Thursday, February 5, 2015

Dream Images And Cellular Consciousness

Seth Early Sessions, Vol 7, Session 290

Dream Images And Cellular Consciousness

I have a few comments to make concerning the article on dreams, that you read in the paper.

Maturity has nothing to do with the meaning of the reptiles and mammals mentioned as dream images.  There is a generic imprint stamped within the cells, and at various levels of cell consciousness.  These are reactivated.  The images do not represent maturity nor immaturity, but are simply designations natural to a particular level of cellular consciousness.

The difference noted in this respect between the dreams of men and women are only differences apparent within your own structure of civilization.  In your social framework women are afraid of reptiles, and they do not consciously remember dreams involving these.  Except in strong nightmare situations, they repress those images.  They remember the mammal dreams more easily however because mammals are warm blooded creatures whose reproductive systems bear similarities to your own.

Men repress many mammalian images in your particular civilization, because they do not want to be reminded of the female’s reproductive advantages.  But these apply to your social frameworks alone.  The level of sleep is the real indicator.  The individual becomes aware of cellular consciousness at certain sleep levels.

Cellular consciousness itself straddles, so to speak, various levels of sleep activity.  Various aspects of it come to the forefront at definite times.  This consciousness is constant, whether you wake or sleep.  It existed before the ego’s formation, and in many cases exists after the ego’s organization is altered.  In sleep cellular consciousness often intrudes into the dream process, appearing in the form of dream images.  Cellular consciousness is highly codified in actuality, much more emotional than visual, and the visual dream images are but translations of inner comprehensions.

The bird dreams are in this same category.  No generalizations can completely answer these questions however, for despite them individuals, regardless of their sex, will show great variations in the dream images that they recall or forget entirely.

Children recall animal dreams more frequently simply because they are closer to cellular consciousness to begin with.  Such dreams do carry the individual out away from ego identity, and at the same time closer to an inner identity that the ego usually attempts to deny.

Such dreams do not basically imply a return to a distant past, for to the cells all things are present.  This reality is a basic part of your present existence, and simply represents a dimension of actuality that the ego cannot, by its nature, admit.

Now, the future is also present in cellular consciousness.  The ego, again, simply censors dreams from the cellular consciousness level when they deal with time that is not yet physical in your terms.  Cellular consciousness is usually considered as simply a repository for past knowledge having to do with personal or racial existence.  Because of the spacious present however, cellular consciousness also contains blueprints of the future.

One again, however, these are of course blueprints of probabilities.  As you know, the past itself is constantly changed as your own attitude toward it changes.  Therefore you see, even dealing with the past, cellular consciousness does not involve knowledge of a closed and finished time of existence.  Obviously then, the future is also constantly changing.  Cellular consciousness mirrors these changes, you see.

The organism is the center of this happening, then, the core.  The ego attempts to stand apart and observe, but in order to do so it narrows the available field of perception.  Once it has formed its characteristics, it has already become too specialized to do more than observe certain limited fields of activity.  It is of course itself observed by the inner ego, which has managed to maintain its position securely within subjective reality, where it has a wider though somewhat less intense viewpoint.

The inner ego sees and knows itself as a part of this action or happening, and sees the entire identity existing in various dimensions simultaneously.  The outer ego attempts to cut action short, and so its viewpoint is limited by its own attempt.  It perceives its birth and its death, but not beyond its birth or its death.

Cellular consciousness is a part of the consciousness of the inner ego or inner self.  Very loosely speaking, cellular consciousness is to the inner self what the subconscious is to the outer ego.  There are of course many differences however.

Cellular consciousness is therefore expansive.

The expansion is in all directions, so to speak.  We have not quite completely explained the idea of traveling through intensities to you, simply because words are inadequate.  The idea of traveling through intensities gives the result, in your system, of traveling through time, as I have told you.

You know that this is distortive.  You recognize elements from the past, since your ego is familiar with them.  You accept them into the organization of your perception on a conscious level, usually.  The ego does not recognize elements of the future when they do appear within dreams, and it does not therefore admit them into perceptive patterns.  The ego does not perceive their significance.  It is only for this reason that certain events seem to be always in your future:  this lack of recognition, identification, acceptance and organization into patterns that can be used and manipulated.

In your dreams, in other words, you are familiar with images like the mammals and reptiles, that would seem not to belong to the present.  These however would seem to belong to the future rather than to the past, and these you forget almost instantly, as a rule.  This does not mean that some individuals do not recall them.

Even if they are recalled as dreams however, they may appear meaningless, for they are unfamiliar to the ego.  Yesterday’s events reenacted in a dream touch off familiarity.  Tomorrow’s events in tonight’s dreams do not, not at least to the ego.  Generic codes apply in other words to the future as well as to the past, but mankind does not generally perceive them as such for they appear meaningless to the ego, because of the ego’s inherent nature and limitations.

Tonight’s material will take us even further into a study of reality.  Read the session over well.

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