Saturday, November 14, 2015

ESP Class, 12 January 1971

Seth Speaks, Appendix, ESP Class Session, Tuesday January 12, 1971

(… This was followed by a discussion of the data Seth introduced in last week’s session, concerning the pulsating nature of atoms and molecules – and this in turn led to the consideration of possible origins of so-called flying saucer phenomena.)

In some respects these pulsations represent what happens in some of your flying saucer incidents, for you do not have a vehicle such as the one you think you perceive.  I am speaking of only certain cases, where you have visitors from other realities.

What happens is that you have an attempt to exchange camouflage realities.  The beings entering you plane cannot appear within it as themselves.  Since their atomic structure is not the same as yours, distortions must occur in order to make any contact possible.  Thus you are greeted with a certain set of sense data.  You then try to figure out what is happening but the sense data, you see, means that the event is already distorted to some degree.  The physical vehicles that are often perceived are your interpretation of the event that is actually occurring.

Our friend back here (Paul) could well appear, you see, as a UFO in another aspect of reality, and frighten the inhabitants.  You forget that consciousness is the only true vehicle.  No part of your consciousness is imprisoned within you.  It materializes in one aspect or another.  I use the word “materializes” because it makes sense to you, but it is distortive since it predisposes an appearance within matter.  Yet all realities, as you know, are not physical.

It is theoretically possible, for example, for any of you to disperse your consciousness and become a part of any object in the room – or to fly apart, to disperse yourself out into space – without leaving your sense of identity.  This is not practical in your terms, yet many of you do it to gain refreshment while you are sleeping.  Consciousness by its very characteristics carries the burden of perception.  This is the kind of consciousness you are used to thinking of.  You cannot imagine it without perception in your terms; and yet consciousness can be vital and alive without your idea of perception.  The last part of that sentence is important.

Now, my dear scientific friend over there: Atoms and molecules, minute as they may appear to you, also carry their burden of consciousness and responsibility.  Yet there is a portion of consciousness that can joyfully perceive in a manner that is not dictated by its nature; it can playfully perceive as a creative aspect of its being, without responsibility.  In one manner of speaking the very air about you sings with its own joyful consciousness.  It does not know the same kind of burden of consciousness that often oppresses you.  You are so frightened of death, in your terms, that you dare not turn your consciousness off for one second; for you fear that if you do, indeed, who will be there to turn it back on again?

(“Is the whole entity involved in this dispersion of consciousness, or just the portion of it we know now?”)

It is the way that galaxies form.  It is the way that the universe expands, and it is the way that entities form.  Now, that is your answer.  Chew that one over for a while.

I am pleased because you are thinking this evening, all of you – that is what I want you to do.  Ideas have no reality unless you make them your own.  Make friends or enemies of them.  Fight with them or love them but use and experience them, not only with your intellect but with your feelings.

(Bert spoke of relating to oneself and to others.)

Until you are honest with yourself and become consciously aware of yourself, you cannot honestly relate with others; you will project upon them your own fears and prejudices.  You cannot afford to help them because you have too many insecurities within yourself.  Now, you form the physical reality that you know, individually and en masse.  To change your world you must change your thoughts.  You must become consciously aware of what you tell yourself is true every moment of the day, for that is the reality that you project outward.

(“It sounds like a life-long task just to work out the first half of that, before you can begin to relate to others.”)

It is, indeed.  However, telepathy does exist.  Others are aware, then, to a large extent of what you are thinking and feeling.

(“My true feelings, despite what I might project consciously?”)

The true feelings do not necessarily imply the violent or aggressive feelings.  They also imply the feelings of love and acceptance that are buried beneath your own fears, and those you are terrified of expressing in physical reality.

(“I think I understand then, that all of these different levels of my consciousness are being communicated – not only by me consciously but also telepathically.”)

That is true.  When you project your ideas outward, you often behave as if they were not yours but belonged to another.  Therefore it behooves you to understand what your ideas and feelings are, and not to be frightened of them.

(Jim told of finding a man asleep at his work.  Jim explained his ideas and emotions concerning the incident, and wanted to know how he could change them.)

