: the purpose is being.  This is something different than your idea of brute survival.

Life and consciousness, without the means to express them, are not meaningless, for life and consciousness have their own purposes; and of these purposes I am not prepared now to tell you.

You must realize, again, that nothing is static, psychological activity least of all.

In your state of development you cannot easily understand the meaning of the word “purpose”, for to you the term itself implies an eventual rigidity, a goal with an end, a progression, literally, toward a nothingness that it would have to follow once a goal in those terms was achieved.

The word purpose implies limited dimension.  Value fulfillment has no such implications, and the purposes of which I have spoken are multidimensional.  This is all I will tell you now in that regard.

One aside here: while I am myself as you know me, I am also the other personality that sometimes speaks.  This does not mean that what I am as you know me, ends, or is finished, in what he is.

I am overjoyed to be the self that you know, and I do indeed take pleasure in that existence, and in meeting its responsibilities.  The other personality, which is also myself, has a warm spot in its heart for me, though again, he would not put it in those terms.  He enjoys his own existence.

Both of us are obviously then portions of a larger self, and manifestations of it, but one does not end in the other, and one’s purpose is not to become the other.  We all, quite simply, are.  Keep this sort of thin in mind when you think in terms of purposes.  For the word can distract you, and lead you into narrowing concepts.

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