Thursday, November 5, 2015


Seth Speaks Appendix, Session 595

(concerning Seth’s recounting of past life events) … The general itinerary of my journeys as given in that session (223rd Session) by Ruburt was correct.  There sere some distortions in other portions of that session, however.

The details that so concern you now are, of course, important, and yet in a larger way it is the deep emotional experience of your life that is “later” remembered.  Basically the names and dates are meaningless to the inner self.  Therefore in reincarnational data the emotional values will come through more vividly, and with much less distortion.

You place upon names and dates an importance you presently find of critical import.  You insist upon them to add to the validity of past life narratives, yet these are precisely those things that are forgotten first, and that have least value psychologically.

Certain names will, therefore, spring into immediacy.  You insist that the names be neatly placed, and yet often the inner self has great difficulty in this regard, for names simply do not matter.  Persons and events of meaning, carrying strong emotional charges, will come through far clearer.  Dates that are associated with emotional events will also be recalled.  The past life is like a crossword puzzle that must be put together, but at its center is the emotional reality from which the puzzle springs.

Many such reincarnational narratives are liberally sprinkled with names and dates simply to satisfy those who insist upon them, because the emotional and psychological validity may not be accepted otherwise.  This applies to any kind of reincarnational material, however it may be obtained.

Now if the life in question is a recent one, in your term, the details may be more readily recalled and far more precise.  Even a life centuries ago may be perfect in detail however if it included, for example, battles or events of great import, where the dates themselves were impressed upon the personalities because of the occurrences at those tomes.

Any emotional experience that is highly charged will carry a barrage of details along with it, but usual dates and usual names have little meaning.  They have little meaning in your own reality.  Basically speaking, relationships are far more important, and these you do not forget.

These lives exist simultaneously across the board, however.  This you should not forget.  The useless paraphernalia is not important to the various personalities, however, “now” or “then”.

The reincarnational structure is built along the same lines of existence that you know now.  Some individuals are more intrigued by details than others: A particular “previous personality” may be one who had a great love of detail, in which case you would discover the richness of it.  The particular likes and dislikes of any given personality will also have much to do with the descriptions given of a particular reincarnational episode.

It will do no good to ask deep questions concerning the history of the times of some personality who was impoverished, ignorant, and limited.  He simply would not know the answers.  The picture of any given life, therefore, usually comes through the experience of the personality who lived it.

Again, those details will emerge that were important to him.  In my particular case, I am so unfocused on my own reincarnational selves, and they have gone so far on their own, that I have little feeling of immediacy.  Since we [Seth, Jane and Rob] have been so involved however, those relationships remain important, and in your terms our present relationship was latent then.  The Denmark life exists as much as this one does for you.  “You” are simply focused within this picture of reality.

The reincarnational structure is a psychological one.  It cannot be understood in any other terms.  The distortions and interpretations that have built up about it are natural enough, considering what seems to be your practical experience with the nature of time.

The reality, the validity, the immediacy of those lives do exist simultaneously with your present life.  The distance between one life and another exists psychologically, and not in terms of years or centuries.  The psychological distance, however, can be far more vast.  There are certain lives, as there are certain events in this life, that you may not want to face or deal with.  There may be great temperamental differences in some cases, between your personality in one given life and another – so that your present self simply could not relate to the other’s experience.

You will be more strongly drawn to those “past lives” that somehow reinforce your own at this time.  You realize that your early memories are sparse.  Most of you remember little of the years spent as an infant and child.  You make use of the knowledge gained then, and while it is part of you, you are not aware of it consciously; and so you are not consciously aware of other reincarnational existences.

Earlier in this book I mentioned alternate presents on several occasions, and reincarnational lives are indeed alternate presents.  There is interaction between you and your reincarnational selves constantly.  There is, as your friend Sue Watkins said, “constant action across the board”.

Those selves are not dead, in other words.  Your understanding of this must be limited because you automatically think in terms of one life experience at a time, and in linear patterns of development.  In your terms, a reincarnational self can be aware of your environment, and interact sometimes through your own relationships.

Certain “present happenings” can, indeed, spark such interactions.  In quite other terms, however, the reincarnated personality, while interacting with or through you, can still be having other kinds of experience at other levels.

Because time is open-ended, as you think of it, you can also affect what you would think of as past reincarnational selves, and at times react in and to their environment.  You would usually do this in the dream state, but this is often accomplished just below the level of waking consciousness, and is blotted out by you as you go about your daily business.

Strong emotional associations can often trigger such responses.  Reincarnation, as it is usually explained, in terms of one life before another, is a myth; but a myth enabling many to partially understand facts that they would otherwise dismiss – insisting as they do upon the concept of continuity of time.

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