You can indeed change them, but do not deny the part of you that wanted to wring the other man’s neck.  You were so frightened of the thought that you immediately inhibited it.  Let us consider.  You are terrified of the idea that evil is more powerful than good, that one stray violent thought of yours was more important and powerful than the vitality of good.  At least you were aware of the thought.  Now say the following happened, that in you terms you progressed to the point where you were no longer aware of the feeling - 

(“You don’t just automatically think good things about this fellow, and repress the negative thoughts without become aware of what you felt.”)

Of course, so your muscles tensed, your adrenalin production increased.  You wanted to wring his neck but you said, “God bless you, my fine fellow.  May you live a long and merry life”.

Telepathically, our fine young fellow knew exactly what you were feeling.  You were out of contact with your feelings.  At this point of your spiritual progression, you only imagined that you wished him good.  The muscles were already contracted in your body because you did not admit your true feelings.

Now three weeks later we have another encounter.  Our poor ignorant workman again falls asleep at his chores.  Our good minister comes by.  He sees the idle one upon the floor snoozing, and he thinks, “I would like to kick you in the you-know-where”.  But then, “Oh no, I cannot think such an unchristian thought.  Violence is wrong”.  So before he even admits to himself what he feels, hiding any acknowledgement of aggression, he bends down and says, “My good man, may you live long and heartily.  God bless your life.”  He pats himself upon the back and thinks, “I am growing more spiritual day by day.”

In the meantime, his muscles have contracted ten times because they could not be put into activity, as the thought behind them was denied.  Our poor man is again subconsciously aware of the intent, but only to some degree.

Three months later you have had a really bad day.  You are mad at life in general, and now you find our friend upon the floor again; this time, perhaps, he is asleep at a somewhat more important chore that you wanted done.  Now far be it from me to accuse you of such an act, even in a fantasy, but this time you are out of your mind.  Again, it behooves you to deny your true feelings in order to be spiritual – which is not true spirituality – and you say again, “God bless you, may you go in peace.”

This time the psychic safety valve has had too much.  The nicest thing that could happen would be that you suddenly blew your stack and kicked him.  The worst thing that could happen would be that once again you restrain the acknowledgement of the pent up, perfectly natural aggression that is now ready to explode – so you send out a thought-form out of all proportion to any of the events that have transpired.  The thought-form causes your friend severe harm; and all of this because you were afraid that one stray aggressive thought of yours was more powerful than the vitality that resides in each of you.

The most important thing, however, is to acknowledge the feeling as legitimate, with its own realm of existence, to admit it as a part of yourself.  Then choose how you want to deal with it.  You do not make others the brunt of your anger; anger is merely a method of communications.

Originally you were not angry enough to kick him.  The thought existed, but it wasn’t strong enough to bring about the physical reaction even if you had fully admitted it.

You should first of all admit that the feelings exist as a part of yourself, at the ego level.  Whenever you close your feelings off from yourself you are, in your terms, less alive.  Then, as far as is possible, communicate those feelings verbally in whatever way you choose.  Use anger as a method of communication.  Often it will lead to results that you do not think of, and beneficial ones.

You certainly understand that I am doing with your case the same thing that I have done with others, so please do not be offended.  I do not want any of you, you see, to use these ideas as superficial bandages for your bleeding psyches … So you are not as bad as I pegged you.  You might be inclined in the direction I have indicated, but then so is everyone else in the room, including Ruburt.

(“Now would you define bad in that context?”)

I do not define bad.  When I use the term it is according to your own definition.  You have an idea that good is gentle and bad is violent.  This is because in your mind violence and destruction are the same thing.  By this analogy, you see, the soft voice is the holy voice and the loud voice the wicked one, and a strong desire is the bad desire and a weak desire the good one.  You become afraid of projecting ideas or desires outward, for in the back of your mind you thing that what is powerful is evil.

Instead, I am telling you that the universe is a good universe.  It knows its own vitality, and that vitality is within you.  You can encourage it freely.  Your own nature is a good nature and you can trust it.  Because something is difficult does not mean it is good.

  I have one message for our friend over here, however, and it is quite simple.  When you do not know what to do, relax and tell yourself that other portions of yourself do know; they will take over.  Give yourself some rest.  Remind yourself that in many ways you are a very successful person as you are.  Success does not necessarily involve great intellect or great position or great wealth; it has to do with inner integrity.  Remember that.

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