Friday, June 15, 2018

Rita on channeling

Opportunity costs

From DeMarco, Frank. Rita's World Vol 2: A View from the Non-Physical (Kindle Location 3221). Rainbow Ridge Books. Kindle Edition".

(A) Now about the process [of communicating].

First, any form of prolonged, sustained, attention is going to cost something.  The more you do it, the easier it is, like anything in life, but - like anything in life - it doesn't come free.  So, if you are going to make such communication a larger part of your everyday routine, merely realize that you cannot just add, but must substitute.

(Q) Opportunity costs - if you're going to do this, you have correspondingly less energy for anything else.

(A) Merely common sense, isn't it?  If you practice basketball six hours a day, you can't do the kinds of other things you might have done - whatever they might be - in those hours. Six hours spent here cannot be addedto the 24 in a day; they are chosen and devoted, and whatever else you wish to do must be done in the remaining 18.  Not a complicated thought.

(Q) All right, clear enough.

(A) How much energy it is going to take will depend upon how open you are to the process, how much practice you have given it, how far out you wish to go -

(Q) More on that last?

(A) The wider I have to range to find the information - that's how it will look to you - the greater the energy expenditure on your end, because of the strain.

(Q) I'm getting the idea, but it hasn't been said clearly yet.  I think you mean, the greater the divergence between our normal thinking and what we bring in, the more it costs.

(A) That makes it seem too unusual.  Let's look at it.

What is learning, anyway?  Couldn't you say it is the assimilation of new connections into your already-existing network of ideas about reality?  Little children are like sponges, because the process asks little of them; that is, each new bit of information has relatively little relating it must do.  But as you accumulate an ever-larger network of interrelated ideas about reality, every new fact requires to be connected to an ever-larger total, and the effort can become exhausting, particularly if one of your values is [to have] a fixedview of what is.

As a practical matter, you can't be continuously readjusting everything, although that would be the ideal.  So, either you stop taking in new ways of seeing things, or you begin to accumulate clusters of thoughts about things clusters that don't necessarily interrelate.  Thus, you wind up perhaps believing contradictory things in different parts of your mind, and this is only partly because of the influence of various strands within your community of you.  Partly it isthat - different strands accepting or resisting different kinds of new data - but partly it is sheer information overload, or another form of museum fatigue.

Surely it is obvious that if you connect with someone, and the information and context are close to what you already know and value, the strain upon you is going to be less than if you go looking for (or if you stumble upon) something very far from your accustomed mental and moral boundaries.  At an extreme, the material must be "channeled", because there is no way the conscious personality would be able to accept it.  But even as in your case, some ideas are more easily brought in than others.

Those two factors alone are enough to keep in mind.  Fatigue from the work itself, as from any work; and fatigue from the amount of mental reorganization that may be necessary.

(Q) I suppose there are other factors.

(A) There are always additional factors, in anything.  But these two are the chief factors to be considered.  And now your hour is up.

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