Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Experience and Travel Beyond Camouflage Reality

Seth Early Sessions, Vol 7, Session 287

Experience Has Nothing To Do With Time

Experience is built up layer upon layer, along the lines of continual moments.  Basically experience has nothing to do with time as you know it.  Experience is felt in terms of intensities and value fulfillment.  As you should know, an experience lasting only a few moments can outweigh in significance a much more lasting one.  The dream experience is rather independent of physical time, and its experience, or rather its intensity, is felt more directly while you are in the dream situation.

Later you may not recall it, but you have a more direct connection with reality in the dream state, and the intensity of the dream experience is more completely perceived.  I am speaking now in terms of basic reality.  It is less camouflaged in the dream state.  For this reason, in any projections you may be startled, for here you also enter a less strictly camouflaged situation.

You will sometimes automatically translate this reality into physical terms.  Such images will be hallucinatory, but it may take a while for you to distinguish their real nature.  It must be understood however here that all physical objects are also hallucinatory.  They may be called mass hallucinations.

There is a constant translation of inner reality into objects in the waking state, and a constant translation of ideas into pseudo objects in the dreaming state.  Within a certain portion of dream reality, ideas or thoughts can be translated into pseudo objects, and transported.  This can only happen within certain ranges of intensities.  This is what happens when you adopt a pseudo form in projections, though I am simplifying this considerably.

Travel Beyond Camouflage Reality

When you travel, so to speak, beyond a certain range of intensities, even pseudo objects must vanish.  They exist in a cluster about, and connected to, your own system.  The lack of even pseudo objects obviously means that you have gone beyond your camouflage system.  If it were possible for you, you would then travel through a range of intensities in which no camouflage existed.  Then you would encounter the pseudo camouflage, you see, of the next system.  This would or would not be physical matter, according to the system.

You would then encounter the heart of the camouflage area.  The completely uncamouflaged areas at the outer edges of the various systems should remind you of the undifferentiated areas between various life cycles in the subconscious.  This is no coincidence, as this general setup occurs in all realities.

As a rule there is little communication, you see, through those uncamouflaged or undifferentiated areas.  They act in fact as boundaries, even while they represent the basic stuff of which all camouflage is composed.  Without the camouflage, you see, you would perceive nothing using the physical senses.

The sentence is really meaningless however, because the physical senses themselves are camouflage, you see.  There would be nothing to translate.  It is only use of the inner senses that will allow you to perceive under these circumstances.  Theoretically, if you can bridge the gap between various reincarnations, then you can bridge the gap between your system and another.

Once more, the undifferentiated layers or areas are composed of the vitality that forms the camouflage of all systems.  It is not therefore – that is, such an area is not, therefore – a separate thing in itself, but simply a portion of vitality that contains no camouflage, and is therefore again unrecognizable to those within any given system.

Now, there is a connection between these areas and idea of infinity.

You are in touch with infinity in such undifferentiated areas, for it is only camouflage that gives you your conception of time.

Now during some projections you may be aware of nothing as far as surroundings are concerned.  There will be only the mobility of your own consciousness.  If this ever occurs you will be traveling through such an uncamouflaged area.  You could then expect to encounter next a more differentiated environment, that seemed to become more clear as you progressed toward the heart of another system.

The completely uncamouflaged layer could be rather bewildering.  However you might automatically attempt to project images within it.  The images would not take, so to speak, but would appear and disappear with great rapidity.  This would be a silent area.  Thoughts as a rule would not be perceived here, for the symbols that form them would not be understood.

The thoughts would not be perceived if they were present, you see.  If a certain intensity is reached here however, a peak intensity, then you could perceive the spacious present as it exists within your native system.  You could, from this peak, theoretically look into the other system, but you would not understand what you perceived.  You would not have the proper root assumptions, you see.

I have used here the idea of two neighboring systems for simplicity’s sake, as if they were laid out end to end.  Obviously such is not the case.  The systems are more like the various segments of a tangerine, with the uncamouflaged boundary areas like the white membrane between the tangerine sections.

The tangerine then would be compared to a group of many systems, and yet it would represent in itself but one small portion of an unperceived whole.  The tangerine would be but one segment, you see, of a larger system.  You can see then why projections lead you in a far different direction from your normal linear sort of travel, and why time as you know it would be meaningless.

Nor do such projections involve necessarily journeys through space as you know it.  There are systems, extremely vivid in intensity, that have no existence in physical reality.  It is now thought, I believe, that time and space are basically one, but they are both part of something else.  They are merely the camouflage patterns by which you perceive reality.  Space, as you experience it in the dream state, comes much closer to reality.

Projections that deal with your own system will of course involve you in some kind of camouflage.  If none is present you know you are out of the system.  The dream universe is obviously then strongly connected with your own, since pseudo images are present.  Already you are free to some extent from the space-time reality of your system.  Therefore within the dream state you are in the outward areas of your physically oriented universe, you see.

There are other systems all about, and within your own.

The undifferentiated layers move out like spirals then, through all reality.  Little resistance is encountered with them.  They represent inner roads that connect systems as well as divide them.

The traveler must leave his own camouflage paraphernalia completely behind however, or he will go nowhere.  It is possible, theoretically, to travel to any system in this manner, and bypass others you see.  Such a traveler would not age physically.  His physical body would be in a suspended state.  The traveling consciousness would lose all physical conception of time however.  A very few individuals have traveled in this manner to any extensive degree.  Most of the knowledge gained escapes the physical organism however, for the experiences could not be translated by the physical brain.

Now again, theoretically, it is possible to travel under such circumstances and perceive experiences that would ordinarily take you centuries, physically speaking, and in only a flash of your time.

Practically speaking, this is seldom done, but it has been on occasion.  The brain cannot contain such episodes.  A portion of the self would retain these experiences.  Now in a creative individual, some of these could be expressed symbolically in a painting or other work of art, but the ego could not consider them as actual.

Now, each brush stoke of a painting represents concentrated experience, and compressed perceptions.  In a good painting these almost explode when perceived by the lively consciousness of another.  The observer is washed over by intensities.  Again, experience that has nothing to do with physical time.  The same can be said for a successful poem, though here I speak of Ruburt’s knowledge of poetry, rather than of any of my own.

The excellent work of art recreates for the observer inner experience of his own also, of which he has perhaps never been aware.  As you know, paintings have motion, yet the painting itself does not move.  This idea perhaps will help you to understand experience in terms of intensity, and projections, or the movement of consciousness, without necessarily any involvement with space.

True motion has absolutely nothing to do with space.  The only real motion is that of the traveling consciousness.  Spatially, a painting is flat.  Its reality leaps out from its physical dimensions, and completely escapes them.  The depths within the painting do not physically exist, yet they are perceived.

Your physical time is something like this.  There is a strong connection here I have been trying to get through, but it is for now too difficult for Ruburt to catch.  All of the experience an artist has gained is in any given painting, not physically perceived, but strongly perceived by the inner senses.

This is coded, shielded, even from his own ego.  Each painting that is successful forces the consciousness to travel into it, in ways that I will more thoroughly explain.

The spacious present is always present in any work of art.  As you should know, there is a difference in the type of mobility of an objective painting, and an abstract one.  The fluidity or the spacious present pervades the dream state as it pervades a painting, but the images are projected into the spacious present by the dreamer, according to his own understanding and experience.

Now, some systems have no basic form, but adopt the form, the forms, thrust upon it.  Your own system is obviously one of these.  Other systems, by their very nature, set up a resistance, that resists.  There is in such cases a constant battle of forms.

We will save this for another session, however.

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