Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Basic Reality

Seth Early Sessions, Vol 6, Session 267

Basic Reality

Now.  As I said earlier, sense data does have a reality, but this reality does not reside in an object.  The object represents your interpretation of the basic reality.  The energy belongs to the idea.  In other words, the prime energy within physical reality resides precisely in those intangibles which do not, because of their nature, appear within physical frameworks.  They give life and reality to the physical framework.

There is not something “out there”, you see, which exists independently.  There is something within that exists independently, and whose reality you perceive in a highly distorted fashion, through the use of the outer senses.

The inner senses can and do perceive this reality in an undistorted fashion. 

The Brain Is A Camouflage Pattern

Your brain is itself a camouflage pattern.  It can only translate and perceive what seems to be the evidence of the physical senses.  It cannot step outside of itself.  It is that which it attempts to investigate.

It is as much camouflage as the glass on the table, and its knowledge must come through the physical system. 

The Mind Sees The Energy That Exists

Now.  The mind is uncamouflaged.  It perceives the uncamouflaged reality of sense data or it sees the energy that exists.  It sees the energy independently of the physical object, you see.

You can intellectually understand what I am telling you, but the brain cannot experience reality directly.  This experience must come from the mind, through the use of the inner senses.  I want it understood that camouflaged physical reality is indeed a reality, even while it is a distortion of something else.

The Nature of Matter

The material that I have given you on the nature of matter should make it clear that every atom and molecule has its own condensed, coded consciousness, and that no gestalt or formation of any kind can occur without the cooperation and comprehension of the consciousness involved.

The idea shape itself is not one unitary thing, for example.  The idea shape of this chair is not an absolute unitary, disembodied, or unspirited concept.  The idea shape of this chair is a composite, a gestalt, formed on the part of each atom and molecule that composes it.

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