Saturday, September 19, 2015

Probabilities, The Nature of Good and Evil, and Religious Symbolism (2)

Seth Speaks, Session 569

Probabilities, The Nature of Good and Evil, and Religious Symbolism (2)

Generally speaking, once Speaker always a Speaker, in your terms.  In some incarnations, the abilities might be used so powerfully that all other aspects of the personality remained in the background.  At other times the capacities might be timidly used.  The Speakers posses an extraordinary vividness of feeling and thought projection.

They can impress others with greater import through their communications.  They can move from inner to outer reality with easy ability.  They know instinctively how to use symbolism.  They are highly creative on an unconscious level, constantly forming psychic frameworks beneath normal consciousness that can be used both by themselves and others in dream and trance states.  They often appear to others in the dream condition, and they help dreamers in the manipulation of inner reality.  They form images with which the dreamers can relate, images that can be used as bridges and then as gateways into kinds of consciousness more separated from your own.

The symbolism of the gods, the idea of the gods on Olympus, for example, the crossing-over point at the River Styx – that kind of phenomenon was originated by the Speakers.  The symbolisms and frameworks of religion, therefore, had to exist not only in the physical world but also in the unconscious one.  Outside of your own framework, houses as such or dwellings as such are not needed, and yet in trance encounters or dream encounters with other realities, such structures are frequently seen.  They are transformations of data into terms that will be meaningful to you.

After death, for example, an individual may continue to create these – masses of individuals may – until they realize that the frameworks are no longer necessary.  The Speakers were not confined in their activities, therefore, to waking consciousness.  In all periods of your time they went about their duties both in the waking and sleep state.  Much of the most pertinent information, in act, was memorized by trainees during the dream condition, and passed on in the same manner.  These unwritten manuscripts therefore were also illustrated, so to speak, by dream journeys or field trips into other kinds of reality.  Such training still goes on.  The particular psychic or story framework may vary.  For example, conventional images of the Christian God and the saints may be utilized by the Speakers, with all of this highly vivid.  The dreamer may find himself then in a magnificent harem, or instead in a brilliantly illuminated field or sky.  Some Speakers confine their abilities to the dream state; and, waking, are largely unconscious of their own abilities or experience.

Now it is meaningless to call such dreams or dream places hallucinations, for they are representations of definite “objective” realities that you cannot perceive as yet in their own guise.  The Egyptian religion was largely based upon the work of the Speakers, and great care was given to their training.  The outward manifestations given to the masses of the people became so distorted, however, that the original unity of the religion finally decayed.

However, efforts were being made then to map inner reality in ways that have not been attempted since.  It is true that in the dream state and in some other levels of existence close to your own, there is strong individual play in the creation of images, and a magnificent use of symbolism, but all of this takes place, again, in an “objective” definite environment, an environment whose characteristics make such phenomena possible – a field of activity, then, with its own rules.  Now the Speakers are familiar with those rules, and often serve as guides.  They have at times worked within organizations as in Egypt, where they worked through the temples and became involved with the power structures.  As a rule, however, they are far more solitary.

Because of the true simultaneous nature of time, they are, of course, speaking to all of your ages at once through their various manifestations.  On occasion they also serve as mediators, introducing to each other two incarnations of one personality, for example.

The rules within physical reality say that objects appear to be stationary and permanent.  The rules of other realities are often far different, however.  The nature of mental activities will follow different lines, and “continuity” in terms of time will not exist.  Perceptual organization will exist by the use of different psychological groupings.

From the outside, such systems would seem meaningless to you even if you were able to perceive them.  You would not be able to observe the pivot points about which actions occurred.  The very definite rules of that system then would be quite obscure to you.

Now the Speakers are familiar with the rules within many systems.  Still, however, most of these systems in larger terms are somewhat connected with your own kind of reality.  There are an infinite number of inner universes.  Only the very highest, most developed gestalt consciousness can be aware of anything like their totality.  In this larger context, then, the Speakers must be called local.  There is something like a chart mapping many of the nearby systems of reality, and I hope some day in your terms to make this available.  In order to do so, Ruburt must be trained somewhat more intensely.  There are points of coincidence where under certain conditions entry may be made from one of these systems to the other.  They need not exist separately in space as you know it, of course.

These are called coordination points, where one camouflage merges into the other.  Some of these are geographical in your system, but in all cases, a tuning-in of consciousness is a necessary preliminary.  Such entries can only be made in an out-of-body condition.  Each individual in his dreams has access to the information possessed by the Speakers.  There are adjacent states of consciousness that occur within the sleep pattern, that cannot be picked up by your EEG’s – adjacent “corridors” through which your consciousness travels.

The higher centers of intuition are activated while physically oriented portions of consciousness remain with the body.  The “absent” portion of the self cannot be traced through brain patterns, though the point of its departure and the point of its return may show a particular pattern.  The “time out” itself, however, will not be detected in any way, the tracings showing only whatever characteristic pattern was being given immediately before departure.

Now this happens in every night’s sleep.  Two areas of activity are involved, one very passive and one acutely active.  In one state this portion of consciousness is passive, receiving information.  In the next stage it is active as it takes part through action – the concepts given it are then vividly perceived through participation and examples.  This is the most protected area of sleep.  The rejuvenating characteristics enter in here, and it is during this period that the Speakers act as teachers and guides.

This information is, then often interpreted on return by other layers of the self such as the body consciousness and subconscious, where it is formed into dreams that will have meaning to these areas of the self and where general teaching, for example, may be translated into practical advice involving a particular matter.

There are several very definite stages of sleep, and they all perform various services for the personality.  They are also signals for different layers of consciousness, realization, and activity.  They are accompanied by some physical variations, and there are some variations having to do with age.

In our next chapter I will speak of these in some detail.  For now it is sufficient to realize that specific steps, definite alterations, occur as consciousness is shifted from the exterior to the interior reality, and that these changes are not random; that consciousness leaves through a very predictable route to its many destinations.  Through the ages the Speakers have taught dreamers how to manipulate in these other environments.  They have taught them how to bring back information that could be used for the good of the present personality.  According to the intent, present purpose, and development, an individual may be aware of these travels to varying degrees.  Some have excellent recall, for example, but often misinterpret their experience because of conscious ideas.

It is very possible for one dreamer who is a Speaker, to go to the aid of another individual who is having some difficulties in an inner reality within the dream state.  The idea of guardian angels of course is highly connected here.  A good Speaker is as effective within one reality as he is within the other, creating psychic frameworks within physical reality as well as within interior environments.  Many artists, poets, and musicians are Speakers, translating one world in terms of another, forming psychic structures that exist in both with great validity – structures that may be perceived from more than one reality at once.

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