Monday, July 2, 2018

"The Change" as flow

The following Rita discussion on "The Change" is very interesting and leads ultimately to insights on manifestation or YCYOR (You Create Your Own Reality).  The last paragraph is particularly important and reminds me of the following Edgar Cayce quote:

"Meet the problems first, though, in the spiritual; then the mental and the material results will become more satisfactory." - Edgar Cayce reading 459-12

"The Change" as flow

From DeMarco, Frank. Rita's World Vol 2: A View from the Non-Physical (Kindle Location 4004). Rainbow Ridge Books. Kindle Edition".

(A) Now, consider.  Does everyone on Earth change houses on the same day?  Would it be a good thing if they did, or could?  Is everyone at the same stage of contentment or discontentment about their current home?  There is no more reason to expect everyone to be in sync about The Change than there is to expect them to play Musical Chairs about their houses all on the same day.

(Q) Obvious, when you put it that way.

(A) Is there some big external event that causes everyone to move?  Or is there a continuing slow-motion tsunami that sweeps them along?  Or a sort of ebb and flow that carries them generally?  Or a basic stability that is occasionally interrupted?  The short answer is, yes and no, and you ain't seen the half of it.

Reality is experienced one person at a time, and the reality I experienced in World War II was very different from [her second husband] Martin's, or a soldier's, or a factory worker's, or a teacher's, or a grandmother's, or a schoolchild's.  There were common orienting themes but they all played out according to individual natures, then, and always.

(Q) In other words, in a sense what we experience as "external" reality is a fiction.

(A) Well, that needs to be looked at.  You can't talk World War II away.  It happened.  It affected everyone on Earth, more as time went on, so that, for instance, given that 1980 would have been unrecognizably different if the war hadn't happened, you can see that major events utterly transfrom the field of possibilities. But that doesn't mean that any two people experienced the war - or anything - the same way.  Similarly in so far as they themselves were similar; totally differently in so far as they differed from each other.

(Q) I once met a man who said he carried a volume of Thoreau all through the campaign in Europe in 1944-45.

(A) And you talked to many men, and all their wars were different, of course, as was your friend's experience of growing up in a world in which there were no men of a certain age range because they were off to war.

(Q) I remember the man in Scotland, too, who grew up in Glasgow and saw it filled with Americans racing around in jeeps and trucks and all, and then one day they went away and never came back - and nobody thought to explain to a four- or five-year-old boy about D-Day and all.

(A) You yourself could remember probably a hundred people's second-hand glimpses of the war.  It should be enough to show you the interaction between individuals and social reality.

So, yes, there is a big The Change going on, and yes, it is experienced one individual at a time, but yes, given that "individuals" are themselves communities interacting along threads, you go right back to "we're all in this together", but yes, each individual community is at a different stage of development, so experiences something a little different.

(Q) Huh!  I don't know if it is in the actual words, but I certainly have the sense, from this, that it really does depend on your point of view how it looks.  In a way, you could say it depends on how we choose to look at it.

(A) Of course.  That's what "create your own reality" is!

(Q) I beg your pardon?

(A) Your life is what you make it.  You can't wish away what you don't like, but you canchange things, at many levels.  The more levels you are able to change, the greater your command of your life.  The ironic thing, as I realize now, is that you can all change everything or anything, and it is merely a matter of coming to the point of realizing it.  However, that a pretty big "merely".

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