Saturday, May 14, 2016

Session 699

Unknown Reality, Session 699

In your terms a photograph freezes motions, frames the moment – or all of the moment that you can physically perceive.

In usual circumstances you may remember the emotions that you felt at the time a picture of yourself was taken, and to some extent those emotions may show themselves in gestures or facial expressions.  But the greater subjective reality of that moment does not appear physically in such a photograph.  It completely escapes insofar as its physical appearance within that structure is concerned.  In the same way the past or the future is closed out.  The particular focus necessary to produce such a picture then necessitates the exclusion of other data.  That certainly is obvious.  Because you must manipulate within specific time periods, you do the same kind of thing in daily life, and on a conscious level ignore or exclude such information that is otherwise available.

In a way, one remembered dream can be compared to a psychological photograph, one picture that is not physically materialized, not frozen motion, not framed by either space or time; therefore, many of those ingredients appear that are necessarily left out of any given moment of waking conscious activity.

A remembered dream is a product of several things, but often it is your conscious interpretation of events that initially may have been quite different from your memory of them.  To that extent the dream that you remember is a snapshot of a larger event, taken by your conscious mind.  There are many kinds of varieties of dreams, some more and some less faithful to your memories of them – but as you remember a dream you automatically snatch certain portions of subjective events away from others, and try to “frame” these in space and time in ways that will make sense to your usual orientation.  Even then, however, dream events are so multidimensional that this attempt is often a failure.  It might be easier here, perhaps, if you compare a scene from a dream with a scene in a photograph.  A photograph will show certain events natural to the time in which it was taken.  It will not show, for example, a picture of a Turk at the time of the Crusades.  A dream scene might portray just such a motif, however.

It will help if now and then you imaginatively think of vivid dream imagery as if it appeared in a photograph instead.  As during your lifetime, you collect a series of photographs of yourself, taken in various times and places, so in the dreaming state you “collect” subjective photographs of a different kind.  They do not appear in sequence, however.  Nevertheless, at a conscious level they can provide you with valuable information about your future and your past.

In those normal, generally accepted terms, the images in photographs do not change, move, or alter their relationships.  The living subjective photography of dreams, however, provides a framework in which these “images” have their own mobility.  They represent creativity in far different terms than you usually understand.  You know what physical issue is, because you see the children of your loins, but you do not experience the children of your dreams in the same physical way, nor understand that your dream life is continuous.  It has organization on its own levels that you do not comprehend, and from its rich source you draw much of the energy with which you form your daily experience.  Your conscious mind is the director of that experience.

In your terms, however, you dream whether you are living or dead.  When you are alive, corporally speaking, what you think of as dreaming becomes subordinate to what you refer to as your conscious waking life.  You always examine your dreams then from an “alien” standpoint, one prejudiced in favor of the ordinary waking state.  However, the dreaming condition is consequently experienced in distorted form.  Often it does not seem clear.  By contrast to waking consciousness it can appear hazy, not precise, or off-focus.  This does not always apply, because in some dreams the state of alertness is undeniable.

For many reasons, some mentioned here and some not as yet discussed, you have closed your dreams out of your lives to a large extent.  While you must of course hold accurate focus in time and place, there is still no basic reason why you must so divorce yourselves from dream experience.

Some inventors, writers, scientists, artists, who are used to dealing with creative material directly, are quite aware of the fact that many of their productive ideas came from the dream condition.  They see the results of dream activity in practical physical life.  Many others, though untrained, can clearly trace certain decisions made in waking life to dreams.  Few understand, however, that private reality is like a finished product, rising out of the immense productivity that occurs in the dreaming condition.  Ruburt call this “The Wonderworks”, and with good reason.  In waking life there are fluctuations in your consciousness, periods when you are more or less alert, in your terms, when your attention wanders from issues at hand; or when, instead, you are certainly brilliantly focused in the moment.  So there are gradations of consciousness in the waking state.  Usually you pay little attention to them.

The official line of consciousness that you accepted blithely ignores any deviations, and when such events occur usually continues merrily on as if nothing had happened.  In the dreaming state, such fluctuations also happen.  It should be obvious that there you can leap from time to time.

Much more is involved, however, for there are “separate” strands, if you prefer, of consciousness that are naturally pursued in the dream state, and these can be followed with some training and diligence.  They involve probable “series” of events.  For example, if one particular dream event is chosen for physical materialization, then in your reality other events will appear in due time, and in serial fashion.

You have yourselves painted a pretty enough picture of what you think of as your own reality, as individuals and as a species.  All of your institutions, beliefs, and activities seem to justify your picture, because everything within the overall “frame” will of course seem to agree.

The picture is a relatively simple one, all in all – one in which each consciousness is assumed to be directed toward a particular focus, is ensconced in one body, with its existence bounded by birth at one end and by death at the other.  Unfortunately, that picture is as limited as any one of your photographs.  You are used to examining your dream state from the viewpoint of your “waking” condition, but at some time in the dream state try to examine your normal waking reality.  Simply give yourself the instructions to do so.  You may be quite surprised with the results.  Speaking as simply as I can, and using concepts that you can understand, let me put it this way: From the other side – within what is loosely called the dream state – there is an existence quite as valid as your own, and from that viewpoint you can be considered as the dreamer.  “You” are the part of you concentrating in this reality.  You form it through information and through energy that on the one hand has its source outside this system, and that on the other constantly flows into this system – and so in that respect the systems are united.

The same applies to all consciousness of any type or variety.  In a manner of speaking, then, your cells dream.  There are minute variations of electrical discharge, not now perceivable, that could pinpoint this kind of fluctuation on the part of cells, and also on the part of atoms and molecules.

In your terms, obviously, atoms do not dream of cats chasing dogs, yet there are indeed “lapses” from physical focus that are analogous to your dreaming state.  In those conditions the atoms pursue their own probable activities, and indeed make astounding calculations, bringing into your actuality the necessary probable actions to insure official life forms.  But neither are they limited otherwise, for their other probable directions are also actualized.  On different levels in the dream state, then, you are also subjectively aware of other probable realities.  Your conscious intent is unconsciously brought into the dreaming condition, and that intent helps you sort the data.

So, from other streams of actuality you choose those events that you want physically materialized; and you do this according to your beliefs about the nature of reality.  A photograph is taken, and you have before you then a picture of an event that in your terms has already happened.  In dreams you take many subjective “photographs”, and decide which ones among them you want to materialize in time.  To a certain extent, therefore, the dreams are blueprints for your later snapshots.

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